Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011


Untuk pengetahuan smua, sebuah planet bernama Nibiru  atau planet x(oleh
NASA) sedang melengkapkan putaran orbitnya yang berlaku setiap 3600
tahun. planet ini 100 kali ganda besar bumi dan sama besar dengan planet
jupiter( musytari). dijangkakan pada 21/12/2012 planet ini akan memberi
kesan paling dahsyat kepada bumi dengan memutarkan kutub2 ke kedudukan
terbalik( polar shifting) yang dijangkakan o NASA. bulan mei 2009 nanti
planet ini akan jelas kelihatan oleh semua pnduduk bumi..so sama2 kita


mereka mengaitkan peristiwa ini seperti yang pernah berlaku banjir besar
zaman Nabi Nuh AS dahulu..planet ini tak menghentam bumi tapi tarikan
gravitinya yang sangat kuat akan mengganggu bumi.ia hanya akan lalu
diantara bumi dan matahari dimana kecerahannya berwarna kemerah-merahan
seakan-akan anak matahari.(tanda besar kiamat? objek merah di langit
kelihatan AS dan negara2 barat lain sedang sibuk membuat persiapan
menghadapi keadaan ini dengan membina beberapa penempatan sementara di
banjaran2 gunung lengkap dengan makanan yang mampu bertahan 3 tahun
kerana dianggarkan 2/3 penduduk bumi akan lenyap. di norway misalnya
mereka membina sebuah gudang menyimpan segala biji benih di sebuah bukit
lengkap dengan ciri2 keselamatan dan dari ancaman bencana(rujuk paper
bulan februari, kosmo, BH n lain2)

Untuk rujukan penuh sila cari kat mana2 web tentang NIBIRU or video kat
youtube (nak forward besar sgt)..benarlah kata2 RASULULLAH satu ari
nanti bumi akan hancur dan satu zaman dipanggil back to ancient berlaku
di mana segala teknologi pupus dan manusia akan kembali seperti zaman
purba, berperang dengan pedang cara kuno. jadi bersedialah kita umat

Comprehensive Guide To What You Need Know To Survive The Coming Planet Crosser.

Is Nibiru the greatest hoax ever portrayed? We present you with the information and you decide.
In the event all of what you are about to learn is true, a carefully written survivor's guide has been written.
In 2012 a planet called Nibiru/Planet-X may reek real havoc on our planet as it passes through our inner solar system.
By 2010, Nibiru will be the headline of every major newspaper in the world and global pandemic would soon follow.
 By then it will be almost to late to prepare for the inevitable. Will you be one of them or is your family ready?
Currently Nibiru is being seen with the naked eye in the skies in the most southern hemisphere.
By 2010 Nibiru will be able to be seen with the naked eye in the northern hemisphere.
Since 12-31-1983 Planet-X has been tracked by NASA, and continues to this day.
In the name of Global security, official news of Nibiru has been suppressed.
However news and pictures of Nibiru are becoming more common.
Don't just  take our word for what you've just read.
Do your own research and be amazed.
Then come back and learn...
How to, Survive Nibiru

What's the problem?
Niburu, Planet X, or 32 other names, whichever you prefer; is the planet which is supposedly going to pass by earth, 14 million miles away at it's closest,  in May to June of 2003 on it's journey around the sun every 3600 years. It is not a planet considered to be IN our solar system but DOES pass THROUGH our solar system in this 3600 year cycle. 
Planet X's passage next year could be the greatest catastrophic infliction of loss of life upon mankind, since Noahs Ark.   Supposedly, Planet X  ( a Brown Dwarf - go  here for pic and explanation of what a brown dwarf is)  will enter the Earths orbit between May 15 and May 30 of 2003. Volcanoes all over the Earth will erupt along with multiple high magnitude earthquakes, tidal waves, and includes a meteor firestorm; whereby two thirds of the Earths population will be annihilated. Another 20% will starve to death during the next six months due to lack of food, water, sunlight and volcanic ash that will cover the Earth. Subsequently, only about 10% of the Earths population (600 million) will survive, which fits in nicely with the New World Order scenario for the reduction of Earths population. This may well be one reason for all the underground shelters through out the United States and the rest of the world. This will enable only the chosen people of the New World Order to survive.  Go   here   to see the US tunnel map and an eye opening exposee.  By keeping this story out of the major media it will delay the collapse of the world economy, stock markets and real estate prices.
Read below of the devastating effects to expect DUE TO IT'S GRAVITATIONAL ATTRACTION WHICH CREATES A STOPPAGE OF EARTH ROTATION (DISEBABKAN OLEH TARIKAN GRAVITINYA YG KUAT MENYEBABKAN BUMI BERHENTI BERPUTAR), a restart with a quarter turn in one  hour, a pole shift on earth, changing climate for many areas, tidal waves, many earthquakes of great magnitude, and much volcanism. At least 30% and maybe as high as 70-90% of earth's population will be taken out with this event. Life for the survivors WILL change. AND THE GOVERNMENTS ARE KEEPING ABSOLUTELY SILENT ABOUT ALL THIS AND DENYING IT, WHILE AT THE SAME TIME BUILDING UNDERGROUND CITIES AND SHELTERS FOR THE ELITE.  The fictional story "The Passage" describes perfectly what is going on with this Planet X thing.For the Dec 30th 1983 NASA announcement regarding Planet X that was retracted a week later, go to   here

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