Khamis, 13 Oktober 2011


earth planet x orbit
Greetings and Welcome to the Planet X Files!

The equations that follow are real. The numbers have not been changed to protect the innocent. The consequences will be real. I've done my very best to keep it simple so anyone can follow along and understand. There are no "doomsday" predictions here, but this event will take place. Knowing this can save the life of you and yours. My personal advice should headlines start creeping around by 2010? By late 2012 = stay away from the coasts.
Click here for complete 2012 scenario

Utilizing several timeline scales - pick what works for you: - tya = thousand years ago

Age of Taurus = 4500 BC = {4,286 - 2,143 bce} = (4-6 tya)
Age of Gemini = 7500 BC = {6,429 - 4,286 bce} = (6-8 tya)
Age of Leo = 11,500 BC = {10,715 - 8,572 bce} = (10-12 tya)
Age of Virgo = 14,500 BC = {12,858 - 10,715 bce} = (12-15ya and on)

Nibiru - Sumerian Definition 4200 BCish
Tzoltze ek' - Mayan Definition 3800 BCish
Planet X - Modern Astronomy Science

"modern day definition": Planet X aka Nibiru:

A large scale hypothetical planet that's part of our solar system with an orbit beyond that of Neptune. Was first hypothesized in 1841 when astronomers noticed Uranus did not move as predicted in it's orbit. Based on these residuals, the search for Planet X began.

Please keep in mind, I'm not a graphic artist. (doh) But most importantly, the dates illustrated below are just to ROUND OFF for purpose's of simplicity. The current figure generally accepted by science is that planet x/nibiru is on a 3600 year elongated (elliptical) solar orbit.

My personal calculations put this at 4320.26 years <---!!!Wrong!!! (See Below). Since this is closest to 4000 years I thought it would be fair enough when referring to a chronological scale of human/earth history.

This means that PlanetX/Nibiru is visible every 2000 (2,160) years during its orbital pass. ( Sumerian and Mayan text both state that Nibiru is clearly visible by day as well as night )

That being said, all science arenas confirm that the below charted events took place in the past at around those periods. The debate of course, is when exactly they occurred, and what exactly caused them to occur which isn't relevant for our purpose. You'll clearly see that the timeline's show something happens on a catastrophic scale every 4000 years (or so).

The sumerians told us that Nibiru wreaks havoc with the earth's axis every second orbital pass. (Every 4000 years or so). Basically, Earth's axis precessed from a right tilt forward and probably 180 to the left in around 10 or 20 hours due to the gravational "jolt" that takes place.Hmmmmm...

Sumerian Mathmatics 101 The Sumerian sexigesimal system of numbers works with changing factors that increase by 6 and 10.
The formula equates as follows:

1, 10, 60, 600, 3,600, 36,000, 216,000 bla bla so on, etc.

Every other preceding number is multiplied by 6 or 10.
The number 5,000 is written as 12,320 in Sumerian.

3,600 600 60 10 1
1 2 3 2 0
---- thus,

1x3600 + 2x600 + 3x60 + 2x10 + 0x1 = 5,000. Still hanging with me?

If we look at the number 3,600 and write it
down the Sumerian way, we see that the result is 2,160.

3,600 600 60 10 1
N/A 3 6 0 0
---- thus,

3x600 + 6x60 + 0x10 + 0x1 = 2160.

The Sumerian mathmatics system might seem odd at first, but it's actually ideal for geometry, calculation with fractions, and time. The hour was divided into 60 minutes of 60 seconds each by the Mesopotamians using their sexagesimal system of counting.

scientific fact Sumerians state that Geometry and Astronomy was the language bestowed upon them by the gods (flesh and blood gods) and is still used by freemason architects today gaining knowledge on their Templar crusades in the Middle East. (The Templars disbanded and later reappeared as Freemasons).

Hmmmmm... So, are the Sumerians lying and it's actually just a myth as modern religion would have you think? Only problem is, they have this documented 4000 years before Chirstians even exsisted. Anyway, its clear I back up this claim. Me and that pesky science fella. :)

Various studies of Sumerian mathematics point out that the numerals are intimately connected to the precessional cycle. The unusual alternating structure of the Sumerian sexagesimal system throws special emphasis on the number 12,960,000, which represents exactly 500 great precessional cycles of 25,920 years.

The lack of any connotations, other than astronomical, for the multiples of 25,920 and 2,160 can only suggest a deliberate design for astronomical purposes, yes? I think we can all agree on that.

Therefore, my suspicions strongly indicate that the revolutionary orbit of this 12th planet Nibiru could not consist of 3,600 years, but of 4,320 years. Assuming that's correct, then what would the consequences be?

If a whole new calculation is performed from the time of the great flood, which according to Alford occurred in 10,983 BCish, with the new orbital pass every 2,160 years then we get a whole new series of data, namely:

10,983 - 8,823 - 6,663 - 4,503 - 2,343 - 183 BC and 1977 AD.

Alford also describes the arguments between the two gods known as Thoth and his brother Marduk. These two conflicted over the fact as to when the precession of the Earth exactly started. Thoth was able to convince Marduk that it occurred one and a half degrees later than what Marduk had calculated. A degree and a half of the precession cycle is 108 years (a very sacred number in itself!). If we add this number to 1977 then we come up with the year 2085. Hmmm, No sweat, old coot here by then!

Still conflicted (nag nag), and after a couple solid sleepless nite weeks of continued research, I came across yet another precession article promoting facts that the current data on the precessional cycle does not consist of 25,920 years as the Sumerians had recorded. (doh)!

In ancient times the precessional length was 25,920 years, but now, due to the increased speed of precession, it is now closer to 25,776 years.

The number 2,160 is the twelfth fraction of a precessional cycle that takes 25,920 years.

If we divide 25,776 by twelve we get 2,148 years.

We now conclude that the bi-orbital timeline of P-X is 2,148 years, not 3,600 or 2,160 years.

If we proceed to calculate in periods of 2,148 years starting at 10,983 BC,
then add another degree and a half of 25,776 to that:

{ meaning 107.4 years } thus/and/or
{ A degree and a half of 25,920 is 108 years},

-gulp- we then come up with a result of... 2012 AD! ... Yikes!

scientific factHmmm.... The Mayan's, Egyptians, Zulu, Hindu, Incas, Aztecs, Dogon (Africa), Cherokee, Pueblo, Tibetan's bla bla bla.. all have the same calander target year! We can safely take "coincidence" off the table.

I challange you to calculate the odds of 2012 being a target year for all these cultures as coincidental. It's a number you couldn't even define. But if you're mathmatical minded, have a go! :)

So, this is also the end of the Mayan calendar, the end of the month Pisces (2148 years), and the end of the cycle known as the "Platonic Year or Great Year" which we now know lasts 25,776 years.

scientific fact Keep in mind that the Maya and Sumerians we're the two "Dawn of Civilizations", that spawned all other cultures thereafter. And yep, they of course lived on different continents and had No Idea each other existed.

Although Nibiru now passes every 2,148 years it only orbits close enough to cause a pole shift every other time. Unfortunalty the numbers indicate last time it passed beyond Jupiter or Saturn resulting only in magnetic fluctuations and severe weather patterns. So this next pass should be between Mars and Jupiter. That can't be good folks. And the fact that both Maya and Sumer cultures (and about ten others), claim that their Gods told them this exact same timeline?

Historic time table map of world history
huh? Question mark indicates "what exactly" caused the above events, not if they actually took place - we know they did...

The last 'Major' passage, which caused noticeable catastrophe, was during the Age of Taurus, 4,286 - 2,143 bce - the two before that would have been in the Ages of Leo (10,500 BC.) and Scorpio (14,500 BC.) - (see chart above for "years ago" timeline ).

The Gnostic authors of the Bible were also aware of these hallmark conjunctions, and wrote them into the New Testament. The four beasts of the Apocalypse, the Lion, Ox, Man and Eagle, correspond to the four zodiac signs Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio, in which the Grand Cross conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn takes place in 6,444 year intervals.

Even if the authors of the Bible didn't know what exactly would happen at this time (which they probably did) they appear to have used this event as a point for triangulating many prophetic statements. The sign of Taurus, named by the Sumerians 'GU.ANNA', meaning the "Heavenly Bull", also represented the Sumerian God Ishkur, a.k.a Teshub the storm God!

So my conclusion is that we experience catastrophe approximately every 4200 years (2 x 2,148 = 4200) and 3 times within a precessional time scale of 25,776 years. Mayan Elder, Hunbatz Men, also revealed that the Mayans have known about Tzoltze ek' (Nibiru) for many years. They say "The planet has a period of 6,500 years, not 3,600, and visits us 4 times every 26,000 year precessional cycle" (Platonic Year or Great Year, that ends on 21st December 2012). If we go back 6,444 years (3 x 2,148) from 2012 AD, then it brings us to 4,432 BC, when the Antarctic ice cap formed.

There is much controversy over the dating of the Biblical Flood, but if we look at archaeological data for 10,983 BC and 4,432 BC, we see evidence of major flooding and catastrophic climate change. There is also evidence of a flood around 2,200 BC, leading bible scholars to conclude this was the Biblical Flood. But I suggest this flood was much more localized than the great flood, due to the passage of Nibiru at a reasonably safe distance.

Sooooo... Just a coincidence that these other cultures have a 2012 target?
  • Hopi Predict a 25yr period of purification followed by End of Fourth World and beginning of the Fifth.
  • Mayans Call it the 'end days' or the end of time as we know it.
  • Maoris Say that as the veils dissolve there will be a merging of the physical & spiritual worlds.
  • Zulu Believe that the whole world will be turned upside down.
  • Hindus Kali Yuga (end time of man). The Coming of Kalki & critical mass of Enlightened Ones.
  • Incas Call it the 'Age of Meeting Ourselves Again'.
  • Aztec Call this the Time of the Sixth Sun. A time of transformation. Creation of new race.
  • Dogon Say that the spaceship of the visitors, the Nommo, will return in the form of a blue star
  • Pueblo Acknowledge it'll be the emergence into the Fifth World
  • Cherokee Their ancient calendar ends exactly at 2012 as does the Mayan calendar.
  • Tibetan Kalachakra teachings are prophesies left by Buddha predicting Coming of the Golden Age.
  • Egypt According to the Great Pyramid (stone calendar), present time cycle ends in year 2012 AD

Yeah, I'm just a tad concerned. I hope this is not the case and that I'm just completely nuts, but data + data + data = science. I never thought I'd be relaying any sort of Doomsday scenario. And chance's are, these very same Gods will help us out a bit. I just hope we as a species are seen as worthy of such action.

Ok Ok! Some of you might be thinking; "that was just to easy, can this be right? That's the way to think! Obviously, there was mucho more mathmatics that got me to this point in the proof. You just saw the end results. For you math heads that might be curious, here's some of the abstract, is that the correct terminology? (just some notes) that got us to the end result.

For those that which to move on: Planet X News Updates

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Hundreds of Planet X Research Documents from Harvard

This Is only For those of You that Wish to Continue Down the Rabbit Hole = "Yawn"
Fundamental - a3 = p2

where a is the semimajor axis, and p is the period. In this case, a is measured in units of the Earth-Sun distance, called an Astronomical Unit, or AU for short. 1 AU is about 150 million kilometers. The period is measured in years. Planet X is alleged to have a period of 3600 years. By plugging it into that equation, we can solve for a. In this case, a = 235 AU, or 35 billion kilometers. That's a long way! Pluto, on average, is about 35 or so AU away, or only 5 billion kilometers. Planet X, if it orbits on an ellipse, can get as far as 235 AU away, 7 times the distance of Pluto.

But wait! Most people claim it's on a very elliptical orbit. That means it can get close to Earth. The diameter of the orbit must be 2 x a = 470 AU. If it gets as close to the Sun as the Earth does, 1 AU, then it must get about 469 AU away from the Sun at its farthest point. It then takes half a period, or 1800 years, to come back into the solar system from that point.

An ellipse stretched this thin is practically a straight line. At aphelion, or farthest point from the Sun, it's velocity is so low that it might as well be zero. It then spends 1800 years falling toward the Sun, and whips around it tremendously fast, only to head out into deep space again.

Now I will digress very briefly into escape velocity. When you throw a rock in the air, it goes up some distance, slowing all the way up. It stops, then falls back down, accelerating all the way. If you throw it harder, it goes faster and gets higher, but it will always fall back down.

Unless, that is, you throw it really hard. Remember, the gravity of the Earth weakens as you get farther from it. If you throw that rock high enough, the gravity it feels from the Earth will get weaker. If you throw it hard enough, the weakening gravity will not be able to get the rock to fall back to the Earth. The velocity at which this happens is called the escape velocity.

For the Earth, this velocity is about 11 kilometers/second. A rock thrown this hard will go up, slowing all the time. But the gravity of the Earth is never quite enough to make it stop, so it always slows, but never falls back. In a sense (mathematically this is exact) the rock will stop at an infinite distance from the Earth.

The critical thing here is that the reverse is true as well. If you go really really far away from the Earth and drop a rock, it will impact at escape velocity! The equation for this is exactly reversible; it doesn't care whether rock is going up or down.

Escape velocity depends on your distance form an object too. It's much easier to throw a rock hard enough to go on forever if you are already a long way from the Earth. Earth's gravity is weaker far away, so the escape velocity is lower. In fact, escape velocity is mathematically represented as

escape velocity = square root(2 x G x mass/distance) where G is Newton's constant (just a number you plug into the equation), mass is the mass of the object and distance is your distance from it.

You can see that if the distance gets bigger, the escape velocity drops, just like in my example above. So why is this important to Planet X? Because at 470 AU, Planet X would be essentially infinitely far away from the Sun. If it fell toward the Sun from this distance, it will round the Sun at just a hair under the Sun's escape velocity at that distance. This means that we can always know the velocity of Planet X everywhere in its orbit: its just a teeny bit less than the Sun's escape velocity at that distance.

At its most distant, that's about 1 kilometer/second. At 1 AU (the Earth's distance), it's about 42 kilometers/second. In general, if you know how fast something is moving, you can calculate its distance. For example, say you are in a car moving 100 kilometers per hour. How far will you move in an hour? Easy: 100 kilometers! So if a car is an hour away at that speed, you can say it is 100 km away.

A planet, though, is not moving at a constant speed. It's accelerating as it heads toward the Sun. If you assume constant speed to get the distance, you'll get the wrong answer. The only way to do this is with calculus. Bear with me here.

The method is described by Dr. Joseph Gallant, Assistant Professor of Physics at Kent State University, on this page. He solves the equation for time, given the mass of the Sun and the distance a planet must travel. He gets this:

In this case, a is the maximum distance of Planet X, or 469 AU. R is the distance at which you want to know the time; in this case, when Planet X passes the Earth, or 1 AU. r is a dummy variable, which means it has no value to plug in, it's the variable you are integrating. M is mass and G is again Newton's constant. What we want to do is assume a time of 1 year (that is, when Planet X is one year away, in May 2002) and see what R is. But first we have to integrate the equation.

It's a difficult equation to integrate. However, computers do this kind of stuff pretty well. I used a program to integrate this for me. Just to check, I used an R of 470 AU (Planet X's max distance from the Sun), and got a time of 1781.4 years, which is pretty close to the "correct" value of 1800 years (half the period, since it is only going half an orbit), only off by about 1%. So it looks good.

Then I put in an R of 1 AU. It got a time of 1781.2789 years. That's how long Planet X takes to fall from the tippy top of its orbit all the way to Earth. So now all I had to do was try different values of R until I got a time of 1780.2789 years, which would put it one year from the Earth (1781.2789 - 1780.2789 = 1 year). I did this, and the best value I got was about 5.9 AU, or just under 900 million kilometers away.

So there you have it! When I originally did this calculation, I made a bad assumption and got a distance of 550 million kilometers. I assumed it was starting from there, and so it took a year to fall to Earth. But it already has built up some velocity from it's long fall inward from 470 AU away, so at 550 million kilometers form Earth its velocity is not zero! However, note that when I correct for this, it only gets farther away by a factor of two. That's because even after falling all that way, it still isn't moving terribly fast when it passes 550 million kilometers away.

One more thing. We can use this equation to figure out how far away Planet X will be at a given time from closest approach. Here are my results:

Time from closest approach Distance (AU) Distance (millions of km)
6 months 2.9 435
3 months 1.7 255
2 months 1.2 180
1 month 0.64 96
3 weeks 0.45 68
2 weeks 0.3 45
1 week 0.17 26
3 days 0.07 11
2 days 0.05 7.5
1 day 0.024 3.6


newsHas Planet X Ever Been in the Media?

There was a big media blitz when first hypothesized back in the 1980's. The more of a realization it became, the more nervous many started to become. After all, this planet was already identified over 6000 years ago. When the possible ramifcations became apparant, the whole science of Astronomy seemed to fall out of sight. So, here's so clues as to if Planet X could be out there, just like the Sumerians and Maya say it is.

Astronomy - Search for the Tenth Planet Dec 1981
Astronomers are readying telescopes to probe the outer reaches of our solar system for an elusive planet much larger than Earth. Its existence would explain a 160-year-old mystery. ... The pull exerted by its gravity would account for a wobble in Uranus' orbit that was first detected in 1821 by a French astronomer, Alexis Bouvard. Beyond Pluto, in the cold, dark regions of space, may lie an undiscovered tenth planet two to five times the size of Earth. Astronomers at the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) are using a powerful computer to identify the best target zones, and a telescopic search will follow soon after. ... Van Flandern thinks the tenth planet may have between two and five Earth masses and lie 50 to 100 astronomical units from the Sun.

(An astronomical unit is the mean distance between Earth and the Sun.) His team also presumes that, like Pluto's, the plane of the undiscovered body's orbit is tilted with respect to that of most other planets, and that its path around the Sun is highly elliptical.

New York Times June 19, 1982
A pair of American spacecraft may help scientists detect what could be a 10th planet or a giant object billions of miles away, the national Aeronautics and Space Administration said Thursday. Scientists at the space agency's Ames Research Center said the two spacecraft, Pioneer 10 and 11, which are already farther into space than any other man-made object, might add to knowledge of a mysterious object believed to be beyond the solar system's outermost known planets.

The space agency said that persistent irregularities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune "suggest some kind of mystery object is really there" with its distance depending on what it is. If the mystery object is a new planet, it may lie five billion miles beyond the outer orbital ring of known planets, the space agency said. If it is a dark star type of objet, it may be 50 billion miles beyond the known planets; if it is a black hole, 100 billion miles. A black hole is a hypothetical body in space, believed to be a collapsed star so condensed that neither light nor matter can escape from its gravitational field.

Newsweek Does the Sun Have a Dark Companion?June 28 1982
When scientists noticed that Uranus wasn't following its predicted orbit for example, they didn't question their theories. Instead they blamed the anomalies on an as yet unseen planet and, sure enough, Neptune was discovered in 1846. Now astronomers are using the same strategy to explain quirks in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune.

According to John Anderson of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., this odd behavior suggests that the sun has an unseen companion, a dark star gravitationally bound to it but billions of miles away. ... Other scientists suggest that the most likely cause of the orbital snags is a tenth planet 4 to 7 billion miles beyond Neptune.

A companion star would tug the outer planets, not just Uranus and Neptune, says Thomas Van Flandern of the U.S Naval Observatory. And where he admits a tenth planet is possible, but argues that it would have to be so big - a least the size of Uranus - that it should have been discovered by now. To resolve the question, NASA is staying tuned to Pioneer 10 and 11, the planetary probes that are flying through the dim reaches of the solar system on opposite sides of the sun.

New York Times January 30, 1983
Something out there beyond the farthest reaches of the known solar system seems to be tugging at Uranus and Neptune. Some gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object that may be the long- sought Planet X. ... The last time a serious search of the skies was made it led to the discovery in 1930 of Pluto, the ninth planet.

But the story begins more than a century before that, after the discovery of Uranus in 1781 by the English astronomer and musician William Herschel. Until then, the planetary system seemed to end with Saturn.

As astronomers observed Uranus, noting irregularities in its orbital path, many speculated that they were witnessing the gravitational pull of an unknown planet. So began the first planetary search based on astronomers predictions, which ended in the 1840's with the discovery of Neptune almost simultaneously by English, French, and German astronomers.

But Neptune was not massive enough to account entirely for the orbital behavior of Uranus. Indeed, Neptune itself seemed to be affected by a still more remote planet. In the last 19th century, two American astronomers, Willian H. Pickering and Percival Lowell, predicted the size and approximate location of the trans-Neptunian body, which Lowell called Planet X. Years later, Pluto was detected by Clyde W. Tombaugh working at Lowell Observatory in Arizona. Several astronomers, however, suspected it might not be the Planet X of prediction.

Subsequent observation proved them right. Pluto was too small to change the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, the combined mass of Pluto and its recently discovered satellite, Charon, is only 1/5 that of Earth's moon.

Recent calculations by the United States Naval Observatory have confirmed the orbital perturbation exhibited by Uranus and Neptune, which Dr. Thomas C Van Flandern, an astronomer at the observatory, says could be explained by "a single undiscovered planet". He and a colleague, Dr. Richard Harrington, calculate that the 10th planet should be two to five times more massive than Earth and have a highly elliptical orbit that takes it some 5 billion miles beyond that of Pluto - hardly next-door but still within the gravitational influence of the Sun.

US News World Report Planet X - Is It Really Out There? Sept 10, 1984 Shrouded from the sun's light, mysteriously tugging at the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, is an unseen force that astronomers suspect may be Planet X - a 10th resident of the Earth's celestial neighborhood. Last year, the infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS), circling in a polar orbit 560 miles from the Earth, detected heat from an object about 50 billion miles away that is now the subject of intense speculation.

"All I can say is that we don't know what it is yet," says Gerry Neugesbeuer, director of the Palomar Observatory for the California Institute of Technology. Scientists are hopeful that the one-way journeys of the Pioneer 10 and 11 space probes may help to locate the nameless body.

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