Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011


Peristiwa Besar 2012
Berikutan peristiwa besar 2012 suatu perbincangan diantara ulamak luar telah memutuskan
perkiraan mengikut tanda-tanda dan rentetan peristiwa yang telah berlaku di atas muka bumi
berkemungkinan besar adalah benar. Pada minggu lepas (26/07-03/08/2009) sahabat ana telah
pergi ke KL atas urusan keluarga. Kebetulan sempat berbincang panjang pasal peristiwa besar 2012
dengan seorang Syeikh Maulana (guru) yang banyak menyumbangkan tenaga di dalam menjayakan
PERKIM. Beliau suka berbincang dan bertukar pendapat bersama ulamak di wilayah Negara Arab dan
Negara timur tengah. Baru-baru ini beliau telah pergi ke Iran,Kaherah�� Beliau mengatakan
sejumlah 400 rakyat Iran yang pergi ke Mekah dijangkiti virus selesema babi. Kita ketahui bahawa
Mekah dan Madinah adalah kawasan selamat tetapi jangan lupa kekuasaan Allah s.w.t. Di Kaherah,
kerajaan telah membuat operasi besar-besaran menghapuskan haiwan babi. Begitu juga di Iran.
Persoalannya kenapa Malaysia tidak melakukannya?
Berdasarkan hadis dan kajian ulamak tahun 2012 berkemungkinan besar berlaku bencana alam yang
megakibatkan banyak penduduk dunia kehilangan nyawa dan harta benda.Wabak penyakit banyak
menular. Generasi manusia akan susut. Beliau menambah lagi kenyataan bahawa peristiwa 2012 itu
adalah jangkaan tetapi tidak mustahil berlaku lebih awal. Nasihatnya supaya hidupkan zikir dalam
diri masing-masing bermula sekarang. Kini beliau sedang perhebatkan dakwah berikutan hal ini di
kawasan Kuala Lumpur. Sama ada percaya atau tidak terpulang pada diri masing-masing.
1 Ramadan pada tahun 2012 jatuh pada 20 july hari jumaat,jadi 3 august 2012 bersamaan 15
ramadan jatuh juga hari jumaat.Sama dengan hadis nabi pasai huru hara besar yang akan jadi pada
tengah malam pertengahan bulan ramadan iaitu hari jumaat 15 ramadan
dekat bumi ni yang akan mengejutkan semua orang yang sedang tidur, pasai satu suara yang amat
dahsyat akan kita dengar dekat langit,bukan kiamat tapi huru hara tersebut akan melenyapkan umat
manusia di atas muka bumi ini sebanyak 2/3,yang tinggal cuma 1/3 shj.(yang NASA Amerika beritahu
pada 21-12-2012 planet X akan lintas ke bumi )Adakah kita semua ni tergolong dalam 1/3
tu.......ALLAH sahaja maha mengetahui.. ......... .. cuba kita lihat hadis nabi kat bawah ni dan
kenyataan pasal huru hara 2012.
Nu'aim bin Hammad meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya bahwa Rasulullah saw. bersabda:
Bila telah muncul suara di bulan Ramadhan, maka akan terjadi huru-hara di bulan Syawwal...".
Kami bertanya: "Suara apakah, ya Rasulullah?"
Beliau menjawab: "Suara keras di pertengahan bulan Ramadhan, pada malam Jum'at, akan muncul
suara keras yang membangunkan orang tidur, menjadikan orang yang berdiri jatuh terduduk, para
gadis keluar dari pingitannya, pada malam Jum'at di tahun terjadinya banyak gempa. Jika kamu telah
melaksanakan solat Subuh pada hari Jum'at, masuklah kamu ke dalam rumah kamu, tutuplah pintupintunya,
sumbatlah lubang-lubangnya, dan selimutilah diri kamu, sumbatlah telinga kamu. Jika
kalian merasakan adanya suara menggelegar, maka bersujudlah kalian kepada Allah dan ucapkanlah:
"Mahasuci Al-Quddus, Mahasuci Al-Quddus, Rabb kami Al-Quddus!", kerana barangsiapa melakukan
hal itu akan selamat, tetapi barangsiapa yang tidak melakukan hal itu akan binasa".
Kajian NASA
Untuk pengetahuan smua, sebuah planet bernama Nibiru atau planet x(oleh
NASA) sedang melengkapkan putaran orbitnya yang berlaku setiap 3600
tahun. planet ini 100 kali ganda besar bumi dan sama besar dengan planet
jupiter( musytari). dijangkakan pada 21/12/2012 planet ini akan memberi
kesan paling dahsyat kepada bumi dengan memutarkan kutub2 ke kedudukan
terbalik( polar shifting) yang dijangkakan o NASA. bulan mei 2009
planet ini akan jelas kelihatan oleh semua pnduduk bumi..
mereka mengaitkan peristiwa ini seperti yang pernah berlaku banjir besar
zaman Nabi Nuh AS dahulu..planet ini tak menghentam bumi tapi tarikan
gravitinya yang sangat kuat akan mengganggu bumi.ia hanya akan lalu
diantara bumi dan matahari dimana kecerahannya berwarna kemerah-merahan
seakan-akan anak matahari.(tanda besar kiamat? objek merah di langit
kelihatan AS dan negara2 barat lain sedang sibuk membuat persiapan
menghadapi keadaan ini dengan membina beberapa penempatan sementara di
banjaran2 gunung lengkap dengan makanan yang mampu bertahan 3 tahun
kerana dianggarkan 2/3 penduduk bumi akan lenyap. di norway misalnya
mereka membina sebuah gudang menyimpan segala biji benih di sebuah bukit
lengkap dengan ciri2 keselamatan dan dari ancaman bencana(rujuk paper
bulan februari, kosmo, BH n lain2)
Untuk rujukan penuh sila cari kat mana2 web tentang NIBIRU or video kat
youtube (nak forward besar sgt)..benarlah kata2 RASULULLAH satu ari
nanti bumi akan hancur dan satu zaman dipanggil back to ancient berlaku
di mana segala teknologi pupus dan manusia akan kembali seperti zaman
purba, berperang dengan pedang cara kuno. jadi bersedialah kita umat
Mereka mengaitkan peristiwa ini seperti yang pernah berlaku banjir besar
zaman Nabi Nuh AS dahulu..planet ini tak menghentam bumi tapi tarikan
gravitinya yang sangat kuat akan mengganggu bumi.ia hanya akan lalu
diantara bumi dan matahari dimana kecerahannya berwarna kemerah-merahan
seakan-akan anak matahari.(tanda besar kiamat? objek merah di langit
kelihatan AS dan negara2 barat lain sedang sibuk membuat persiapan
menghadapi keadaan ini dengan membina beberapa penempatan sementara di
banjaran2 gunung lengkap dengan makanan yang mampu bertahan 3 tahun
kerana dianggarkan 2/3 penduduk bumi akan lenyap. di norway misalnya
mereka membina sebuah gudang menyimpan segala biji benih di sebuah bukit
lengkap dengan ciri2 keselamatan dan dari ancaman bencana(rujuk paper
bulan februari, kosmo, BH n lain2)
Untuk rujukan penuh sila cari kat mana2 web tentang NIBIRU or video kat
youtube (nak forward besar sgt)..benarlah kata2 RASULULLAH satu ari
nanti bumi akan hancur dan satu zaman dipanggil back to ancient berlaku
di mana segala teknologi pupus dan manusia akan kembali seperti zaman
purba, berperang dengan pedang cara kuno. jadi bersedialah kita umat
Comprehensive Guide To What You Need Know To Survive The Coming Planet
Is Nibiru the greatest hoax ever portrayed? We present you with the
information and you decide.
In the event all of what you are about to learn is true, a carefully written
survivor's guide has been written.
In 2012 a planet called Nibiru/Planet-X may reek real havoc on our planet as it passes
through our inner solar system.
By 2010, Nibiru will be the headline of every major newspaper in the world and global
pandemic would soon follow.
By then it will be almost to late to prepare for the inevitable. Will you be one of them or
is your family ready?
Currently Nibiru is being seen with the naked eye in the skies in the most southern
By 2010 Nibiru will be able to be seen with the naked eye in the northern hemisphere.
Since 12-31-1983 Planet-X has been tracked by NASA, and continues to this day.
In the name of Global security, official news of Nibiru has been suppressed.
However news and pictures of Nibiru are becoming more common.
Don't just take our word for what you've just read.
Do your own research and be amazed.
Then come back and learn...
How to, Survive Nibiru
What's the problem?
Nibiru, Planet X, or 32 other names, whichever you prefer; is the planet
which is supposedly going to pass by earth, 14 million miles away at it's
closest, in May to June of 2003 on it's journey around the sun every 3600
years. It is not a planet considered to be IN our solar system but DOES
pass THROUGH our solar system in this 3600 year cycle. Planet X's passage
next year could be the greatest catastrophic infliction of loss of life upon mankind, since
Noahs Ark. Supposedly, Planet X ( a Brown Dwarf - go here for pic and explanation of
what a brown dwarf is) will enter the Earths orbit between May 15 and May 30 of 2003.
Volcanoes all over the Earth will erupt along with multiple high magnitude earthquakes, tidal
waves, and includes a meteor firestorm; whereby two thirds of the Earths population will be
annihilated. Another 20% will starve to death during the next six months due to lack of food,
water, sunlight and volcanic ash that will cover the Earth. Subsequently, only about 10% of
the Earths population (600 million) will survive, which fits in nicely with the New World
Order scenario for the reduction of Earths population. This may well be one reason for all the
underground shelters through out the United States and the rest of the world. This will enable
only the chosen people of the New World Order to survive. Go here to see the US tunnel
map and an eye opening exposee. By keeping this story out of the major media it will delay
the collapse of the world economy, stock markets and real estate prices.
Read below of the devastating effects to
BUMI BERHENTI BERPUTAR), a restart with a quarter turn in
one hour, a pole shift on earth, changing climate for many areas, tidal
waves, many earthquakes of great magnitude, and much volcanism. At
least 30% and maybe as high as 70-90% of earth's population will be taken
out with this event. Life for the survivors WILL change. AND THE
story "The Passage" describes perfectly what is going on with this Planet X
For the Dec 30th 1983 NASA announcement regarding Planet X that was
retracted a week later, go to here
For current sky charts and plotted information on X go to
1. What is the origin of the prediction that the world will end in December 2012?
The story started with claims that Nibiru, a supposed planet discovered by the Sumerians, is
headed toward Earth. Zecharia Sitchin, who writes fiction about the ancient Mesopotamian
civilization of Sumer, claimed in several books (e.g., The Twelfth Planet, published in 1976)
that he has found and translated Sumerian documents that identify the planet Nibiru, orbiting
the Sun every 3600 years. These Sumerian fables include stories of ?ancient astronauts?
visiting Earth from a civilization of aliens called the Anunnaki. Then Nancy Lieder, a selfdeclared
psychic who claims she is channeling aliens, wrote on her website Zetatalk that the
inhabitants of a fictional planet around the star Zeta Reticuli warned her that the Earth was in
danger from Planet X or Nibiru. This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but
when nothing happened the doomsday date was moved forward to December 2012. Only
recently have these two fables been linked to the end of the Mayan long-count at the winter
solstice in 2012 � hence the predicted doomsday date of December 21, 2012.
2. The Sumerians were the first great civilization, and they made many accurate
astronomical predictions, including the existence of the planets Uranus, Neptune and
Pluto. So why should we not believe their predictions about Nibiru?
Nibiru is a name in Babylonian astrology sometimes associated with the god Marduk. Nibiru
appears as a minor character in the Babylonian creation poem Enuma Elish as recorded in the
library of Assurbanipal, King of Assyria (668-627 BCE). Sumer flourished much earlier,
from about the 23rd century to the 17th century BCE. The claims that Nibiru is a planet and
was known to the Sumerians are contradicted by scholars who (unlike Zecharia Sitchin) study
and translate the written records of ancient Mesopotamia. Sumer was indeed a great
civilization, important for the development of agriculture, water management, urban life, and
especially writing. However, they left very few records dealing with astronomy. Certainly
they did not know about the existence of Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. They also had no
understanding that the planets orbited the Sun, an idea that first developed in ancient Greece
two millennia after the end of Sumer. Claims that Sumerians had a sophisticated astronomy,
or that they even had a god named Nibiru, are the product of Sitchin�s imagination.
3. How can you deny the existence of Nibiru when NASA discovered it in 1983 and the
story appeared in leading newspapers? At that time you called it Planet X, and later it
was named Xena or Eris.
IRAS (the NASA Infrared Astronomy Satellite, which carried out a sky survey for 10 months
in 1983) discovered many infrared sources, but none of them was Nibiru or Planet X or any
other objects in the outer solar system. There is a good discussion from Caltech to be found at
(spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/tchester/iras/no_tenth_planet_yet.html). Briefly, IRAS
cataloged 350,000 infrared sources, and initially many of these sources were unidentified
(which was the point, of course, of making such a survey). All of these observations have
been followed up by subsequent studies with more powerful instruments both on the ground
and in space. The rumor about a ?tenth planet? erupted in 1984 after a scientific paper was
published in Astrophysical Journal Letters titled ?Unidentified point sources in the IRAS
minisurvey?, which discussed several infrared sources with ?no counterparts?. But these
?mystery objects? were subsequently found to be distant galaxies (except one, which was a
wisp of ?infrared cirrus?), as published in 1987. No IRAS source has ever turned out to be a
planet. A good discussion of this whole issue is to be found on Phil Plait�s website
(www.badastronomy.com/bad/misc/planetx/science.html#iras). The bottom line is that Nibiru
is a myth, with no basis in fact. To an astronomer, persistent claims about a planet that is
?nearby? but ?invisible? are just plain silly.
4. Maybe we should be asking about Planet X or Eris, not Nibiru. Why does NASA keep
secret the orbit of Eris?
?Planet X? is an oxymoron when applied to a real object. The term has been used by
astronomers over the past century for a possible or suspected object. Once the object is found,
it is given a real name, as was done with Pluto and Eris, both of which were at some time
referred to as Planet X. If a new object turns out to be not real, or not a planet, then you won�t
hear about it again. If it is real, it is not called Planet X.
Eris is one of several dwarf planets recently found by astronomers in the outer solar system,
all of them on normal orbits that will never bring them near Earth. Like Pluto, Eris is smaller
than our Moon. It is very far away, and its orbit never brings it closer than about 4 billion
miles. There is no secret about Eris and its orbit, as you can easily verify by googling it or
looking it up in Wikipedia.
5. Do you deny that NASA built a South Pole Telescope (SPT) to track Nibiru? Why else
would they build a telescope at the South Pole?
There is a telescope at the South Pole, but it was not built by NASA and not used to study
Nibiru. The South Pole Telescope was supported by the National Science Foundation, and it
is a radio telescope, not an optical instrument. It cannot take images or photos. You can look
it up on Wikipedia. The Antarctic is a great place for astronomical infrared and short-waveradio
observations, and it also has the advantage that objects can be observed continuously
without the interference of the day-night cycle.
I should add that it is impossible to imagine a geometry in which an object can be seen only
from the South Pole. Even if it were due south of the Earth, it could be seen from the entire
southern hemisphere.
6. There are many photos and videos of Nibiru on the Internet. Isn�t that proof that it
The great majority of the photos and videos on the Internet are of some feature near the Sun
(apparently supporting the claim that Nibiru has been hiding behind the Sun for the past
several years.) These are actually false images of the Sun caused by internal reflections in the
lens, often called lens flare. You can identify them easily by the fact that they appear
diametrically opposite the real solar image, as if reflected across the center of the image. This
is especially obvious in videos, where as the camera moves, the false image dances about
always exactly opposite the real image. Similar lens flare is a source of many UFO photos
taken at night with strong light sources such as streetlights in the frame. I am surprised that
people don�t recognize this common photo artifact. I am also amazed that these photos
showing something nearly as large and bright as the Sun (a ?second sun?) are accepted
together with claims made on some of the same websites that Nibiru is too faint to be seen or
photographed except with large telescopes.
One widely reported telescopic photo (www.greatdreams.com/nibiru-possible.jpg) shows two
views of an expanding gas cloud far beyond the solar system, which is not moving; you can
see this from the fact that the stars are the same in both pictures. A sharp-eyed reader of this
website identified these photos as a gas shell around the star V838 Mon. Wikipedia has a nice
write-up and a beautiful photo of it from Hubble. Another high school student was initially
impressed by posted images of a red blob that were said to be of Nibiru. Then he worked out
in his Photoshop class how to make just such pictures starting from scratch.
One video posted in summer 2008 on Youtube
(www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDKtkWIx00A) shows a guy standing in his kitchen claiming
that one of the objects discovered by a NASA x-ray telescope is Nibiru. What is his
evidence? That since this false-color x-ray image released by NASA is blue, this must really
be a nearby planet with an ocean. This would be hilarious if it were not used to frighten
7. Can you explain the fact that the area at (5h 53m 27s, -6 10� 58�) has been blackened
out in Google Sky and Microsoft Telescope? People suggest that these have been
blackened out because those are the co-ordinates where Nibiru is located at present.
Several people have asked me about this blank rectangle in Orion in Google Sky, which is a
presentation of images from the Sloan Digital Survey. This can�t be a ?hiding place? for
Nibiru, since it is a part of the sky that could be seen from almost everywhere on the Earth in
the winter of 2007-08 when much of the talk about Nibiru began. That would contradict the
claims that Nibiru was hiding behind the Sun or that it could be seen only from the southern
hemisphere. But I too was curious about this blank rectangle, so I asked a friend who is a
senior scientist at Google. He replied that he ?found out that the missing data is due to a
processing error in the image stitching program we use to display the Sloan survey images.
The team assures me that in the next run through, this will be fixed!?
8. If the government knew about Nibiru, wouldn�t they keep it a secret to avoid panic?
Isn�t it the government�s job to keep the population at ease?
There are many objectives of government, but they do not include keeping the population at
ease. My experience is that sometimes parts of the government do just the opposite, as in the
frequent references to various terrorist threats or warnings about driving accidents on long
holiday weekends, which are no more dangerous than any other time. There is a long history
of associating bad things with political opponents (older readers will remember the ?missile
gap? in the 1960 election, younger ones will note the many current references to who is or is
not keeping the U.S. safe from terrorists). Further, social scientists have pointed out that
many of our concepts of public panic are the product of Hollywood, while in the real world
people have a good record of helping each other in a time of danger. I think everyone also
recognizes that keeping bad news secret usually backfires, making the issue even worse when
the facts finally come out. And in the case of Nibiru, these facts would come out very soon
Even if they wanted to, the government could not keep Nibiru a secret. If it were real, it
would be tracked by thousands of astronomers, amateurs as well a professional. These
astronomers are spread all over the world. I know the astronomy community, and these
scientists would not keep a secret even if ordered to. You just can�t hide a planet on its way to
the inner solar system!
9. Why does the Mayan calendar say the world will end in 2012? I have heard that they
have been pretty accurate in the past with other planetary predictions. How can you be
sure you know more than they did?
Calendars exist for keeping track of the passage of time, not for predicting the future. The
Mayan astronomers were clever, and they developed a very complex calendar. Ancient
calendars are interesting to historians, but of they cannot match the ability we have today to
keep track of time, or the precision of the calendars currently in use. The main point,
however, is that calendars, whether contemporary or ancient, cannot predict the future of our
planet or warn of things to happen on a specific date such as 2012.
I note that my desk calendar ends much sooner, on December 31 2009, but I do not interpret
this as a prediction of Armageddon. It is just the beginning of a new year.
10. What is the polar shift theory? Is it true that the earth�s crust does a 180-degree
rotation around the core in a matter of days if not hours? Does this have something to
do to do with our solar system dipping beneath the galactic equator?
A reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible. It has never happened and never will. There
are slow movements of the continents (for example Antarctica was near the equator hundreds
of millions of years ago), but that is irrelevant to claims of reversal of the rotational poles.
However, many of the disaster websites pull a bait-and-shift to fool people. They claim a
relationship between the rotation and the magnetic polarity of Earth, which does change
irregularly with a magnetic reversal taking place every 400,000 years on average. As far as
we know, such a magnetic reversal doesn�t cause any harm to life on Earth. A magnetic
reversal is very unlikely to happen in the next few millennia, anyway. But they falsely claim
that a magnetic reversal is coming soon (in 2012) and that this is the same as, or will trigger,
a reversal of rotational poles. The bottom line is: (a) Rotation direction and magnetic polarity
are not related. (b) There is no reason to expect a reversal of magnetic polarity any time soon,
or to anticipate any bad effects on life when it does eventually happen. � A sudden shift in
rotational pole with disastrous consequences is impossible. Also, none of this has anything to
do with the galactic equator or any of the other nonsense about alignments that appears on
many of the conspiracy theory websites.
11. When most of the planets align in 2012 and planet Earth is in the center of the Milky
Way, what will the effects of this be on planet Earth? Could it cause a pole shift, and if
so what could we expect?
There is no planet alignment in 2012 or any other time in the next several decades. As to the
Earth being in the center of the Milky Way, I don�t know what this phrase means. If you are
referring to the Milky Way Galaxy, we are rather far toward the edge of this spiral galaxy,
some 30,000 light years from the center. We circle the galactic center in a period of 225-250
million years, always keeping approximately the same distance. Concerning a pole shift, I
also don�t know what this means. If it means some sudden change in the position of the pole
(that is, the rotation axis of the Earth), then that is impossible, as noted in the answer to
Question 10. What many websites do discuss is the alignment of the Earth and Sun with the
center of the Milky Way in the constellation of Sagittarius. This happens every December,
with no bad consequences, and there is no reason to expect 2012 to be different from any
other year.
12. When the sun and the Earth line up on the galactic plane at the same time with the
black whole being in the center couldn�t that cause something to happen, due to the fact
that the black hole has such a strong gravitational pull.
There is a giant black hole in the center of our Milky Way galaxy, and like any concentration
of mass it exerts gravitational force on the rest of the Galaxy. However, the galactic center is
very far away, approximately 30,000 light years, so it has negligible effects on the solar
system or the Earth. There are no special forces from the galactic plane or the galactic center.
The only important force that acts on the Earth is the gravitation of the Sun and Moon. As far
as the influence of the galactic plane, there is nothing special about this location. The last
time the Earth was in the galactic plane was several million years ago. Claims that we are
about to cross the galactic plane are untrue.
13. I am scared about the fact that the Earth will enter the Dark Rift in the Milky Way.
What will this do? Will the Earth be swallowed up?
The ?dark rift? is a popular name for the broad and diffuse dust clouds in the
inner arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, which block our view of the galactic
center. The entire ?galactic alignment? scare is pretty crazy. Late in
December the Sun is always approximately in the direction of the center of
the Galaxy as seen from the Earth, but so what? Apparently the con-men who are trying to
scare you have decided to use these meaningless phrases about ?alignments? and the ?dark
rift? and ?photon belt? precisely because they are not understood by the public. It is too bad,
but there is no law against lying on the Internet or anywhere else except in a court of law. As
far as the safety of the Earth is concerned, the important threats are from global warming and
loss of biological diversity, and perhaps someday from collision with an asteroid or comet,
not the pseudoscientific claims about 2012.
14. I have heard that the Earth�s magnetic field will flip in 2012 just when the strongest
level of solar storms in history is predicted to take place. Will this kill us or destroy our
Near solar maximum (which happens every 11 years approximately), there are many more
solar flares and coronal mass ejections than near solar minimum. Flares and mass ejections
are no danger for humans or other life on Earth. They could endanger astronauts in deep
space or on the Moon, and this is something that NASA must learn to deal with, but it is not a
problem for you or me. Large outbursts can interrupt radio transmission, cause bright
displays of the aurora (Northern and Southern Lights), and damage the electronics of some
satellites in space. Today many satellites are designed to deal with this possibility, for
example by switching off some of their more delicate circuits and going into a ?safe? mode
for a few hours. In extreme cases solar activity can also disrupt electrical transmissions on the
ground, possibly leading to electrical blackouts, but this is rare.
The last solar maximum occurred in 2001, so the next one was predicted for around 2012, 11
years later. However, the most recent solar minimum was unusual, with a period of a couple
of years with almost no sunspots or other indications of solar activity, so scientists now guess
that the next maximum will be delayed, perhaps to 2013. However, the details of the solar
cycle remain basically unpredictable.
You are correct that the Earth�s magnetic field protects us by creating a large region in space,
called the Earth�s magnetosphere, within which most of the material ejected from the Sun is
captured or deflected, but there is no reason to expect a reversal of magnetic polarity any time
soon. These magnetic reversals happen only once in 400,000 years on average.
15. I am confused about a report on the Fox News website that in 2012 a �Powerful
Solar Storm Could Shut Down U.S. for Months�. They referred to a report from the
National Academy of Sciences that was commissioned and paid for by NASA. If nothing
is going to happen as a result of the event in 2012, why would NASA allow such
nonsense to be reported?
NASA is pleased with the National Research Council report on heliophysics. As you note,
this report includes a worst-case analysis of what could happen today if there were a
repetition of the biggest solar storm ever recorded (in 1859). The problem is the way such
information can be used out of context. There is no reason to expect such a large solar storm
in the near future, certainly not in 2012 specifically. Your reference to ?the event in 2012?
illustrates this problem. There is no prediction of an ?event in 2012?. We don�t even know if
the next solar maximum will take place in that year. The whole 2012 disaster scenario is a
hoax, fueled by ads for the Hollywood science-fiction disaster film ?2012?. I can only hope
that most people are able to distinguish Hollywood film plots from reality.
16. All my school friends are telling me that we are all going to die in the year 2012 due
to a meteor hitting earth. Is this true?
Your friends are wrong. The Earth has always been subject to impacts by comets and
asteroids, although big hits are very rare. The last big impact was 65 million years ago, and
that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Today NASA astronomers are carrying out a
survey called the Spaceguard Survey to find any large near-Earth asteroids long before they
hit. We have already determined that there are no threatening asteroids as large as the one
that killed the dinosaurs. All this work is done openly with the discoveries posted every day
on the NASA NEO Program Office website (neo.jpl.nasa.gov), so you can see for yourself
that nothing is predicted to hit in 2012.
17. If Nibiru is a hoax, why doesn�t NASA issue a denial? How can you permit these
stores to circulate and frighten people? Why doesn�t the U.S. government do something
about it!
If you go to the NASA home page, nasa.gov, you will see many stories that expose the
Nibiru-2012 hoax. Try searching nasa.com under ?Nibiru? or ?2012?. There is not much
more that NASA can do. These hoaxes have nothing to do with NASA and are not based on
NASA data, so we as an agency are not directly involved. But scientists, both within NASA
and outside, recognize that this hoax with its effort to frighten people is a distraction from
more important science concerns, such as global warming and loss of biological diversity.
We live in a country where there is freedom of speech, and that includes freedom to lie. You
should be glad there are no censors. But if you will just use common sense I am sure you can
recognize the lies. As we approach 2012, the lies will be come even more obvious.
18. Can you prove to me that Nibiru is a hoax? There are so many reports that
something terrible will happen in 2012. I need proof because the government and NASA
are keeping so much from us.
It is not logical to ask for proof that the 2012 doomsday is a hoax. Your questions should be
to the doomsday advocates to prove that what they are saying is true, not to NASA to prove it
is false. If someone claimed on the Internet that there were 50-foot tall purple elephants
walking through Cleveland, would anyone expect NASA to prove this wrong? The burden of
proof falls on those who make wild claims. Remember the often-quoted comment from Carl
Sagan that extraordinary claims demand extraordinary levels of evidence if they are to be
However, I think that astronomers have reached the point where we can offer extremely
strong arguments that Nibiru does not exist. A large planet (or a brown dwarf) in our solar
system would have been known to astronomers for many years, both indirectly from its
gravitational perturbations on other objects and by direct detection in the infrared. The NASA
Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) carried out the first all-sky survey in 1983, and several
subsequent surveys would also have seen Nibiru if it were there. Further, if a large mass
passed through the inner solar system every 3600 years, we would see its disruptive effects
on the orbits of the inner planets, and we don�t.
You don�t need to take my word for it. Just use common sense. Have you seen Nibiru? In
2008 many websites said it would be visible to the naked eye in spring 2009. If a large planet
or brown dwarf were headed for the inner solar system in 2012, it would already be tracked
by hundreds of thousands of astronomers, professional and amateur, all over the world. Do
you know any amateur astronomers who are watching it? Have you seen any photos or
discussion of it in the big popular astronomy magazines like Sky & Telescope? Just think
about it. No one could hide Nibiru if it existed.
19. What about the scary ads for the new film 2012? They tell us to look at these
Internet sites to verify the doomsday threat.
The pseudoscientific claims about Nibiru and a doomsday in 2012, together with distrust of
the government, are being amplified by publicity for the new film from Columbia Pictures
titled 2012, to be released in November 2009. The film�s trailer, appearing in theaters and on
their website , shows a tidal wave breaking over the Himalayas, with only the following
words: ?How would the governments of our planet prepare 6 billion people for the end of the
world? [long pause] They wouldn�t. [long pause] Find out the Truth. Google search 2012?.
The film publicity includes creation of a faux scientific website
(www.instituteforhumancontinuity.org/) for ?The Institute for Human Continuity?, which is
entirely fictitious. According to this website, the IHC is dedicated to scientific research and
public preparedness. Its mission is the survival of mankind. The website explains that the
Institute was founded 1978 by international leaders of government, business, and science.
They say that in 2004, IHC scientists confirmed with 94% certainty that the world would be
destroyed in 2012. This website encourages people to register for a lottery to select those who
will be saved; a colleague submitted the name of her cat, which was accepted. I learned from
Wikipedia that creating this sort of fake website is a new advertising technique called ?Viral
Marketing?, by analogy with computer viruses.
20. Is it possible that the influx of questions you describe is part of some kind of
campaign for a book or movie, in the hopes that the volume of denials is taken as more
�evidence� that there is a conspiracy?
I ask myself the same questions every day, as the volume of mail I receive about Nibiru
(along with various alignments and pole shifts) keeps increasing � now more than 20 per
week. Clearly there is money to be made from people�s fear about an approaching doomsday.
Some of this hype is apparently advertising for the science fiction disaster movie 2012 (see
Question 19). Many websites are selling books and tapes about Nibiru or even ?survival kits?.
It is all very sad, that with so many real issues (such as global warming and financial
collapse) people are being taken in by these lies. In the final chapter of a new astronomy book
(The Hunt for Planet X) by Govert Shilling, he writes: ?There is plenty to do for the
debunkers � the archaeologists and astronomers who take a long and skeptical look at the
tidal wave of Nibiru nonsense and explain with scientific precision what is wrong with this
cosmic fairy-tale. They will have their work cut out in the next few years. And on December
22, 2012 there will be a new pseudoscientific cock-and-bull story doing the rounds and the
whole circus will start all over again. Because no matter how many new celestial bodies are
found in our solar system, there will always be a need for a mysterious Planet X.?

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