Cara-Cara Melancap Lelaki Dan Perempuan
Pelancapan merujukkan pada perangsangan seksual, terutamanya pada genitals seorang itu sendiri dan sering membawa ke puncak syahwat, yang dilakukan dengan tangan, oleh jenis-jenis perhubungan badan lain (kecuali hubungan seks), dengan kegunaan benda atau peralatan, atau dengan pegabungan cara-cara ini. Pelancapan adalah bentuk terumum pada otoerotikisme, dan dua kata telah sering digunakan sebagai sinonim, walaupun pelancapan dengan seorang pasangan (pelancapan perasaan saling) juga umum.*Teknik-teknik pelancapan*Cara-cara pelancapan umum ke ahli kedua jantina termasuk menekan atau meraba tempat pembiakan, sama ada dengan jari atau terhadapan suatu benda seperti bantal; memasuki jari-jari atau suatu benda ke dalam dubur (lihat pelancapan dubur); dan merangsangkan pelir atau vulva dengan alat peggetar, yang boleh dimasukkan ke dalam faraj atau dubur. Ahli kedua-dua jantina juga menikmati menyentuh, meraba, atau mencubit puting atau zon erogenous lain sewaktu melancap. Kedua jantina kadang-kadang menggunakan substances pelincir untuk intensify sensasi.Membaca atau melihat terbitan lucah, atau fantasi seks, sering umumnya adjunct ke pelancapan. Sering orang akan memanggil pada peringatan sewaktu pelancapan. Aktiviti-aktiviti pelancapan sering ritualised. Banyak fetishes dan paraphilia boleh juga mengambil bahagian dalam upacara pelancapan. Sesetengah potentially harmful atau aktiviti-aktiviti fatal termasuk autoerotic asphyxiation dan self-bondage.Sesetengah orang mendapatkan kepuasan seks dengan memasukkan benda-benda ke dalam uretra (tiub melalui mana kencing dan, dalam lelaki, air mani, mengalir). Jika benda-benda ini mempunyai urethral sounds, amalan ini diketahui sebagai "sounding". Benda-benda lain seperti pen ball point dan thermometer kadang-kadang digunakan, walaupun amalan ini dapat membawakan kecederaan dan/atau jangkitan. Sesetengah orang melancap dengan menggunakan alat pelancapan erotik otomatik merangsangkan persetubuhan.Lelaki dan wanita boleh melancap sehingga mereka berhampiran dengan puncak syahwat, berhenti untuk seketika untuk mengurangkan keterujaan, dan kemudian meneruskan pelancapan. Mereka boleh mengulangi kitaran ini banyak kali. Digelar "edging", pembinaan "stop and go" ini boleh mencapai puncak syahwat yang lebih kuat. Jarangkali, orang menamatkan perangsangan hanya sebelum puncak syahwat untuk mengekalkan tenaga memuncak yang biasanya menurun selepas puncak syahwat[9] oleh kerana pengeluaran hormon prolactin. Membuat ini dapat membawakan ketidakselesaan sementara disebabkan kesesakan pelvic.WanitaTeknik-teknik pelancapan wanita termasuk seorang wanita meraba vulvanya, terutamanya kelentitnya, dengan jari telunjuk dan/atau tengah. Kadang-kadang satu atau lebih jari boleh dimasukkan ke dalam farajnya untuk mengusap berulangan dinding hadapan farajnya di mana g-spotnya terletak Bantuan pelancapan seperti sebuah alat penggetar, dildo atau bola Ben Wa juga dapat digunakan untuk merangsang faraj dan kelentit. Banyak wanita mengusap dada mereka atau merangsang puting dengan tangan bebas, jika ini tempat-tempat diterima untuk perangsangan seksual. Perangsangan dubur juga dinikmati oleh sesetengah. Pelinciran kadang-kadang digunakan sewaktu pelancapan, terutamanya ketika penembusan terlibat, tetapi ini bukanlah sejagat dan banyak wanita mendapati pelinciran semulajadi memusakan.Posisi-posisi umum termasuk membaring di belakang atau memandang ke bawah, duduk, menyangkung, melutut atau berdiri. Dalam sebuah bak mandi atau pancuran seorang wanita dapat secara terusan meletakkan air pada kelentit dan vulvanya. Memandang ke bawah seorang dapat menggunakan tangan, seorang dapat bercelapak sebuah bantal, sudut atau hujung katil, kaki seorang pasangan atau sesetengah pakaian merenyukkan dan "membonggal" vulvanya dan kelentit terhadapnya. Berdiri tegak, sebuah kerusi, sudut sebuah benda perabot atau juga sebuah mesin basuh dapat digunakan untuk merangsang kelentitnya melalui labia dan pakaiannya.Wanita boleh merangsang diri mereka dengan crossing their legs tightly dan menggenggam otot kaki mereka, memberikan tekanan pada alat pembiakan seks mereka. Ini dapat secara potensi dilakukan dalam keadaan orang ramai tanpa pemerhati perasan. Sesetengah melancap menggunakan hanya tekanan digunakan pada kelentit tanpa perhubungan terusan, contohnya dengan menekan tapak tangan atau bulatan tahngan terhadap seluar dalam atau pakaian lain.Fikiran, fantasi dan peringatan instances terdahulu arousal dan puncak syahwat boleh menghasilkan arousal seks. Sestengah wanita mendakwa dapat memuncak syahwat spontaneously dengan daya kemahuan sendiri, tetapi kebolehan itu, jika ia betul-betul muncul, mungkin tidak secara terhad layak sebagai pelancapan oleh kerana tiada perangsangan batun terlibat.LelakiLelaki dengan rambut pubik dicukur melancap dengan merangsang pelirnya yang tegang dengan tangan.Teknik-teknik pelancapan lelaki juga dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor dan kelebihsukaan peribadi. Teknik-teknik boleh juga berlaian di antara lelaki yang dikhatan dan tidak dikhatan, seperti teknik-teknik yang boleh dilakukan untuk seseorang mungkin agak menyakitkan untuk yang lain.Teknik terumum pelancapan lelaki adalah hanya dengan memegang pelir dengan genggaman longgar dan kemudian bergerak tangan ke atas dan ke bawah batang sehingga puncak syahwat dan pancutan air mani mengambil tempat. Kelajuan mosi tangan akan berbesa dari seorang lelaki ke seorang lelaki, walaupun ia tidak umum pada kelajuan untuk bertambah apabila pancutan air mani berhampiran dan untuk mengurangkannya sewaktu pancutan air mani tersendiri. Jika belum berkhatan, perangsangan pelir dengan cara ini tiba dari "pengepaman" kulup. mosi luncuran pada kulup mengurangkan geseran. Jika berkhatan, ada cara yang lebih berterusan di antara tangan dan kelenjar, oleh itu suatu pelincir peribadi kadang-kadang digunakan untuk mengurangkan geseran. Kadang-kadang, jika terlampau banyak tekanan digunakan, ia boleh sakit meraba untuk suatu tempoh waktu.Suatu lagi teknik adalah dengan meletakkan hanya jari telunjuk dan ibu jari keling pelir dan menggerakkan kuelit atas dan bawah. Suatu variasi ini adalah dengan meletakkan kesemua jari panjang dan ibu jari pada pelir seperti bermain seruling, dan kemudian usap ulang-alik. Suatu lagi teknik umum adalah memandang ke bawah pada permukaan selesa seperti tilam atau bantal dan meraba pelir terhadapnya sehingga puncak syahwat dicapai. Teknik ini boleh termasuk menggunakan suatu simulacrum, atau faraj buatan.Ada banyak lagi variasi pada teknik pelancapan lelaki. Sesetengah lelaki boleh meletakkan tangan secara terusan pada pelir mereka sewaktu pelancapan, sementara yang lain menggunakan tangan bebas mereka untuk mengusap-ngusap buah pelir, puting dan bahagian lain badan mereka. Sesetengah boleh membiarkan tangan mereka pegun sementara mengepamnya ke dalamnya dengan tolakan pelvic supaya dapat merangsangkan mosi hubungan seks. Yang lain boleh juga menggunakan alat penggeletar dan alat-alat seksual lain lebih umum berkaitan dengan pelancapan wanita. Sangat sedikit lelaki fleksibel dapat mencapai dan merangsangkan pelir mereka dengan lidah atau bibir mereka, dan oleh itu melakukan otofelatio
Ahad, 30 Januari 2011
Ahad, 16 Januari 2011
ABS (75º E) AsiaSat 5 (100.5º E)AsiaSat 3S (105.5º E)Intelsat 10 (68.5º E) C-Band
Inggris & Irlandia
Sky TV(Channel 835)
Amerika Utara
Galaxy 19 (97º W)
Amerika Selatan
Hispasat 1C(30 ºW), Intelsat 805 (27.5º W)
Eurobird 1(28.5º E), Hotbird 8 (13º E), Astra 1 (19.2º E)
Intelsat 10 (68.5º E) KU-Band, Intelsat 10 (68.5º E) C-Band
Australia , Selandia Baru
Optus D2 (152º E)
Timur Tengah, Afrika Utara
Eurobird 2 (25.5º E) Hotbird 8 (13º E)
Informasi Satelit
st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }
INTELSAT 10 (Ku Band) at 68.5º E Transponder 14kFrequency: 12.562Ghz HorizontalSymbol Rate: 26657FEC: 1/2
INTELSAT 10 (C Band) at 68.5º ETransponder: G14CFrequency: 3808VSymbol Rate: 10340FEC: 3/4Program: 2PMT: 502PCR: 102Video: 102Audio: 202
ASIA SAT 5 at 100.5º ETransponder C9HFrequency: 3960HSymbol Rate: 27500FEC: 3/4
ASIA SAT 3S at 105.5º E
Transponder 4H Frequency: 3760HSymbol Rate: 26000FEC: 7/8
ABS 1 at 75º ETransponder: 11SFrequency: 12579HSymbol Rate: 22 MspsFEC: 3/4SID (Channel Number): 121
GALAXY 19 at 97º W (dulu bernama Galaxy 25)Transponder: 20Frequency: 12060H Symbol Rate: 22000FEC: 3/4
HISPASAT 1C at 30 ºW Transponder: 64Frequency: 12169VSymbol Rate: 5240FEC: 3/4 Video: 0x0257Audio: 0x0258Satellite: Intelsat 805Location: 55.5 deg WestFrequency: 3771 MHzPolarization: VerticalSymbol rate: 13333
FEC: 5/6
PENGUMUMAN: Supreme Master Television telah pindah dari Intelsat 907 ke Intelsat 805 sejak 31 Juli 2009. Optus D2 at 152º ETransponder: 5
Frequency: 12518.75VSymbol Rate: 22500FEC: 3/4Video PID: 5109 Audio PID: 5209SID: #13
Eurobird 1 at 28.5º E
Transponder: D7SFreq: 11585H
Symbol Rare: 27500FEC: 2/3
EUROBIRD 2 at 25.5º ETransponder: 158Frequency: 11662VSymbol Rate: 27500FEC: 3/4
ASTRA 1L at 19.2º ETransponder: 113Frequency: 12633.25 MHz HorizontalSymbol Rate: 22000FEC: 5/6Video PID: 234Audio PID: 334PCR: 234
HOTBIRD at 13°EastTransponder: 155Frequency: 11604MHz HorizontalSymbol Rate: 27500FEC: 5/6
Sky Channel 835
Nama Saluran di SKY TV adalah SupremeMastr Supreme Master Television tersedia secara luas di seluruh dunia. Silakan hubungi distributor setempat yang terdaftar di bawah ini untuk wilayah Anda:
Supreme Master Televisi adalah sebuah saluran digital yang tersedia secara gratis dari Satelit Eutelsat Hotbird 6 pada 13° E (timur), satelit Eurobird 1 pada 28.5° Timur, dan satelit Astra 1 pada 19.2°, dan Skay Channel 835 di Inggris dan Irlandia.Untuk menerima sinyal dari satelit, anda akan memerlukan reciever satelit compliant DVB yang benar, dan sebuah parabola yang ukurannya memadai, biasanya 90cm. Mohon cek dengan teknisi bersangkutan.Untuk menerima Supreme Master Television pada Satelit Hotbird 6, Eurobird 1, dan Astra 1
Sebuah set-top box digital standard free-to-air yang sekarang berharga mulai dari hanya £59, atau £105 sebagai sebuah set-top box komplit dengan antenna, sudah lebih dari cukup untuk penerimaan saluran-gratis. Receiver dengan harga lebih mahal ditawarkan tidak membedakan kualitas, tapi dalam kemampuan, seperti sebagai TV-Bayar kemungkinan upgrade bisa dilakukan.Kelebihan dari satelit penerima adalah sederhana, lebih banyak pilihan dan lebih murah. Kabel dan penyedia digital lainnya sebenarnya meminta bayaran per bulan untuk pelayanan free-to-air ini, sebagai contoh hanya untuk merelay ke set-top box cable anda. Satelit juga punya daya cakup yang lebih luas dan menawarkan kualitas gambar dan suara yang lebih baik.
Daftar saluran pada Hotbird:
Infomasi umum pada Hotbird:
Majalah Telivisi Satelit:
Penjajaran Antena Satelit (software)
PRANCIS:Untuk membeli alat-alat yang diperlukan untuk mengakses Hotbird, silahkan kunjungi webiste berikut untuk menemukan penjual terdekat.
JERMAN: Links:http://www.satzentrale.dehttp://www.satdoc.de SLOVENIAHadir di Saluran 73 dari jaringan kabel T2. Untuk pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan acara-acar Supreme Master Television hubungi:Supreme Master Television 122 A East foothill Blvd, #306Arcadia, CA 91006USATel: +1 626-444-4385 / Fax: +1
Informasi Pemasangan Satelit
Informasi Pemasangan
Untuk memasang satelit Supreme Master Television, anda akan memerlukan alat-alat berikut ini:
1. Dish (with LNB)
2. Receiver
3. LNB
4. Signal Meter
Ada banyak jenis komponen yang bisa anda pilih. Berikut ini sebuah contoh sebagai referensi:
1. Dish- Orbit 80 cm, dengan braket dinding (ukuran yang direkomendasikan) £49.00
2. Receiver - Technomate 1000D £79.00
3. LNB - Edison 0.2DB Single (double untuk TV kedua, jika anda punya 2 TV) £20.00
4. Signal Meter (kadang-kadang diberikan gratis sebagai tawaran paket) £17.00 - £25.00
5. Baut (biasanya 4 baut, tergantung braketnya) £5.70
6. Kabel Coaxial(20m/lebih tergantung rumah) £10 - £15
7. Clips dinding hitam 7MM untuk memegang kabel di dinding £2.00
8. Konektor untuk ujung kabel: Satellite "F" Plug x 4 £2.00
9. Kompas (tidak harus tapi dianjurkan) Normal atau Digital £5.00 - £15.00
(toko-toko LiDL juga memberikan diskon bagus untuk system satelit)
Petunjuk dasar untk instalasi: Memasang sistem satelit di rumah anda adalah pekerjaan yang cukup mudah. Pertama anda harus memastikan bahwa bagian-bagian satelit yang tersambung ke satelit terpasang dengan aman. Kedua, satelit atau parabolanya harus diarahkan dengan benar, jika tidak, anda tidak akan mendapat sinyal. untuk memberi gambaran pada anda, ini seperti mengarahkan sebuah parabola pada sebuah mobil 1000 mil jauhnya, tapi hanya dengan sedikit mencoba-coba dan tips-tips yang berguna, mudah sekali!
1. Untuk menerima sinyal satelit, parabolanya diarahkan langsung ke arah satelit (di angkasa). penghalang seperti pohon-pohon atau bangunan akan mengganggu sinyal.2. Pastikan dimana anda akan menaruh parabola anda. Harus di posisi menghadap selatan dan dapat di gerakkan secara horizontal. 3. Baut secara aman di dinding, dan pasang parabolanya. 4. Lebih baik untuk memastikan sudut atau elevasinya dulu. Biasanya di Inggris, sudut yang diperlukan adalah 30-31 derajat (atas/bawah) dan tandai disamping braket. 5. Sekarang anda perlu untuk memposisikan bidang horizontalnya. Satelit Hotbird adalah 13 derajat tenggara. Sebuah kom[as akan membantu anda menemukan posisi yang tepat. 6. Sekarang, saatnya pencarian sinyal. alat-alat disebutkan di atas bisa membantu anda, sebuah sinyal meter "Sat Finder" atau "Sat Beeper". menggunakan meter membuat pengarahkan parabola lebih akurat, dengan menggerakkan parabola secara perlahan sampai alat meternya menangkap sinyal, dan akhirnya mencapai titik dimana jika kita menggerakkan parabolanya sedikit akan memperlihatkan pengurangan kualitas sinyal, ini berarti parabola sudah di posisi tepat.catatan: anda akan memerlukan sedikit "Jumper cable" sekitar 1 meter/3 kaki, untuk digunakan dengan alat ukurnya. Jumper cable ini menghubungkan antara LNB dan meter/alat ukurnya. Kabel dari receiver dihubungkan ke ujung meternya. 7. Anda sekarang siap untuk memasang receiver-nya dan menggunakan kekuatan sinyal pada lanyaruntuk menyempurnakan sinyal. Pada layar semestinya terlihat sinyal dari Hotbird dengan kualitas sekitar 60%. jika sangat rendah (<10%), kemungkinan besar anda menangkap satelit yang salah, atau sambungan di kabel konektor buruk (lihat diagram di bawah). Catatan: Kawat kabel luar jangan sampai menyentuh inti kawat dalam (Lihat gambar di bawah). 8. Setelah ini selesai, silahkan merujuk ke buku instruksi reciever untuk menyaksikan SMTV.9. Sekarang duduk dan relax-lah, anda siap menikmati Saluran paling spiritual di dunia!
Membuat koneksi secara benar:
ABS (75º E) AsiaSat 5 (100.5º E)AsiaSat 3S (105.5º E)Intelsat 10 (68.5º E) C-Band
Inggris & Irlandia
Sky TV(Channel 835)
Amerika Utara
Galaxy 19 (97º W)
Amerika Selatan
Hispasat 1C(30 ºW), Intelsat 805 (27.5º W)
Eurobird 1(28.5º E), Hotbird 8 (13º E), Astra 1 (19.2º E)
Intelsat 10 (68.5º E) KU-Band, Intelsat 10 (68.5º E) C-Band
Australia , Selandia Baru
Optus D2 (152º E)
Timur Tengah, Afrika Utara
Eurobird 2 (25.5º E) Hotbird 8 (13º E)
Informasi Satelit
st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }
INTELSAT 10 (Ku Band) at 68.5º E Transponder 14kFrequency: 12.562Ghz HorizontalSymbol Rate: 26657FEC: 1/2
INTELSAT 10 (C Band) at 68.5º ETransponder: G14CFrequency: 3808VSymbol Rate: 10340FEC: 3/4Program: 2PMT: 502PCR: 102Video: 102Audio: 202
ASIA SAT 5 at 100.5º ETransponder C9HFrequency: 3960HSymbol Rate: 27500FEC: 3/4
ASIA SAT 3S at 105.5º E
Transponder 4H Frequency: 3760HSymbol Rate: 26000FEC: 7/8
ABS 1 at 75º ETransponder: 11SFrequency: 12579HSymbol Rate: 22 MspsFEC: 3/4SID (Channel Number): 121
GALAXY 19 at 97º W (dulu bernama Galaxy 25)Transponder: 20Frequency: 12060H Symbol Rate: 22000FEC: 3/4
HISPASAT 1C at 30 ºW Transponder: 64Frequency: 12169VSymbol Rate: 5240FEC: 3/4 Video: 0x0257Audio: 0x0258Satellite: Intelsat 805Location: 55.5 deg WestFrequency: 3771 MHzPolarization: VerticalSymbol rate: 13333
FEC: 5/6
PENGUMUMAN: Supreme Master Television telah pindah dari Intelsat 907 ke Intelsat 805 sejak 31 Juli 2009. Optus D2 at 152º ETransponder: 5
Frequency: 12518.75VSymbol Rate: 22500FEC: 3/4Video PID: 5109 Audio PID: 5209SID: #13
Eurobird 1 at 28.5º E
Transponder: D7SFreq: 11585H
Symbol Rare: 27500FEC: 2/3
EUROBIRD 2 at 25.5º ETransponder: 158Frequency: 11662VSymbol Rate: 27500FEC: 3/4
ASTRA 1L at 19.2º ETransponder: 113Frequency: 12633.25 MHz HorizontalSymbol Rate: 22000FEC: 5/6Video PID: 234Audio PID: 334PCR: 234
HOTBIRD at 13°EastTransponder: 155Frequency: 11604MHz HorizontalSymbol Rate: 27500FEC: 5/6
Sky Channel 835
Nama Saluran di SKY TV adalah SupremeMastr Supreme Master Television tersedia secara luas di seluruh dunia. Silakan hubungi distributor setempat yang terdaftar di bawah ini untuk wilayah Anda:
Supreme Master Televisi adalah sebuah saluran digital yang tersedia secara gratis dari Satelit Eutelsat Hotbird 6 pada 13° E (timur), satelit Eurobird 1 pada 28.5° Timur, dan satelit Astra 1 pada 19.2°, dan Skay Channel 835 di Inggris dan Irlandia.Untuk menerima sinyal dari satelit, anda akan memerlukan reciever satelit compliant DVB yang benar, dan sebuah parabola yang ukurannya memadai, biasanya 90cm. Mohon cek dengan teknisi bersangkutan.Untuk menerima Supreme Master Television pada Satelit Hotbird 6, Eurobird 1, dan Astra 1
Sebuah set-top box digital standard free-to-air yang sekarang berharga mulai dari hanya £59, atau £105 sebagai sebuah set-top box komplit dengan antenna, sudah lebih dari cukup untuk penerimaan saluran-gratis. Receiver dengan harga lebih mahal ditawarkan tidak membedakan kualitas, tapi dalam kemampuan, seperti sebagai TV-Bayar kemungkinan upgrade bisa dilakukan.Kelebihan dari satelit penerima adalah sederhana, lebih banyak pilihan dan lebih murah. Kabel dan penyedia digital lainnya sebenarnya meminta bayaran per bulan untuk pelayanan free-to-air ini, sebagai contoh hanya untuk merelay ke set-top box cable anda. Satelit juga punya daya cakup yang lebih luas dan menawarkan kualitas gambar dan suara yang lebih baik.
Daftar saluran pada Hotbird:
Infomasi umum pada Hotbird:
Majalah Telivisi Satelit:
Penjajaran Antena Satelit (software)
PRANCIS:Untuk membeli alat-alat yang diperlukan untuk mengakses Hotbird, silahkan kunjungi webiste berikut untuk menemukan penjual terdekat.
JERMAN: Links:http://www.satzentrale.dehttp://www.satdoc.de SLOVENIAHadir di Saluran 73 dari jaringan kabel T2. Untuk pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan acara-acar Supreme Master Television hubungi:Supreme Master Television 122 A East foothill Blvd, #306Arcadia, CA 91006USATel: +1 626-444-4385 / Fax: +1
Informasi Pemasangan Satelit
Informasi Pemasangan
Untuk memasang satelit Supreme Master Television, anda akan memerlukan alat-alat berikut ini:
1. Dish (with LNB)
2. Receiver
3. LNB
4. Signal Meter
Ada banyak jenis komponen yang bisa anda pilih. Berikut ini sebuah contoh sebagai referensi:
1. Dish- Orbit 80 cm, dengan braket dinding (ukuran yang direkomendasikan) £49.00
2. Receiver - Technomate 1000D £79.00
3. LNB - Edison 0.2DB Single (double untuk TV kedua, jika anda punya 2 TV) £20.00
4. Signal Meter (kadang-kadang diberikan gratis sebagai tawaran paket) £17.00 - £25.00
5. Baut (biasanya 4 baut, tergantung braketnya) £5.70
6. Kabel Coaxial(20m/lebih tergantung rumah) £10 - £15
7. Clips dinding hitam 7MM untuk memegang kabel di dinding £2.00
8. Konektor untuk ujung kabel: Satellite "F" Plug x 4 £2.00
9. Kompas (tidak harus tapi dianjurkan) Normal atau Digital £5.00 - £15.00
(toko-toko LiDL juga memberikan diskon bagus untuk system satelit)
Petunjuk dasar untk instalasi: Memasang sistem satelit di rumah anda adalah pekerjaan yang cukup mudah. Pertama anda harus memastikan bahwa bagian-bagian satelit yang tersambung ke satelit terpasang dengan aman. Kedua, satelit atau parabolanya harus diarahkan dengan benar, jika tidak, anda tidak akan mendapat sinyal. untuk memberi gambaran pada anda, ini seperti mengarahkan sebuah parabola pada sebuah mobil 1000 mil jauhnya, tapi hanya dengan sedikit mencoba-coba dan tips-tips yang berguna, mudah sekali!
1. Untuk menerima sinyal satelit, parabolanya diarahkan langsung ke arah satelit (di angkasa). penghalang seperti pohon-pohon atau bangunan akan mengganggu sinyal.2. Pastikan dimana anda akan menaruh parabola anda. Harus di posisi menghadap selatan dan dapat di gerakkan secara horizontal. 3. Baut secara aman di dinding, dan pasang parabolanya. 4. Lebih baik untuk memastikan sudut atau elevasinya dulu. Biasanya di Inggris, sudut yang diperlukan adalah 30-31 derajat (atas/bawah) dan tandai disamping braket. 5. Sekarang anda perlu untuk memposisikan bidang horizontalnya. Satelit Hotbird adalah 13 derajat tenggara. Sebuah kom[as akan membantu anda menemukan posisi yang tepat. 6. Sekarang, saatnya pencarian sinyal. alat-alat disebutkan di atas bisa membantu anda, sebuah sinyal meter "Sat Finder" atau "Sat Beeper". menggunakan meter membuat pengarahkan parabola lebih akurat, dengan menggerakkan parabola secara perlahan sampai alat meternya menangkap sinyal, dan akhirnya mencapai titik dimana jika kita menggerakkan parabolanya sedikit akan memperlihatkan pengurangan kualitas sinyal, ini berarti parabola sudah di posisi tepat.catatan: anda akan memerlukan sedikit "Jumper cable" sekitar 1 meter/3 kaki, untuk digunakan dengan alat ukurnya. Jumper cable ini menghubungkan antara LNB dan meter/alat ukurnya. Kabel dari receiver dihubungkan ke ujung meternya. 7. Anda sekarang siap untuk memasang receiver-nya dan menggunakan kekuatan sinyal pada lanyaruntuk menyempurnakan sinyal. Pada layar semestinya terlihat sinyal dari Hotbird dengan kualitas sekitar 60%. jika sangat rendah (<10%), kemungkinan besar anda menangkap satelit yang salah, atau sambungan di kabel konektor buruk (lihat diagram di bawah). Catatan: Kawat kabel luar jangan sampai menyentuh inti kawat dalam (Lihat gambar di bawah). 8. Setelah ini selesai, silahkan merujuk ke buku instruksi reciever untuk menyaksikan SMTV.9. Sekarang duduk dan relax-lah, anda siap menikmati Saluran paling spiritual di dunia!
Membuat koneksi secara benar:
Selasa, 11 Januari 2011
Ini bukanlah sebahagian peta yang menunjukkan wilayah Thailand dahulu tetapi peta Benua Siam Islam yang dimaksudkan dalam Undang-Undang Kedah. Peta sekitar tahun 1730 ini adalah sebelum Boromokot Sultan Muhiyuddin Mansur Syah mangkat (1758, Marhum Kota Palas Pulau Langkawi). Kerajaan Tai masih belum wujud lagi. Kewujudan mereka hanyalah selepas mereka menyerang dan menawan Ayuthia mulai tahun 1767 dan Raja Rama I Buddha mula memerentah. Merekalah penjajah negeri Siam Islam. Logik ke jika kita fikirkan perbezaan Bahasa Tai dan Melayu begitu jelas walaupun sempadan kedua negara hanya tanah dan sungai sahaja, bukannya lautan. Perbezaan bahasa yang jelas ketara menunjukkan bahawa bahasa dan bangsa Tai ini muncul secara tiba-tiba di alam melayu sebagai penjajah. –inilah kata-kata pakar sejarah tak bertauliah yang sedang senyum kambing seperti dalam gambar di atas tu.
Amboi-amboi...ALAM MELAYU konon..manyak cantekkk..hairan bin ajaib, dia ni tak pernah kutip sumber-sumber sejarah Patani utk buat cross reference. Sebab apa dia tak kutip?Sebab sumber sejarah dari Patani cerita dengan jelas dari mana asal usul Melayu.
Sejarah Kerajaan Melayu Patani menyebut:..Dalam masa negeri Kedah telah dibuka menjadi sebuah negeri yang masyhur serta terbuka pula pulau Singapura dan Melaka oleh orang-orang MELAYU yang datang dari pulau Sumatera maka dewasa itu negeri Patani belum lagi tersebut namanya sehingga beberapa tahun kemudian, dalam hal itupun telah dipercayai bahawa dalam kawasan negeri Patani. Pada masa itu juga telah diduduki oleh orang-orang Siam asli kerana telah diketahui dengan sahnya pada zaman purbakala seluruh Tanah Melayu memang lebih dahulu diduduki oleh mereka itu. Sungguhpun pada masa itu telah ada orang-orang MELAYU yang datang dari PULAU SUMATERA menduduki di tepi pantai laut Tanah Melayu hingga setengah daripada mereka itu telah dapat berkuasa dan bernegeri sebelah selatannya seperti Singapura dan Melaka. Akan tetapi kekuasaan orang-orang MELAYU itu belum lagi meliputi hingga ke sebelah utaranya oleh kerana itu juga terdiri kekuasaan orang-orang Siam asli di utara Tanah Melayu dengan bebasnya seperti dalam Pahang, Kedah, Kelantan demikian juga Patani dan lain-lain. Sekalian pemerintahan orang Siam asli dalam negeri ini adalah bernaung kepada pusat pemerintahan yang terdiri di Ligor atau Nakorn Sri Thammarat. ...
(malah nama MELAYU pun belum wujud kerana semasa mereka datang dari Sumatera, entah apa nama bangsa pelaut ini. Menurut Anai-anai, nama MELAYU ni pun Siam yang bagi iaitu Ma LA Yu bermaksud Mai la dok sini. Tapi kenapa nama ini timbul, tidak pula diberitau punca atau kejadiannya. Mungkin masa tu org Melayu ni asyik duduk tepi laut, jadi Siam pun ajak depa pi dok atas darat. Tapi Depa tak mau sebab kalau duduk atas darat, susah cari makan. Tapi Siam merayu berkali-kali sambil tarik tangan dan berkata: Ma Lae YU..Ma Lae Yu..lalu depa pun kata: Eh, Siam panggil kita Ma La Yu, best jugak nama ni. Mulai detik ini, minit ini apa kata kita namakan bangsa kita ni MALAYU.. He..he)Sambung..sambung Sejarah Patani semula...
..Maka dalam masa itulah juga didalam Patani telah terdiri sebuah kerajaan orang-orang Siam asli yang terletak pusat pemerintahan dalam di daerah Perawan (sekarang dipanggil Kampung Perawan duduknya dalam daerah Jering. Nama yang sah ialah Pra Wang dalam bahasa Siam ertinya kota raja. Sekarang dalam ini ada lagi bekas kota raja dan kesan-kesan purbakala yang didirikan oleh orang-orang Siam asli dan telah dijumpai juga sebuah patung berhala Buddha yang besar yang disembah oleh orang-orang Buddha yang dibina dalam gua di atas sebuah bukit yang ada dalam daerah Yala sekarang. Patung ini telah diperbuat oleh orang-orang Siam asli itu dan ada kaitan menunjukkan bahawa masa membuat patung ini bersamaan dengan masa Maharaja Seri Wijaya Palembang membina tiang candi di negeri Ligor, melihat daripada kesan-kesan yang ada sekarang dapatlah dipercayai kerajaan orang-orang Siam asli dalam Patani sekarang itu telah lama terdiri dan tidaklah kecil kerajaannya.) tetapi nama negerinya yang sebenar belum didapati yang sah hanya ada tersebut dalam Cetera Negeri Patani mengatakan iaitu bergelar negeri “Kota Mahligai” (dalam buku Cetera Patani dikatakan perkataan ini daripada perkataan “mahanaki” ertinya negeri orang beragama Buddha mazhab Mahayana).Melihat daripada kesan-kesannya yang ada sekarang, nyatakan negeri ini sebuah negeri yang besar juga dan diperintah oleh beberapa orang raja-rajanya dan akhir sekali diperintah oleh seorang raja yang bernama Raja Sri Wangsa. (Nama raja ini tertulis dalam buku Cetera Negeri Patani dengan “Piakurup Mahayana” ertinya raja yang menyembah ugama Mahayana). Di dalam masa pemerintahan Raja Sri Wangsa di Kota Mahligai itu telah pun ada orang-orang Melayu yang datang dari negeri-neger yang baharu dibuka disebelah selatan Tanah Melayu dan juga daripada Pulau Sumatera, mereka juga datang menduduki dan mendiami pada tepi-tepi pantai lautan. Maka adalah negeri Kota Mahligai itu diduduknya terlalu jauh ke daratan hingga berpuluh-puluh batu jauhnya dari muka laut kerana kebiasaannya orang-orang Siam asli itu tidak berapa suka tinggal di tepi-tepi laut.......Pada masa itu raja pemerintah dan sekalian rakyat jelata dalam negeri Patani sedang beragama yang dibawa oleh orang-orang Hindu iaitu agama Buddha mazhab Mahayana. Berbetulan dewasa itu dalam Pulau Sumatera telah terdiri sebuah negeri yang bernama Pasai seluruh rakyat telah memeluk agama Islam tetapi disekeliling negerinya masih orang yang beragama Hindu. Dengan hal itu negeri Pasai selalu diserang oleh orang-orang Hindu menyebabkan orang-orang Islam di dalam negeri Pasai sentiasa hidup menderita kesusahan sehingga setengah dari mereka itu telah berpindah ke negeri yang lain menyelamatkan diri masing-masing, diantara mereka itu ada yang telah melarikan diri menuju ke negeri Patani. Semenjak itu negeri Patani mulalah menerima kedatangan orang Islam dari negeri Pasai mereka telah membuat sebuah Kampung di situ, sekalian penduduk ialah dari orang-orang Pasai belaka kemudian kampung itu digelarkan kampung Pasai hingga sekarang gelaran Kampung Pasai masih ada lagi dalam negeri Patani....
Berkaitan pengislaman raja Patani.....Beberapa hari kemudian kelihatanlah Syeikh Safiyy al-Din datang ke kota istana dan masuk mengadap baginda Raja Antira. Sambil baginda bertitah, “Betulkah Tuan Syeikh sanggup penyakit kami?” Sembahnya, “Daulat Tuanku, ribuan ampun sangguplah patik mengubatnya tetapi dengan syarat hendaklah tuanku membuat perjanjian dengan patik terlebih dahulu.” Titah baginda, “apakah janji yang engkau kehendak itu?” jawab Syeikh Safiyy al-Din, “kehendak patik ialah sekiranya penyakit Duli Tuanku itu dapat patik sembuhkan hendaklah tuanku meninggalkan agama Buddha itu dan ikutlah agama patik iaitu agama Islam.” ...
Lalu raja pun masuk Islam..Setelah itu mulalah pula agama Islam menjalar keluar dari istana di raja itu beransur-ansur masuk ke tengah masyarakat rakyat jelata negeri Patani dan akhirnya habislah orang-orang Patani memeluk agama Islam serta agama Buddha itupun mulalah beransur-ansur lemah dengan tidak diperduli lagi oleh orang-orang Patani. Seterusnya patung-patung berhala Buddha dan tempat persembahan mereka habislah runtuh dan binasa...Dalam Hikayat Patani juga turut diceritakan tentang pengIslaman raja Patani ini. Namun dalam satu perenggan dikatakan:... Adapun raja itu sungguhpun ia membawa agama Islam, yang menyembah berhala dan makan babi itu juga yang ditinggalkan; lain dari pada itu segala pekerjaan kafir itu suatu pun tiada diubahnya….Mungkin perkara yang sukar ditinggalkan ialah bab bini ramai sebab raja dahulu bininya berduyun-duyun. Sikap begini terbawa-bawa sampai sekarang oleh orang-orang hipokrit tahap cicak kubin ini iaitu bab makan babi saja yang cukup strict keharamannya, kalau bab betina, haram tolak tepi, taubat kemudian. Tak kira la betina tu anak tokey babi ke anak peniaga sup tulang babi. Kalau ikut kita pi Siam, nak makan nasi kena cari kedai yang ada gantung ayat Quran. Tak boleh makan masakan Siam Buddha kapiag harbi. Tak bersih, kata depa. Tapi bila dapat betina pelacur, terus perap dalam bilik hotel tak mau keluar-keluar lagi. Tinggal kita dok merayap sorang-sorang. Haram jadah sungguh.Dan yang pasti, Patani dan Ayutthaya terlibat beberapa kali dalam peperangan. Dan dakwaan bahawa Portugis adalah Kafir zimmi dan patuh taat setia pada Raja Aytthaya adalah karut sebab Portugis membantu Patani dan turut membekalkan meriam dan ubat bedil pada Patani hingga Ayutthaya tewas beberapa kali. Mungkin kafir zimmi pada anggapan Patani la kot? Dan mungkin juga Patani juga yang di salah anggap sebagai Ayutthaya. Sestengah sejarawan mengatakan Shahrul Nawi sebenarnya adalah Patani kerana Patani satu ketika dulu sangat makmur. Malah ada satu tempat bernama Nawi berhampiran Patani
Amboi-amboi...ALAM MELAYU konon..manyak cantekkk..hairan bin ajaib, dia ni tak pernah kutip sumber-sumber sejarah Patani utk buat cross reference. Sebab apa dia tak kutip?Sebab sumber sejarah dari Patani cerita dengan jelas dari mana asal usul Melayu.
Sejarah Kerajaan Melayu Patani menyebut:..Dalam masa negeri Kedah telah dibuka menjadi sebuah negeri yang masyhur serta terbuka pula pulau Singapura dan Melaka oleh orang-orang MELAYU yang datang dari pulau Sumatera maka dewasa itu negeri Patani belum lagi tersebut namanya sehingga beberapa tahun kemudian, dalam hal itupun telah dipercayai bahawa dalam kawasan negeri Patani. Pada masa itu juga telah diduduki oleh orang-orang Siam asli kerana telah diketahui dengan sahnya pada zaman purbakala seluruh Tanah Melayu memang lebih dahulu diduduki oleh mereka itu. Sungguhpun pada masa itu telah ada orang-orang MELAYU yang datang dari PULAU SUMATERA menduduki di tepi pantai laut Tanah Melayu hingga setengah daripada mereka itu telah dapat berkuasa dan bernegeri sebelah selatannya seperti Singapura dan Melaka. Akan tetapi kekuasaan orang-orang MELAYU itu belum lagi meliputi hingga ke sebelah utaranya oleh kerana itu juga terdiri kekuasaan orang-orang Siam asli di utara Tanah Melayu dengan bebasnya seperti dalam Pahang, Kedah, Kelantan demikian juga Patani dan lain-lain. Sekalian pemerintahan orang Siam asli dalam negeri ini adalah bernaung kepada pusat pemerintahan yang terdiri di Ligor atau Nakorn Sri Thammarat. ...
(malah nama MELAYU pun belum wujud kerana semasa mereka datang dari Sumatera, entah apa nama bangsa pelaut ini. Menurut Anai-anai, nama MELAYU ni pun Siam yang bagi iaitu Ma LA Yu bermaksud Mai la dok sini. Tapi kenapa nama ini timbul, tidak pula diberitau punca atau kejadiannya. Mungkin masa tu org Melayu ni asyik duduk tepi laut, jadi Siam pun ajak depa pi dok atas darat. Tapi Depa tak mau sebab kalau duduk atas darat, susah cari makan. Tapi Siam merayu berkali-kali sambil tarik tangan dan berkata: Ma Lae YU..Ma Lae Yu..lalu depa pun kata: Eh, Siam panggil kita Ma La Yu, best jugak nama ni. Mulai detik ini, minit ini apa kata kita namakan bangsa kita ni MALAYU.. He..he)Sambung..sambung Sejarah Patani semula...
..Maka dalam masa itulah juga didalam Patani telah terdiri sebuah kerajaan orang-orang Siam asli yang terletak pusat pemerintahan dalam di daerah Perawan (sekarang dipanggil Kampung Perawan duduknya dalam daerah Jering. Nama yang sah ialah Pra Wang dalam bahasa Siam ertinya kota raja. Sekarang dalam ini ada lagi bekas kota raja dan kesan-kesan purbakala yang didirikan oleh orang-orang Siam asli dan telah dijumpai juga sebuah patung berhala Buddha yang besar yang disembah oleh orang-orang Buddha yang dibina dalam gua di atas sebuah bukit yang ada dalam daerah Yala sekarang. Patung ini telah diperbuat oleh orang-orang Siam asli itu dan ada kaitan menunjukkan bahawa masa membuat patung ini bersamaan dengan masa Maharaja Seri Wijaya Palembang membina tiang candi di negeri Ligor, melihat daripada kesan-kesan yang ada sekarang dapatlah dipercayai kerajaan orang-orang Siam asli dalam Patani sekarang itu telah lama terdiri dan tidaklah kecil kerajaannya.) tetapi nama negerinya yang sebenar belum didapati yang sah hanya ada tersebut dalam Cetera Negeri Patani mengatakan iaitu bergelar negeri “Kota Mahligai” (dalam buku Cetera Patani dikatakan perkataan ini daripada perkataan “mahanaki” ertinya negeri orang beragama Buddha mazhab Mahayana).Melihat daripada kesan-kesannya yang ada sekarang, nyatakan negeri ini sebuah negeri yang besar juga dan diperintah oleh beberapa orang raja-rajanya dan akhir sekali diperintah oleh seorang raja yang bernama Raja Sri Wangsa. (Nama raja ini tertulis dalam buku Cetera Negeri Patani dengan “Piakurup Mahayana” ertinya raja yang menyembah ugama Mahayana). Di dalam masa pemerintahan Raja Sri Wangsa di Kota Mahligai itu telah pun ada orang-orang Melayu yang datang dari negeri-neger yang baharu dibuka disebelah selatan Tanah Melayu dan juga daripada Pulau Sumatera, mereka juga datang menduduki dan mendiami pada tepi-tepi pantai lautan. Maka adalah negeri Kota Mahligai itu diduduknya terlalu jauh ke daratan hingga berpuluh-puluh batu jauhnya dari muka laut kerana kebiasaannya orang-orang Siam asli itu tidak berapa suka tinggal di tepi-tepi laut.......Pada masa itu raja pemerintah dan sekalian rakyat jelata dalam negeri Patani sedang beragama yang dibawa oleh orang-orang Hindu iaitu agama Buddha mazhab Mahayana. Berbetulan dewasa itu dalam Pulau Sumatera telah terdiri sebuah negeri yang bernama Pasai seluruh rakyat telah memeluk agama Islam tetapi disekeliling negerinya masih orang yang beragama Hindu. Dengan hal itu negeri Pasai selalu diserang oleh orang-orang Hindu menyebabkan orang-orang Islam di dalam negeri Pasai sentiasa hidup menderita kesusahan sehingga setengah dari mereka itu telah berpindah ke negeri yang lain menyelamatkan diri masing-masing, diantara mereka itu ada yang telah melarikan diri menuju ke negeri Patani. Semenjak itu negeri Patani mulalah menerima kedatangan orang Islam dari negeri Pasai mereka telah membuat sebuah Kampung di situ, sekalian penduduk ialah dari orang-orang Pasai belaka kemudian kampung itu digelarkan kampung Pasai hingga sekarang gelaran Kampung Pasai masih ada lagi dalam negeri Patani....
Berkaitan pengislaman raja Patani.....Beberapa hari kemudian kelihatanlah Syeikh Safiyy al-Din datang ke kota istana dan masuk mengadap baginda Raja Antira. Sambil baginda bertitah, “Betulkah Tuan Syeikh sanggup penyakit kami?” Sembahnya, “Daulat Tuanku, ribuan ampun sangguplah patik mengubatnya tetapi dengan syarat hendaklah tuanku membuat perjanjian dengan patik terlebih dahulu.” Titah baginda, “apakah janji yang engkau kehendak itu?” jawab Syeikh Safiyy al-Din, “kehendak patik ialah sekiranya penyakit Duli Tuanku itu dapat patik sembuhkan hendaklah tuanku meninggalkan agama Buddha itu dan ikutlah agama patik iaitu agama Islam.” ...
Lalu raja pun masuk Islam..Setelah itu mulalah pula agama Islam menjalar keluar dari istana di raja itu beransur-ansur masuk ke tengah masyarakat rakyat jelata negeri Patani dan akhirnya habislah orang-orang Patani memeluk agama Islam serta agama Buddha itupun mulalah beransur-ansur lemah dengan tidak diperduli lagi oleh orang-orang Patani. Seterusnya patung-patung berhala Buddha dan tempat persembahan mereka habislah runtuh dan binasa...Dalam Hikayat Patani juga turut diceritakan tentang pengIslaman raja Patani ini. Namun dalam satu perenggan dikatakan:... Adapun raja itu sungguhpun ia membawa agama Islam, yang menyembah berhala dan makan babi itu juga yang ditinggalkan; lain dari pada itu segala pekerjaan kafir itu suatu pun tiada diubahnya….Mungkin perkara yang sukar ditinggalkan ialah bab bini ramai sebab raja dahulu bininya berduyun-duyun. Sikap begini terbawa-bawa sampai sekarang oleh orang-orang hipokrit tahap cicak kubin ini iaitu bab makan babi saja yang cukup strict keharamannya, kalau bab betina, haram tolak tepi, taubat kemudian. Tak kira la betina tu anak tokey babi ke anak peniaga sup tulang babi. Kalau ikut kita pi Siam, nak makan nasi kena cari kedai yang ada gantung ayat Quran. Tak boleh makan masakan Siam Buddha kapiag harbi. Tak bersih, kata depa. Tapi bila dapat betina pelacur, terus perap dalam bilik hotel tak mau keluar-keluar lagi. Tinggal kita dok merayap sorang-sorang. Haram jadah sungguh.Dan yang pasti, Patani dan Ayutthaya terlibat beberapa kali dalam peperangan. Dan dakwaan bahawa Portugis adalah Kafir zimmi dan patuh taat setia pada Raja Aytthaya adalah karut sebab Portugis membantu Patani dan turut membekalkan meriam dan ubat bedil pada Patani hingga Ayutthaya tewas beberapa kali. Mungkin kafir zimmi pada anggapan Patani la kot? Dan mungkin juga Patani juga yang di salah anggap sebagai Ayutthaya. Sestengah sejarawan mengatakan Shahrul Nawi sebenarnya adalah Patani kerana Patani satu ketika dulu sangat makmur. Malah ada satu tempat bernama Nawi berhampiran Patani
Sepertimana yg saya telah janjikan, maka kali ini saya petik sejarah Chan dan Mook, serikandi dua beradik yg terlibat dlm perang Thalang menentang Burma.Nama gelaran yg Chao Fa Chulalok beri kpd mrk berdua ialah Thao Thep Kasatri dan Thao Thep Sunthorn sebagai anugerah atas keberanian mereka berjuang mengusir tentera Burma keluar dari bumi Thalang. Mereka bukan berangkat dari Kedah utk berperang di Thalang sebagaimana dlm cerita versi Melayu. Mereka adalah anak jati Thalang. Yang berasal dari Kedah ialah ibu mereka di mana dlm sejarah atau Phongsawadal mengatakan ibu mereka adalah keturunan Chao Meang Saiburee (Raja Kedah)Chan dan Mook adalah anak Chao Meang Thalang yg bernama Phrak Thalang Chomrang. Manakala ibu mrk ialah Mae Siah atau Mak Siah. Dlm sejarah ini juga menyebut Chan dan Mook mempunyai lima adik beradik, Chan yang sulung, kedua ialah Mook (bukan kembar dlm versi Melayu), ketiga juga perempuan bernama Ma, yg ke empat lelaki bernama Add. Yg bongsu juga lelaki bernama Reang.Chan dikatakan lahir sekitar tahun 2278 – 2283 (1735 – 1740 M) pada zaman Maharaja Bhorommokot pada penghujung era Ayutthaya. Manakala Mook pula jarak tahun sekitar itu juga, ketika terlibat dlm perang Thalang, kedua mereka berusia sekitar 45 – 50 tahun.Pada zaman kanak-kanak, keluarga Chan dan Mook menetap di Barn Tak Khian (org zaman sekarang memanggil Barn Khian) Disebabkan keduanya adalah keturunan bangsawan, maka mereka mendapat pendidikan sewajarnya dan memiliki sifat keberanian tidak seperti wanita kebanyakan yg lain.Apabila meningkat remaja, pada tahun 2297 (1754) Chan telah berkahwin dengan Mom Sri Pakdi, keturunan bangsawan Meang Ta kuathung, mereka peroleh 2 orang anak, yg sulung perempuan bernama Prang, yg bongsu lelaki bernama Thian. Chan menetap di Tak Kuathung bersama suami dan anak-anak lima tahun saja kerana Mom Sri Pakdi meninggal dunia pada usia muda. Setelah itu, Chan balik dan menetap bersama ibu bapa semula. Manakala Mook pula dikatakan tidak pernah berkahwin.Pada tahun 2305 (1762), Chan berkahwin lagi setelah menjanda tiga tahun. Suami baru Chan ialah Praya Phimol yang merupakan orang yang dipertanggungjawabkan oleh Chao Nakhorn Sitammarat untuk menjaga hal-hal pentadbiran Meang Thalang. Perkahwinan baru ini, Chan dapat tiga orang anak lagi, yang sulung perempuan bernama Thong (Emas), yg kedua dan ketiga lelaki nama Chui dan Niam.Pada penghujung pemerintahan Chao Aekathast, bukan Ekataat sebab ditulis dalam bahasa Siam sebagai เอกทัศ Chao Phraya Chom rang, bapa Chan telah meninggal dunia pada tahun 2310 (1767) dan adik Chan iaitu Add menggantikan tempat bapanya menjadi Chao Meang Thalang. Namun Add dan abang ipar Phrak Ya Phimol (suami Chan) tidak sehaluan lalu Chao Phrakya Sritammarat telah menukarkan Phrakya Phimol mentadbir negeri Phattalung. Chan tidak mengikut suami ke Phattalung tetapi berpindah dan tinggal bersama keluarga suami lama, Phrakya Pakdi di Barn Takuathung.Ketika Ayutthaya pecah kena serang dengan Burma, kebanyakan pentadbir di selatan membebaskan diri masing-masing, antaranya termasuk Chao Praya Sritammarat dan juga Praya Phimol, suami Chan. Namun kebebasan mereka tidak lama bila Praya Taksin berjaya menghalau Burma. Selepas bebas dari ancaman Burma, Praya Taksin mencari Raja-raja di selatan yg berpakat membebaskan diri masing-masing ini. Chao Praya Sitammarat dan Praya Phimol berjaya ditangkap. Praya Phimol tidak dijatuhi hukuman sebagaimana Praya Sri Tammarat tapi dilucut hak sebagai Chao Meang Phattalung dan beliau kemudian kembali hidup sebumbung dengan Chan dan menumpukan diri dalam bidang perdagangan dan akrab dengan Francis Light.Bahan dagangan yg dibawa oleh Francis ke Thalang ialah kain baju, senjata, candu dan membeli dari Thalang barang-barang seperti bijih,mutiara,gading gajah, dan herba.Pada tahun 2319 (1776) Praya Sritammarat yg ditahan di Thonburi telah menunjukkan sikap yg baik dan menunjukkan taat setia, maka beliau diberi pengampunan dan diberi peluang menjadi pentadbir kawasan selatan sekali lagi. Apabila Praya Sitammarat berkuasa semula, beliau melantik semula Praya Phimol sebagai Chao Meang Thalang mengganti kan Add yg terkorban dalam satu kejadian pemberontakan.Keakraban Francis Light dengan Praya Phimol org-org Thalang telah membuatkan beliau fasih berbahasa Siam, malah telah dianugerahkan gelaran Phrakyarajkapitan oleh maharaja Siam. Gelaran ini diberi setelah Francis menunaikan permintaan Maharaja membekalkan senjatapi, dan sebagai balasan juga, Francis Light juga telah diberi bijih seberat 100 para (para ialah jenis sukatan berat pada ketika itu, 1 para = 1 tul, 1 tul = 20 kati emas). Mungkin para inilah yg disebut dalam Undang-undang Kedah sebagi “paha”.
Saya sebagai rakyat yang prihatin ingin menyuarakan kepada kerajaan malaysia supaya laman web lucah di hapuskan dengan segera.Jika di biarkan lagi kemungkinan generasi akan datang lebih teruk pada tahun-tahun yang lepas,seperti kes buang anak dan lain-lain lagi.Bagi pandangan saya sepatutnya kerajaan mengambil berat mengenai isu ini jangan di biarkan lagi.Saya berasa hairan kenapa kerajaan tidak mengambil berat mengenai masalah ini.Jika boleh hapuskan laman web lucah di internet kerana ia boleh merosakkan akidah umat islam.
Isnin, 10 Januari 2011
Walaupun saya sebagai rakyat malaysia yang berketurunan thai saya berbangga saya adalah anak thai.Jadi di sebab itulah saya memang berbangga jika ada peluang saya hendak hantar anak saya ke sekolah thai dan mendapat pendidikan di thailand.Anak saya akan masuk universiti king chulalongkorn.Justeru itu saya akan mati di bumi thailand.Saya amat berbangga kerana saya juga boleh menyanyi lagu kebangsaan thai dan juga lagu raja thailand.Jika ada peluang saya akan memberi didikan kepada anak saya menjadi seorang jeneral tentera thailand pada suatu masa nanti.Di depan rumah saya pun ada bendera thai sebagai meraikan negara gajah putih,negara asal usul tok nenek saya punya negara gajah putih.Jika boleh saya berdoa kepada tuhan supaya dapat dimakbulkan oleh tuhan dapat di beri hidayah kepada hambanya dan dapat cita-citanya menjadi warganegara thailand,mati di sana dan menghantar anak sekolah di thailand.
General (Ret.) Sonthi Boonyaratglin (Thai: สนธิ บุญยรัตกลิน, RTGS: Sonthi Bunyaratkalin) (b. 2 October 1946) is former Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army and former head of the Council for National Security, the military junta that ruled the kingdom.[1] He is the first Muslim in charge of the mostly Buddhist army.[2] On 19 September 2006, he became the de facto head of government of Thailand after overthrowing the elected government in a coup d'état.[3] After retiring from the Army in 2007, he became Deputy Prime Minister, in charge of national security.
Sonthi is a multimillionaire and has two wives, Sukanya and Piyada, despite legal prohibitions against bigamy.[4][5][6]
1 Education and early career
2 Conflicts with Thaksin Shinawatra
3 Southern Thailand insurgency
4 Military coup
5 Permanent constitution
6 Relations with Singapore
7 Human rights
8 Other controversies
9 Resignation from CNS, entry into politics
10 Personal life
11 Royal decorations
11.1 Foreign decorations
13 References
14 External links
[edit] Education and early career
Sonthi Boonyaratglin graduated from the 6th Class of the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School. He graduated from Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy in 1969 as part of Class 17 and was commissioned into the Royal Army Infantry Corps. He went on to lead several top units, including the elite Special Warfare Command based in Lopburi province.[7]
In August 2004, Sonthi was appointed Deputy Army Commander.[8] Against public expectations, Sonthi was promoted to Army Commander in October 2005. Sonthi's fast rise was backed by retired armed forces Supreme Commander General Surayud Chulanont (with whom he had served while leading the Special Warfare Command) and Privy Council President General Prem Tinsulanonda.[9] Both serve as advisers to King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
[edit] Conflicts with Thaksin Shinawatra
As Army Commander, General Sonthi repeatedly assured the public that the army would not interfere in the political crisis, although he has said that "His Majesty must have been saddened" by the nation's political problems.[10][11] He has also protested Thaksin's unsuccessful attempt to promote a large number of his own former classmates from Class 10 of the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School to army units responsible for Bangkok's security.[12]
The 2006 annual military reshuffle was delayed due to the political crisis, as caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra denied that he planned to remove Sonthi as Army Commander.[13][14] Despite this, Sonthi consolidating his personal power base by transferring out 129 mid-ranking officers under generals that he thought were loyal to the Prime Minister. Some observers saw this as a message to the Government that Sonthi was still firmly in charge of the Army.[15]
As late as May 2006, Sonthi publicly denied the need for a military coup:
Whenever soldiers get involved in politics, it seems that the nation's problems begin to escalate and become worse. Military officers, accordingly, must step back from politics. With that firm and clear stance, I assure everyone that there definitely won't be a coup.[16]
[edit] Southern Thailand insurgency
See also: South Thailand insurgency
After being appointed Army Commander in 2005, Sonthi expressed confidence that he could resolve the insurgency. He claimed that he would take a "new and effective" approach to a crisis and that "The army is informed [of who the insurgents are] and will carry out their duties."[17] Sonthi was granted an extraordinary increase in executive powers to combat unrest in the far South.[18] However, up to 19 September 2006, the Army admitted that they had no idea who the insurgents were.[19] The drastic escalation of the insurgency during his leadership of the Army led to much public criticism of Army efforts.
While assigned to the South, Sonthi suggested that former communist insurgents might be playing a role in the unrest. Leaders of the southern provinces displayed skepticism over his suggestion and investigations did not reveal any communist link.[20]
Sonthi was also blamed for failing to rescue two teachers who had been severely beaten by a mob in May 2006.[21] One of them, Juling Pangamoon, is still in a coma and attracted fame for being the focus of attention from the royal family of Thailand.[22]
On August 2006 after 22 commercial banks were simultaneously bombed in Yala province, Sonthi announced that he would break with government policy and negotiate with the leaders of the insurgency. However, he noted that "We still don't know who is the real head of the militants we are fighting with."[23] In a press conference the next day, he attacked the government for criticizing him for trying to negotiate with the anonymous insurgents, and demanded that the government "Free the military and let it do the job."[24] Afterwards, insurgents bombed 6 department stores in Hat Yai city, which up until then had been free of insurgent activities. As always, the identity of the insurgents was not revealed. On 8 September, Deputy Prime Minister Chidchai Vanasatidya promised to give Sonthi increased powers to better deal with the insurgency.[18] However, by 19 September 2006, the Army admitted that it still was unsure who to negotiate with.[19]
Three days later, Sonthi led a coup against the government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Sonthi's former superiors, Deputy Prime Minister for national security Chidchai Vanasatidya and Defense Minister Thammarak Isaragura na Ayuthaya were immediately arrested and have been detained ever since.
Despite escalating violence, in May 2007 Sonthi started withdrawing troops from the South, replacing them with territorial defence volunteers. He did not say why the regular army was to be reduced in the South.[25]
[edit] Military coup
Main article: 2006 Thailand coup d'état
During the peak of the Thailand political crisis in February 2006, Sondhi Limthongkul, leader of the anti-Thaksin People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), personally met Sonthi to request that the military intervene in the crisis. Afterwards, Sondhi claimed that Sonthi listened to him attentively and promised to consider his request. Sonthi later claimed that he was misled into receiving Sondhi, and had no intention to endorse the anti-government activists.[26]
On 19 September 2006, Sonthi and other military leaders launched a military coup against the government of Thaksin Shinawatra. The coup-makers originally called themselves the Council for Democratic Reform. Tanks surrounded Government House in Bangkok and the military took over all broadcast media. Thaksin declared a state of emergency from New York City (where he had been attending a meeting of the United Nations), but his broadcast was cut in mid-sentence when the military seized the television station.
Sonthi dissolved Cabinet, Parliament, and the Constitutional Court, and temporarily gave himself powers equivalent to Prime Minister. He declared that the council would hand over power in two weeks.[27] On the second day of the coup, he received a formal mandate from King Bhumibol Adulyadej.[28]
General Sonthi later said in an interview that the coup was originally planned for 20 September, to coincide with a major anti-Thaksin rally also planned for that day. He cited the "Portuguese example" in which anti-government rallies coincided with a successful military rebellion which overthrew King Manuel II of Portugal and established the Portuguese First Republic. The coup was moved up to 19 September, when Thaksin was still in New York. Sonthi also stated that the coup was not an urgent measure mooted just a couple of days earlier. Sonthi also claimed that during a lunch that Thaksin had with the commanders of the armed forces, Thaksin had asked him "Will you stage a coup?" Sonthi replied: "I will."[29] This contradicted earlier public statements where he denied that the military would stage a coup.[30] He also revealed that as early as his 11 September visit to Myanmar, he had been wary of his personal safety. During flight, he carried a concealed pistol and sat next to the entrance to the cockpit.[29]
Sonthi and other junta leaders flew to Chiang Mai on an Air Force C-130 on 3 November 2006 to visit a prominent fortune-teller and perform a religious ceremony to ward off bad luck over their staging of the coup. The fortune teller, Varin Buaviratlert, had been Sonthi's long-time personal fortune-teller, and had foretold Sonthi's rise to become Army Commander.[31] Amid falling popularity, Sonthi sent his wife and several CNS leaders to visit her on 1 April 2007.[32]
Sonthi completely purged the military of all senior officers perceived as loyal to the Thaksin government, replacing them with officers that he personally trusted.[33][34]
[edit] Permanent constitution
In December 2006, junta chief Sonthi Boonyaratglin issued several guidelines for the permanent constitution being drafted by the CNS's drafting body. These included:
Restricting a Prime Minister to serving a maximum of two terms of office
Preventing a government from acting as a caretaker administration after dissolving Parliament.
Making it easier to launch a no-confidence debate against the Prime Minister. Whereas the 1997 Constitution required 200 out of the House's 500 MPs to launch a no-confidence debate against the Prime Minister, Sonthi demanded that 100 MPs be sufficient.
He also made several suggestions, including:
Transforming the Senate from an all-elected body in order to prevent relatives of politicians from being elected and thus perverting the non-partisan intent of the 1997 Constitution.
Allowing politicians to switch political parties at any time. The 1997 Constitution required that any candidate for the House belong to a political party for 90 days before the registration date for an election.
Banning the merger of political parties.[35]
Sonthi later denied dictating the content for the new constitution, but stated "We can't force them to do things but responsible people will know what the constitution should look like."[36]
He also suggested that the term in office of village heads and kamnan be increased from 5 years to 10 years, while the role of elected tambon administrative organisations be reduced.[37]
[edit] Relations with Singapore
In 2006, Thaksin Shinawatra sold his shares in telecom firm Shin Corp to Temasek Holdings. The sale also transferred control of Shin Corp's five satellites (including IPSTAR, the world's largest commercial satellite) and mobile phone operator to the Singaporean company. After the coup, Sonthi claimed that Singapore was eavesdropping on confidential mobile telephone calls made by junta leaders. AIS and Shin Satellite, Shin Corp's mobile operator and satellite operator, denied the claim. In February 2007, Sonthi vowed in front of a thousand volunteer territorial defence students to reclaim the satellites and other telecom assets. "Soldiers will not tolerate a loss of territory, not even a square inch," he said, and continued about how it was his specific duty to "retrieve our assets". Sonthi stopped short of threatening to nationalise the telecommunications conglomerate. An opinion poll found more than 78 percent of 1,116 Thais surveyed backed Sonthi's bid to somehow reclaim the satellites.[38][39][40]
Sonthi's deputy in the CNS, General Saprang Kalayanamitr, noted in a February interview that, "if the telecommunication business is in private hands, it won't be safe for the country."[41]
[edit] Human rights
Human Rights Watch accused the Thai Army, under Sonthi's command, of "disappearing" ethnic Malay Muslims in the far south in a deliberate attempt to defeat the South Thailand insurgency. "These 'disappearances' appear to be a matter of policy, not simply the work of rogue elements in the security services," said the agency in a report.[42]
[edit] Other controversies
Sonthi approved a 12 million baht top-secret budget for a public relations campaign to discredit Thaksin Shinawatra. The request for the money was submitted on 24 Jan 2007. Chianchuang Kalayanamitr, younger brother of CNS Deputy Secretary-General Saprang Kalayanamitr, was hired as head of the publicity team.[43] Politicians hired as part of the CNS campaign included Chat Pattana party leader Korn Dabbaransi, Democrats Korn Chatikavanij, and Korbsak Sabavasu, Prapat Panya-chatraksa, a key Thai Rak Thai member who defected to the Chat Thai party, plus ex-senator Kraisak Choonhavan. Academics hired by the CNS included Wuttipong Piebjriya-wat, Sophon Supapong, Narong Phet-prasert, and Somkiat Osotspa. However, Sophon denied he had anything to do with the campaign.[44]
After a bomb was exploded outside of Chitrlada Palace in early May 2007, junta leader Sonthi Boonratkalin claimed that the "old power group" was behind it, and told the press to ask PTV to learn more. He did not cite any evidence for his claims.[45]
Sonthi claimed in public that several upper-middle ranking public officials had attempted to give him between 40 and 100 million baht in order to get promoted to director-general posts. Sonthi noted that the incidents led him to conclude that paying bribes to get promoted was common during the deposed government of Thaksin Shinawatra. A criminal complaint was filed against Sonthi for failing to take action against the officials. "Sonthi knows who the people are. Why hasn't he charged them over their illegal actions?" said People's Television executive Veera Musigapong.[46]
Amid escalating public criticism of Premier Surayud in March 2007, Chaiwat Sinsuwong, leader of a PAD branch called the Assembly of Isaan People, personally met Sonthi to request that the military remove the Prime Minister. Afterwards, Chaiwat claimed that Sonthi listened to him attentively and promised to consider his request. Sonthi later claimed that he was tricked into receiving Chaiwat, and had no intention to endorse the anti-government activists.[26][47][48]
In May 2007, Sonthi warned about 40 senior newspaper columnists and executives to "report news correctly," saying that he had noticed columnists criticising situations in different ways, and making it clear that he wanted stories to be reported in the same direction.[49]
On 30 May 2007, a junta-appointed Constitutional Tribunal dissolved the Thai Rak Thai Party and banned over 100 of its executives, including Thaksin, from politics for 5 years. On the morning of the ruling, Sonthi met with Tribunal judge Ackaratorn Chularat. He later denied that he lobbied the Constitution Tribunal to ban the Thai Rak Thai executive team.[50]
[edit] Resignation from CNS, entry into politics
There was widespread public speculation that Sonthi would retain power after his mandatory retirement in 2007. Although he promised not to follow in the footsteps of former National Peace Keeping Coalition leader and deposed Prime Minister General Suchinda Kraprayoon, Sonthi did note that he alone could not make the decision as to whether he should become Prime Minister.[51]
In March 2007, Sonthi called for emergency rule to be declared in Bangkok in response to the protests by the founders of People's Television. In an interview, he noted that the protests had so far been peaceful, but that he was afraid the movement could lead to "mutiny and chaos in the country."[52]
As the military junta consolidated its power, Sonthi flip-flopped from earlier promises not to cling to power. In a television interview on 25 June 2007 he hinted at plans to enter politics after he retires as Army chief in September 2007, not denying a suggestion that a new political party might be created for him. The very next day, a group of allies and anti-Thaksin politicians launched Ruam Jai Thai (Thai Unity), a new party that “would not be unfriendly to the military”, as one put it.[53]
Sonthi's potential entry into politics was welcomed by Suthep Thaugsuban, Secretary-General of the Democrat Party. "It would be a good sign if Sonthi would turn himself into a politician because that is the way of democracy. We should appreciate him [if he did it that way]. He is welcome... I haven't talked about the matter with him. But, in general, the Army commander-in-chief, government officials or ordinary people are welcome here at the Democrat Party," Suthep said. [54]
Coup-supporter Suriyasai Katasila of the People's Alliance for Democracy suggested that Sonthi skip the next post-election and wait for the one after it, if he is keen about entering politics. Fellow coup-supporter Chamlong Srimuang, whose 1992 protests against Prime Minister Suchinda Kraprayoon led to the coup-leader's downfall, declined to state his views on Sonthi's future political role. CNS sources claimed that as of July 2007, Sonthi had not made a decision about whether or not to run in the next election.[55]
The Prime Minister's Office Minister defended Sonthi's right to formally enter politics. "Whether or not it is appropriate for him to contest the [next] general election is open to criticism, which, of course, has nothing to do with his right to run. If people consider it inappropriate, they will not vote for him or his party," the Minister said.[56]
In the months prior to July 2007, Sonthi co-chaired meetings of the Thai Cabinet, alongside Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont. He also travelled to the provinces to convince local officials to cut links with Thaksin Shinawatra and anti-junta politicians, telling them they would be treated better under his rule.[57] Sources claimed that Sonthi was planning to run for Parliament in the next election, representing Lopburi. General Pallop Pinmanee, Sonthi's advisor and director of the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) was charged with building a support base for Gen Sonthi in Lopburi. ISOC staff were also sent to Northern and Northeastern provinces, political strongholds of Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai party, to persuade local politicians to defect from Thai Rak Thai and join political parties backed by the military.[58]
Sonthi resigned as commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai Army on September 30, 2007. He was succeeded by General Anupong Paochinda.[59] Sonthi resigned as chairman of the Council for National Security on October 1, 2007.[1] He was succeeded as CNS chairman by Air Chief Marshal Chalit Pukbhasuk, the commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai Air Force. Sonthi accepted a post in the cabinet of Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont as deputy prime minister in charge of security.[60][61]
[edit] Personal life
Sonthi has two concurrent wives. He registered to marry his first wife, Sukanya, when he was a lieutenant and registered to a second wife, Piyada, when he was a captain. He currently lives with both women. Bigamy is illegal in Thailand, and is punishable with a jail term. However, Interior Minister Aree Wongsaraya defended Sonthi, claiming that it was a personal matter. He boasted that he himself had six wives.[4][5]
Sonthi is of Persian lineage. His ancestor, Sheikh Ahmad Qomi,[62][63] was an Iranian expatriate trader who lived in Thailand for 26 years. Many Thais, including those from the Bunnag and Ahmadchula families trace their ancestry back to him.
[edit] Royal decorations
Sonthi has received the following royal decorations in the Honours System of Thailand:[64]
1972 - Victory Medal - Vietnam War
1973 - Freeman Safeguarding Medal, Second Class
1976 - Companion (Fourth Class) of The Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
1982 - Border Service Medal
1984 - Commander (Third Class) of The Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
1989 - Chakra Mala Medal
1989 - Knight Commander (Second Class) of The Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
1991 - Knight Commander (Second Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant
1995 - Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
1999 - Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant
[edit] Foreign decorations
1970 - U.S. Army Commendation Medal, with Valor device
[edit] Quotes
"There is nobody who wants to stage a coup. I can assure that the military will not." 28 February 2006[65]
"The army will not get involved in the political conflict. Political troubles should be resolved by politicians. Military coups are a thing of the past.", 6 March 2006,[30]
"Nobody was behind us. We decided on our own, and we took care of it on our own ... because the people have called for it and also because of the mismanagement of the government.", 20 September 2006[66]
"Thaksin is a Thai and a fellow countryman and there will be no problem should he decide to return. We are like brothers.", 20 September 2006[67]
[edit] References
^ a b Thai coup general quits position, BBC
^ Thailand Set To Reshuffle Southern Army Commander Again Defense News
^ Coup chief cites intense conflicts CNN
^ a b The Nation, Anti-coup group calls for Sonthis' sacking for allegedly registering two marriages, 31 December 2006
^ a b The Nation, Multiple wives just 'personal' business, 31 December 2006
^ ADN Kronos, Thailand: Coup leader a multimillionaire, media reports, 27 November 2007
^ The Star, Sonthi’s meteoric ascent to power, 21 September 2006
^ Thailand's military reshuffle officially announced People's Daily Online
^ The Nation, WARNING FROM SURAYUD: Thaksin's return 'a threat', 28 September 2006
^ Thai military chief seeking audience with King Bhumibol Taipei Times
^ Should Thaksin Stay? Times Asia
^ Thaksin fall from grace Asia Times Online
^ Thaksin denies planning to remove Thai army chief People's Daily
^ Thaksin denies planning to remove Thai army chief China View
^ Thai army chief delivers 'counter punch' to Thaksin Taipei Times
^ Thai News Agency, "Thai army chief reaffirms non-interference in politics", 18 May 2006
^ Thailand: Mollifying the Muslim SOBAKA
^ a b Army commander's powers to rise: Thai Deputy PM China Economic Net
^ a b The Bangkok Post, "Deep South: Army wants peace talks but unsure who with", 19 September 2006
^ Governors to look into Sonthi's claim of communist hand in Southern unrest The Nation
^ Hostage Taking: Army's image takes beating The Nation
^ The Nation, "HRH Crown Prince to visit Juling"
^ Sonthi calls for talks The Nation
^ The Bangkok Post, Sonthi slams meddling
^ Bangkok Post, Some troops to pull out of South, 12 May 2007
^ a b Bangkok Post, No time for a general to play games, 11 May 2007
^ Thailand coup leader vows new PM in weeks CNN
^ Thailand's king gives blessing to coup CNN
^ a b The Nation, Sonthi told Thaksin he would stage a coup, 27 October 2006
^ a b International Herald Tribune, Thaksin refuses to resign despite protests in Bangkok, 6 March 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Coup-Makers Try to Keep Bad Luck At Bay, 4 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, CNS members visit renowned fortune teller, 2 April 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Sonthi loyalists put in key military positions, 22 March 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Mid-year reshuffle completes the Thaksin purge, 22 March 2007
^ The Nation, Sonthi issues guidelines for new charter, 17 December 2006
^ The Nation, No dictatation on the charter : CNS chief, 20 December 2006
^ The Nation, Sonthi idea 'contrary to democracy', 25 December 2006
^ Reuters, Thailand says wants satellites back, but how?, 19 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Wrong speech at wrong time, 20 February 2007
^ The Australian, Thailand's junta wants Shin Corp back, 19 February 2007
^ Straits Times, Straight-talking general on the rise, 21 February 2007
^ Reuters, Thai army accused of "disappearing" Muslims, 20 march 2007
^ Bangkok Post, CNS' anti-Thaksin campaign, 8 April 2007
^ The Nation, Saprang's cousin given PR work 'because of experience', 11 April 2007
^ ผู้จัดการออนไลน์, “สนธิ” ย้ำเหตุบึ้มไม่ใช่ฝีมือกองทัพ - โบ้ยถามหมอดูพีทีวี, 6 พฤษภาคม 2550
^ The Nation, PTV plans legal action against Sonthi for failure to act against corrupt officials, 11 May 2007
^ The Nation, Gen Sonthi 'tricked' into meeting anti-PM group, 10 May 2007
^ The Nation, Activists plead for Sonthi to remove PM, 9 May 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Sonthi warns media to report correctly, 16 May 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Sonthi denies influencing Tribunal, 2 June 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Prime Minister Sonthi Boonyaratkalin?, 22 March 2007
^ The Nation, Thai junta chief calls for emergency rule in Bangkok, 28 March 2007
^ The Economist, Penalty shoot-out, 28 June 2007
^ The Nation, Junta chief warned against entering politics, 10 July 2007
^ The Nation, Sonthi flayed over poll rumour, 9 July 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Harsh penalties proposed against undemocratic bids to sink charter, 14 July 2007
^ The Nation, Junta chief leaving the Army for a new power game, 9 July 2007
^ Bangkok Post, [1], 11 July 2007
^ Urgent: Anupong appointed new army chief, The Nation (Thailand).
^ Thai coup leader quits military council, TNA/MCOT.
^ Sonthi appointed as deputy PM, The Nation (Thailand)
^ (Thai) "ชีวิตและผลงาน พลเอก สนธิ บุญยรัตกลิน ผู้บัญชาการทหารบก" เป็นหนังสือที่พล.อ.สนธิ บุญยรัตกลิน รองนายกรัฐมนตรี ทำแจกในโอกาสเกษียณอายุราชการในตำแหน่งผบ.ทบ. มีเนื้อหาที่น่าสนใจโดยสรุป ดังนี้
^ จาก“บุนนาค”ถึง“บุญยรัตกลิน”
^ Biography at the Royal Thai Army website. Retrieved on December 4, 2008.
^ AFP, Thai PM open to concessions, ready to postpone snap polls, 28 February 2006
^ Thailand military consolidates grip Al Jazeera
^ Thai coup leader to install new PM in two weeks ABC News
[edit] External
Sonthi is a multimillionaire and has two wives, Sukanya and Piyada, despite legal prohibitions against bigamy.[4][5][6]
1 Education and early career
2 Conflicts with Thaksin Shinawatra
3 Southern Thailand insurgency
4 Military coup
5 Permanent constitution
6 Relations with Singapore
7 Human rights
8 Other controversies
9 Resignation from CNS, entry into politics
10 Personal life
11 Royal decorations
11.1 Foreign decorations
13 References
14 External links
[edit] Education and early career
Sonthi Boonyaratglin graduated from the 6th Class of the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School. He graduated from Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy in 1969 as part of Class 17 and was commissioned into the Royal Army Infantry Corps. He went on to lead several top units, including the elite Special Warfare Command based in Lopburi province.[7]
In August 2004, Sonthi was appointed Deputy Army Commander.[8] Against public expectations, Sonthi was promoted to Army Commander in October 2005. Sonthi's fast rise was backed by retired armed forces Supreme Commander General Surayud Chulanont (with whom he had served while leading the Special Warfare Command) and Privy Council President General Prem Tinsulanonda.[9] Both serve as advisers to King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
[edit] Conflicts with Thaksin Shinawatra
As Army Commander, General Sonthi repeatedly assured the public that the army would not interfere in the political crisis, although he has said that "His Majesty must have been saddened" by the nation's political problems.[10][11] He has also protested Thaksin's unsuccessful attempt to promote a large number of his own former classmates from Class 10 of the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School to army units responsible for Bangkok's security.[12]
The 2006 annual military reshuffle was delayed due to the political crisis, as caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra denied that he planned to remove Sonthi as Army Commander.[13][14] Despite this, Sonthi consolidating his personal power base by transferring out 129 mid-ranking officers under generals that he thought were loyal to the Prime Minister. Some observers saw this as a message to the Government that Sonthi was still firmly in charge of the Army.[15]
As late as May 2006, Sonthi publicly denied the need for a military coup:
Whenever soldiers get involved in politics, it seems that the nation's problems begin to escalate and become worse. Military officers, accordingly, must step back from politics. With that firm and clear stance, I assure everyone that there definitely won't be a coup.[16]
[edit] Southern Thailand insurgency
See also: South Thailand insurgency
After being appointed Army Commander in 2005, Sonthi expressed confidence that he could resolve the insurgency. He claimed that he would take a "new and effective" approach to a crisis and that "The army is informed [of who the insurgents are] and will carry out their duties."[17] Sonthi was granted an extraordinary increase in executive powers to combat unrest in the far South.[18] However, up to 19 September 2006, the Army admitted that they had no idea who the insurgents were.[19] The drastic escalation of the insurgency during his leadership of the Army led to much public criticism of Army efforts.
While assigned to the South, Sonthi suggested that former communist insurgents might be playing a role in the unrest. Leaders of the southern provinces displayed skepticism over his suggestion and investigations did not reveal any communist link.[20]
Sonthi was also blamed for failing to rescue two teachers who had been severely beaten by a mob in May 2006.[21] One of them, Juling Pangamoon, is still in a coma and attracted fame for being the focus of attention from the royal family of Thailand.[22]
On August 2006 after 22 commercial banks were simultaneously bombed in Yala province, Sonthi announced that he would break with government policy and negotiate with the leaders of the insurgency. However, he noted that "We still don't know who is the real head of the militants we are fighting with."[23] In a press conference the next day, he attacked the government for criticizing him for trying to negotiate with the anonymous insurgents, and demanded that the government "Free the military and let it do the job."[24] Afterwards, insurgents bombed 6 department stores in Hat Yai city, which up until then had been free of insurgent activities. As always, the identity of the insurgents was not revealed. On 8 September, Deputy Prime Minister Chidchai Vanasatidya promised to give Sonthi increased powers to better deal with the insurgency.[18] However, by 19 September 2006, the Army admitted that it still was unsure who to negotiate with.[19]
Three days later, Sonthi led a coup against the government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Sonthi's former superiors, Deputy Prime Minister for national security Chidchai Vanasatidya and Defense Minister Thammarak Isaragura na Ayuthaya were immediately arrested and have been detained ever since.
Despite escalating violence, in May 2007 Sonthi started withdrawing troops from the South, replacing them with territorial defence volunteers. He did not say why the regular army was to be reduced in the South.[25]
[edit] Military coup
Main article: 2006 Thailand coup d'état
During the peak of the Thailand political crisis in February 2006, Sondhi Limthongkul, leader of the anti-Thaksin People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), personally met Sonthi to request that the military intervene in the crisis. Afterwards, Sondhi claimed that Sonthi listened to him attentively and promised to consider his request. Sonthi later claimed that he was misled into receiving Sondhi, and had no intention to endorse the anti-government activists.[26]
On 19 September 2006, Sonthi and other military leaders launched a military coup against the government of Thaksin Shinawatra. The coup-makers originally called themselves the Council for Democratic Reform. Tanks surrounded Government House in Bangkok and the military took over all broadcast media. Thaksin declared a state of emergency from New York City (where he had been attending a meeting of the United Nations), but his broadcast was cut in mid-sentence when the military seized the television station.
Sonthi dissolved Cabinet, Parliament, and the Constitutional Court, and temporarily gave himself powers equivalent to Prime Minister. He declared that the council would hand over power in two weeks.[27] On the second day of the coup, he received a formal mandate from King Bhumibol Adulyadej.[28]
General Sonthi later said in an interview that the coup was originally planned for 20 September, to coincide with a major anti-Thaksin rally also planned for that day. He cited the "Portuguese example" in which anti-government rallies coincided with a successful military rebellion which overthrew King Manuel II of Portugal and established the Portuguese First Republic. The coup was moved up to 19 September, when Thaksin was still in New York. Sonthi also stated that the coup was not an urgent measure mooted just a couple of days earlier. Sonthi also claimed that during a lunch that Thaksin had with the commanders of the armed forces, Thaksin had asked him "Will you stage a coup?" Sonthi replied: "I will."[29] This contradicted earlier public statements where he denied that the military would stage a coup.[30] He also revealed that as early as his 11 September visit to Myanmar, he had been wary of his personal safety. During flight, he carried a concealed pistol and sat next to the entrance to the cockpit.[29]
Sonthi and other junta leaders flew to Chiang Mai on an Air Force C-130 on 3 November 2006 to visit a prominent fortune-teller and perform a religious ceremony to ward off bad luck over their staging of the coup. The fortune teller, Varin Buaviratlert, had been Sonthi's long-time personal fortune-teller, and had foretold Sonthi's rise to become Army Commander.[31] Amid falling popularity, Sonthi sent his wife and several CNS leaders to visit her on 1 April 2007.[32]
Sonthi completely purged the military of all senior officers perceived as loyal to the Thaksin government, replacing them with officers that he personally trusted.[33][34]
[edit] Permanent constitution
In December 2006, junta chief Sonthi Boonyaratglin issued several guidelines for the permanent constitution being drafted by the CNS's drafting body. These included:
Restricting a Prime Minister to serving a maximum of two terms of office
Preventing a government from acting as a caretaker administration after dissolving Parliament.
Making it easier to launch a no-confidence debate against the Prime Minister. Whereas the 1997 Constitution required 200 out of the House's 500 MPs to launch a no-confidence debate against the Prime Minister, Sonthi demanded that 100 MPs be sufficient.
He also made several suggestions, including:
Transforming the Senate from an all-elected body in order to prevent relatives of politicians from being elected and thus perverting the non-partisan intent of the 1997 Constitution.
Allowing politicians to switch political parties at any time. The 1997 Constitution required that any candidate for the House belong to a political party for 90 days before the registration date for an election.
Banning the merger of political parties.[35]
Sonthi later denied dictating the content for the new constitution, but stated "We can't force them to do things but responsible people will know what the constitution should look like."[36]
He also suggested that the term in office of village heads and kamnan be increased from 5 years to 10 years, while the role of elected tambon administrative organisations be reduced.[37]
[edit] Relations with Singapore
In 2006, Thaksin Shinawatra sold his shares in telecom firm Shin Corp to Temasek Holdings. The sale also transferred control of Shin Corp's five satellites (including IPSTAR, the world's largest commercial satellite) and mobile phone operator to the Singaporean company. After the coup, Sonthi claimed that Singapore was eavesdropping on confidential mobile telephone calls made by junta leaders. AIS and Shin Satellite, Shin Corp's mobile operator and satellite operator, denied the claim. In February 2007, Sonthi vowed in front of a thousand volunteer territorial defence students to reclaim the satellites and other telecom assets. "Soldiers will not tolerate a loss of territory, not even a square inch," he said, and continued about how it was his specific duty to "retrieve our assets". Sonthi stopped short of threatening to nationalise the telecommunications conglomerate. An opinion poll found more than 78 percent of 1,116 Thais surveyed backed Sonthi's bid to somehow reclaim the satellites.[38][39][40]
Sonthi's deputy in the CNS, General Saprang Kalayanamitr, noted in a February interview that, "if the telecommunication business is in private hands, it won't be safe for the country."[41]
[edit] Human rights
Human Rights Watch accused the Thai Army, under Sonthi's command, of "disappearing" ethnic Malay Muslims in the far south in a deliberate attempt to defeat the South Thailand insurgency. "These 'disappearances' appear to be a matter of policy, not simply the work of rogue elements in the security services," said the agency in a report.[42]
[edit] Other controversies
Sonthi approved a 12 million baht top-secret budget for a public relations campaign to discredit Thaksin Shinawatra. The request for the money was submitted on 24 Jan 2007. Chianchuang Kalayanamitr, younger brother of CNS Deputy Secretary-General Saprang Kalayanamitr, was hired as head of the publicity team.[43] Politicians hired as part of the CNS campaign included Chat Pattana party leader Korn Dabbaransi, Democrats Korn Chatikavanij, and Korbsak Sabavasu, Prapat Panya-chatraksa, a key Thai Rak Thai member who defected to the Chat Thai party, plus ex-senator Kraisak Choonhavan. Academics hired by the CNS included Wuttipong Piebjriya-wat, Sophon Supapong, Narong Phet-prasert, and Somkiat Osotspa. However, Sophon denied he had anything to do with the campaign.[44]
After a bomb was exploded outside of Chitrlada Palace in early May 2007, junta leader Sonthi Boonratkalin claimed that the "old power group" was behind it, and told the press to ask PTV to learn more. He did not cite any evidence for his claims.[45]
Sonthi claimed in public that several upper-middle ranking public officials had attempted to give him between 40 and 100 million baht in order to get promoted to director-general posts. Sonthi noted that the incidents led him to conclude that paying bribes to get promoted was common during the deposed government of Thaksin Shinawatra. A criminal complaint was filed against Sonthi for failing to take action against the officials. "Sonthi knows who the people are. Why hasn't he charged them over their illegal actions?" said People's Television executive Veera Musigapong.[46]
Amid escalating public criticism of Premier Surayud in March 2007, Chaiwat Sinsuwong, leader of a PAD branch called the Assembly of Isaan People, personally met Sonthi to request that the military remove the Prime Minister. Afterwards, Chaiwat claimed that Sonthi listened to him attentively and promised to consider his request. Sonthi later claimed that he was tricked into receiving Chaiwat, and had no intention to endorse the anti-government activists.[26][47][48]
In May 2007, Sonthi warned about 40 senior newspaper columnists and executives to "report news correctly," saying that he had noticed columnists criticising situations in different ways, and making it clear that he wanted stories to be reported in the same direction.[49]
On 30 May 2007, a junta-appointed Constitutional Tribunal dissolved the Thai Rak Thai Party and banned over 100 of its executives, including Thaksin, from politics for 5 years. On the morning of the ruling, Sonthi met with Tribunal judge Ackaratorn Chularat. He later denied that he lobbied the Constitution Tribunal to ban the Thai Rak Thai executive team.[50]
[edit] Resignation from CNS, entry into politics
There was widespread public speculation that Sonthi would retain power after his mandatory retirement in 2007. Although he promised not to follow in the footsteps of former National Peace Keeping Coalition leader and deposed Prime Minister General Suchinda Kraprayoon, Sonthi did note that he alone could not make the decision as to whether he should become Prime Minister.[51]
In March 2007, Sonthi called for emergency rule to be declared in Bangkok in response to the protests by the founders of People's Television. In an interview, he noted that the protests had so far been peaceful, but that he was afraid the movement could lead to "mutiny and chaos in the country."[52]
As the military junta consolidated its power, Sonthi flip-flopped from earlier promises not to cling to power. In a television interview on 25 June 2007 he hinted at plans to enter politics after he retires as Army chief in September 2007, not denying a suggestion that a new political party might be created for him. The very next day, a group of allies and anti-Thaksin politicians launched Ruam Jai Thai (Thai Unity), a new party that “would not be unfriendly to the military”, as one put it.[53]
Sonthi's potential entry into politics was welcomed by Suthep Thaugsuban, Secretary-General of the Democrat Party. "It would be a good sign if Sonthi would turn himself into a politician because that is the way of democracy. We should appreciate him [if he did it that way]. He is welcome... I haven't talked about the matter with him. But, in general, the Army commander-in-chief, government officials or ordinary people are welcome here at the Democrat Party," Suthep said. [54]
Coup-supporter Suriyasai Katasila of the People's Alliance for Democracy suggested that Sonthi skip the next post-election and wait for the one after it, if he is keen about entering politics. Fellow coup-supporter Chamlong Srimuang, whose 1992 protests against Prime Minister Suchinda Kraprayoon led to the coup-leader's downfall, declined to state his views on Sonthi's future political role. CNS sources claimed that as of July 2007, Sonthi had not made a decision about whether or not to run in the next election.[55]
The Prime Minister's Office Minister defended Sonthi's right to formally enter politics. "Whether or not it is appropriate for him to contest the [next] general election is open to criticism, which, of course, has nothing to do with his right to run. If people consider it inappropriate, they will not vote for him or his party," the Minister said.[56]
In the months prior to July 2007, Sonthi co-chaired meetings of the Thai Cabinet, alongside Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont. He also travelled to the provinces to convince local officials to cut links with Thaksin Shinawatra and anti-junta politicians, telling them they would be treated better under his rule.[57] Sources claimed that Sonthi was planning to run for Parliament in the next election, representing Lopburi. General Pallop Pinmanee, Sonthi's advisor and director of the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) was charged with building a support base for Gen Sonthi in Lopburi. ISOC staff were also sent to Northern and Northeastern provinces, political strongholds of Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai party, to persuade local politicians to defect from Thai Rak Thai and join political parties backed by the military.[58]
Sonthi resigned as commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai Army on September 30, 2007. He was succeeded by General Anupong Paochinda.[59] Sonthi resigned as chairman of the Council for National Security on October 1, 2007.[1] He was succeeded as CNS chairman by Air Chief Marshal Chalit Pukbhasuk, the commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai Air Force. Sonthi accepted a post in the cabinet of Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont as deputy prime minister in charge of security.[60][61]
[edit] Personal life
Sonthi has two concurrent wives. He registered to marry his first wife, Sukanya, when he was a lieutenant and registered to a second wife, Piyada, when he was a captain. He currently lives with both women. Bigamy is illegal in Thailand, and is punishable with a jail term. However, Interior Minister Aree Wongsaraya defended Sonthi, claiming that it was a personal matter. He boasted that he himself had six wives.[4][5]
Sonthi is of Persian lineage. His ancestor, Sheikh Ahmad Qomi,[62][63] was an Iranian expatriate trader who lived in Thailand for 26 years. Many Thais, including those from the Bunnag and Ahmadchula families trace their ancestry back to him.
[edit] Royal decorations
Sonthi has received the following royal decorations in the Honours System of Thailand:[64]
1972 - Victory Medal - Vietnam War
1973 - Freeman Safeguarding Medal, Second Class
1976 - Companion (Fourth Class) of The Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
1982 - Border Service Medal
1984 - Commander (Third Class) of The Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
1989 - Chakra Mala Medal
1989 - Knight Commander (Second Class) of The Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
1991 - Knight Commander (Second Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant
1995 - Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
1999 - Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant
[edit] Foreign decorations
1970 - U.S. Army Commendation Medal, with Valor device
[edit] Quotes
"There is nobody who wants to stage a coup. I can assure that the military will not." 28 February 2006[65]
"The army will not get involved in the political conflict. Political troubles should be resolved by politicians. Military coups are a thing of the past.", 6 March 2006,[30]
"Nobody was behind us. We decided on our own, and we took care of it on our own ... because the people have called for it and also because of the mismanagement of the government.", 20 September 2006[66]
"Thaksin is a Thai and a fellow countryman and there will be no problem should he decide to return. We are like brothers.", 20 September 2006[67]
[edit] References
^ a b Thai coup general quits position, BBC
^ Thailand Set To Reshuffle Southern Army Commander Again Defense News
^ Coup chief cites intense conflicts CNN
^ a b The Nation, Anti-coup group calls for Sonthis' sacking for allegedly registering two marriages, 31 December 2006
^ a b The Nation, Multiple wives just 'personal' business, 31 December 2006
^ ADN Kronos, Thailand: Coup leader a multimillionaire, media reports, 27 November 2007
^ The Star, Sonthi’s meteoric ascent to power, 21 September 2006
^ Thailand's military reshuffle officially announced People's Daily Online
^ The Nation, WARNING FROM SURAYUD: Thaksin's return 'a threat', 28 September 2006
^ Thai military chief seeking audience with King Bhumibol Taipei Times
^ Should Thaksin Stay? Times Asia
^ Thaksin fall from grace Asia Times Online
^ Thaksin denies planning to remove Thai army chief People's Daily
^ Thaksin denies planning to remove Thai army chief China View
^ Thai army chief delivers 'counter punch' to Thaksin Taipei Times
^ Thai News Agency, "Thai army chief reaffirms non-interference in politics", 18 May 2006
^ Thailand: Mollifying the Muslim SOBAKA
^ a b Army commander's powers to rise: Thai Deputy PM China Economic Net
^ a b The Bangkok Post, "Deep South: Army wants peace talks but unsure who with", 19 September 2006
^ Governors to look into Sonthi's claim of communist hand in Southern unrest The Nation
^ Hostage Taking: Army's image takes beating The Nation
^ The Nation, "HRH Crown Prince to visit Juling"
^ Sonthi calls for talks The Nation
^ The Bangkok Post, Sonthi slams meddling
^ Bangkok Post, Some troops to pull out of South, 12 May 2007
^ a b Bangkok Post, No time for a general to play games, 11 May 2007
^ Thailand coup leader vows new PM in weeks CNN
^ Thailand's king gives blessing to coup CNN
^ a b The Nation, Sonthi told Thaksin he would stage a coup, 27 October 2006
^ a b International Herald Tribune, Thaksin refuses to resign despite protests in Bangkok, 6 March 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Coup-Makers Try to Keep Bad Luck At Bay, 4 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, CNS members visit renowned fortune teller, 2 April 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Sonthi loyalists put in key military positions, 22 March 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Mid-year reshuffle completes the Thaksin purge, 22 March 2007
^ The Nation, Sonthi issues guidelines for new charter, 17 December 2006
^ The Nation, No dictatation on the charter : CNS chief, 20 December 2006
^ The Nation, Sonthi idea 'contrary to democracy', 25 December 2006
^ Reuters, Thailand says wants satellites back, but how?, 19 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Wrong speech at wrong time, 20 February 2007
^ The Australian, Thailand's junta wants Shin Corp back, 19 February 2007
^ Straits Times, Straight-talking general on the rise, 21 February 2007
^ Reuters, Thai army accused of "disappearing" Muslims, 20 march 2007
^ Bangkok Post, CNS' anti-Thaksin campaign, 8 April 2007
^ The Nation, Saprang's cousin given PR work 'because of experience', 11 April 2007
^ ผู้จัดการออนไลน์, “สนธิ” ย้ำเหตุบึ้มไม่ใช่ฝีมือกองทัพ - โบ้ยถามหมอดูพีทีวี, 6 พฤษภาคม 2550
^ The Nation, PTV plans legal action against Sonthi for failure to act against corrupt officials, 11 May 2007
^ The Nation, Gen Sonthi 'tricked' into meeting anti-PM group, 10 May 2007
^ The Nation, Activists plead for Sonthi to remove PM, 9 May 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Sonthi warns media to report correctly, 16 May 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Sonthi denies influencing Tribunal, 2 June 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Prime Minister Sonthi Boonyaratkalin?, 22 March 2007
^ The Nation, Thai junta chief calls for emergency rule in Bangkok, 28 March 2007
^ The Economist, Penalty shoot-out, 28 June 2007
^ The Nation, Junta chief warned against entering politics, 10 July 2007
^ The Nation, Sonthi flayed over poll rumour, 9 July 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Harsh penalties proposed against undemocratic bids to sink charter, 14 July 2007
^ The Nation, Junta chief leaving the Army for a new power game, 9 July 2007
^ Bangkok Post, [1], 11 July 2007
^ Urgent: Anupong appointed new army chief, The Nation (Thailand).
^ Thai coup leader quits military council, TNA/MCOT.
^ Sonthi appointed as deputy PM, The Nation (Thailand)
^ (Thai) "ชีวิตและผลงาน พลเอก สนธิ บุญยรัตกลิน ผู้บัญชาการทหารบก" เป็นหนังสือที่พล.อ.สนธิ บุญยรัตกลิน รองนายกรัฐมนตรี ทำแจกในโอกาสเกษียณอายุราชการในตำแหน่งผบ.ทบ. มีเนื้อหาที่น่าสนใจโดยสรุป ดังนี้
^ จาก“บุนนาค”ถึง“บุญยรัตกลิน”
^ Biography at the Royal Thai Army website. Retrieved on December 4, 2008.
^ AFP, Thai PM open to concessions, ready to postpone snap polls, 28 February 2006
^ Thailand military consolidates grip Al Jazeera
^ Thai coup leader to install new PM in two weeks ABC News
[edit] External
Surayud Chulanont
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Surayud Chulanontสุรยุทธ์ จุลานนท์ TCW MPCh MWM PC
24th Prime Minister of Thailand
In office1 October 2006 – 29 January 2008
Rama IX
Preceded by
Sonthi Boonyaratglin(As Chairman of the Council for National Security)
Succeeded by
Samak Sundaravej
28 August 1943 (age 66)Phetchaburi, Thailand
Chitravadee Chulanont
General (ret.) Surayud Chulanont (Thai: สุรยุทธ์ จุลานนท์, RTGS: Surayut Chulanon)(born 28 August 1943) is a Thai political figure. He was the Prime Minister of Thailand and head of Thailand's Interim Government between 2006 and 2008. He was a former Thai military officer, Army Commander, Supreme Commander, and currently Privy Councilor to King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
Surayud came from a military family, but Surayud's father defected from the Royal Thai Army to the Communist Party of Thailand when Surayud was a young boy. Surayud joined the Thai Army and rose to power as a close aide to General Prem Tinsulanonda. He commanded troops during Bloody May, the violent 1992 crackdown on anti-government protestors, but he denied giving his men the order to shoot protesters. He was promoted to Army Commander during the government of Chuan Leekpai and was promoted to Supreme Commander in 2003, under the government of Thaksin Shinawatra. Upon retirement from the Army, King Bhumibol Adulyadej appointed Surayud to his Privy Council of personal advisors. Surayud and Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda played a key role in the promotion of General Sonthi Boonratklin to the position of Army Commander.
General Sonthi overthrew the government of Thaksin Shinawatra in a coup on 19 September 2006 and soon afterwards appointed Surayud as Prime Minister. Surayud's government was a controversial one. There was a significant worsening in perceived levels of corruption during his government.[1] Surayud's Deputy Finance Minister, Sommai Pasee, was sentenced to jail for abuse of power.[2] Surayud raised the military budget by 35% and was accused of economic mismanagement, rampant human rights abuses, and flip-flopping on numerous policies. Article 19 ranked Thailand as falling behind Cambodia and Indonesia in terms of freedom of expression.[3] Thailand's economic growth rate slowed to the lowest level in five years and was ranked the lowest in the region.[4][5] However, Surayud was praised for apologizing for atrocities committed by the Thai military fighting the South Thailand insurgency, although the apology was accompanied by a sharp escalation in violence. He has been accused of forest reserve encroachment (a charge that was not investigated since the statute of limitations had run out by 2 years) and illegally acquiring train carriages for display in his forest home. He is married to Chitravadi Santhadwet Chulanont (Thai: จิตรวดี สันทัดเวช) and has three sons, Nam, Khao and Captain Non.
1 Family and education
2 Military career
3 Privy Councilor
4 Environmentalist
5 Prime Minister of Thailand
5.1 Popularity
5.2 Drafting of a permanent constitution and elections
5.3 Cabinet appointments
5.4 Key policies
5.4.1 Telecommunications
5.4.2 Culture
5.4.3 Public health
5.4.4 Energy
5.4.5 Security and the southern insurrection
5.4.6 Education
5.4.7 Economy and agriculture
5.4.8 Suvarnabhumi Airport
5.4.9 Human rights
5.4.10 Other
5.5 Thaksin Shinawatra
5.6 Council for National Security
6 Criticism
6.1 Forest encroachment
6.2 Corruption
7 Royal decorations
8 References
9 External links
10 Further reading
[edit] Family and education
General Surayud Chulanont
Surayud came from a long line of military leaders, and was reported to have some Chinese ancestry.[6] His maternal grandfather was Phraya Sri Sitthi Songkhram (Din Tharab), a royalist leader during the failed Boworadej Rebellion. Surayud's father was Lt. Colonel Phayom Chulanont, a Royal Thai Army military officer who, as "Comrade Too Khamtan" (Thai: สหายตู้คำตัน, RTGS: sahai tu khamtan), became a member of the Central Committee Communist Party of Thailand and Chief of Staff of the People's Liberation Army of Thailand.[7]
Surayud completed his early education at Saint Gabriel's College and Suankularb Wittayalai School in Bangkok. He graduated from the inaugural class of Armed Forces Preparatory Academy.
As a boy, Surayud's father left his family to go underground to join the Communists. Phayom explained his defection by citing corruption in the army and its inability to defend the powerless.[8] His father's defection to the Communists had a large impact on Surayud. Surayud's son, Non, noted that, "My father always told me that we must help each other redeem the tarnished family name of Chulanont so that Thais can look up to it."[9]
Surayud entered the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy (CRMA) and graduated from Class 12.
Surayud was conferred an honorary doctorate degree in engineering, 4 April 2007, by Tokai University, Japan, which has had a close association with King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL), Thailand where Surayud has been chancellor of the council.
[edit] Military career
Early in his army career, Surayud served in several Army divisions including a light artillery unit and a paratrooper unit. He conducted operations against the Communist Party of Thailand (CPT) while his father was a leader of the CPT. From 1972 to 1978, he was an instructor at the Special Warfare School. He was a close aide to General Prem Tinsulanonda when Prem was appointed Army Commander and later Prime Minister of Thailand. Surayud was appointed Commander of the Special Warfare Command in 1992, where he was the commanding officer of Sonthi Boonratklin.[10]
General Surayud wearing the black beret of the Cavalry Corps
During Bloody May, the violent crackdown 1992 on anti-government protestors, Surayud's men were seen shooting protesters and dragging them through the bloody lobby of the Royal Hotel. He later claimed that he never gave orders for his soldiers to shoot.[11] According to a later interview, "It convinced me that the army should never be involved in politics."[8] Days later he told a national television audience that he deplored the loss of life and that he had not given any orders to shoot.[8] In 1994, he was appointed Commander of the 2nd Army Region.
Surayud was promoted to Army Commander in late 1998. At the time, his promotion was controversial, as Surayud had been promoted above the heads of several officers more senior to him. Surayud appointed several of his classmates from Class 12 of the CRMA to key lucrative positions. Among these were Lt Gen Sompong Maivichit, who he made head of Army controlled Channel 5 television station, replacing Gen Pang Malakul na Ayudhya, and Lt Gen Boonrod Somtap, who he promoted to a key subordinate position to replace Gen Charn Boonprasert.[12] He also ended a policy of deporting Burmese refugees, especially ethnic Karens, back to Burma. "He's been a friend to us," said Pastor Robert Htway of the Karen Refugee Committee.[8] Under his term, Thai soldiers took part in the United Nations Peace Keeping Force, assisting UN-PKF efforts in East Timor.
In March 2002, Surayud ordered one of Thailand's largest military operations in recent times, when Thai troops moved deep into Myanmar territory to destroy drug labs and military bases controlled by the United Wa State Army.[13]
In 2003, after over 4 years as Army Commander, Surayud was promoted to the position of Supreme Commander, a loftier but less influential post, during the government of Thaksin Shinawatra. He was replaced as Army Commander by Somthad Attanan. His promotion was rumored to be the result of a conflict with the Prime Minister.[8]
[edit] Privy Councilor
Upon his retirement from the Army, Surayud briefly joined the Buddhist monkhood. On 14 November 2003, King Bhumibol Adulyadej appointed Surayud to his Privy Council of personal advisors. From retirement, Surayud and Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda played a key role in the promotion of General Sonthi Boonratklin to the position of Army Commander.[14][15]
Facing an escalating insurgency in the south of Thailand, Surayud urged the media to paint a more positive picture of the violence. "Truthful words that may not be beneficial should be avoided," noted Surayud to the Press Council of Thailand. He was contradicted by Deputy Prime Minister Chaturon Chaisang, who noted that he couldn't think of any news about the conflict in the South that could or should not be reported by the media.[16]
In response to numerous claims made by anti-Thaksin activist Sondhi Limthongkul that his People's Alliance for Democracy was "fighting for the King", Surayud resonded by saying that "Recent references to the monarchy were inappropriate. The institution should not be involved in politics. Political disputes should be solved in a political way."[17]
In January 2008, not long after Surayud ended his term as Prime Minister, he was again reappointed to King Bhumibol Adulyadej's Privy Council.
[edit] Environmentalist
Surayud was chairman of the Khao Yai National Park Protection Foundation.[18]
However, after becoming Premier in 2006, he was accused of breaching the Forestry Act and the National Forest Reserves Act by illegally owning forest land in Yaithiang Mountain of Nakhon Ratchasima province. He vowed to resign and return the land (which he did not deny owning) if found guilty.[19]
In February 2010 after demonstrations by the "Red Shirts" at Khao Yaithiang Mountain, Surayud, who by then had alreasdy left politics, finally had to return the land to the Royal Forestry Department when it was found that the land is indeed located within forest reserve land. The plot of land is now under Royal Forestry Department's care. However, up until now no legal action has been taken by Thai authorities against him, and he has not yet resigned from his post as Privy Councillor. The reason given for the authorities' option not to press any charge is that Surayud "had no ill intention".
[edit] Prime Minister of Thailand
Main article: Thailand 2006 interim civilian government
See also: Policies of the Surayud government
Surayud was already considered a strong candidate for appointment as civilian prime minister premiership immediately after General Sonthi overthrew the government of Thaksin Shinawatra. Indeed Surayud's appointment to the Premiership was confirmed by junta leader Sonthi Boonyaratkalin on the morning of Sunday 1 October 2006. Sonthi had a formal audience with King Bhumibol Adulyadej at 4 pm that day to nominate Surayud's name to the monarch.[20][21] "Security and social unity" were cited by Sonthi as the key reasons for appointing Surayud.[22]
Surayud announced that as Premier, he would "Focus on self-sufficiency, more than focusing on the GDP numbers. I will focus on the happiness of the people, more than the GDP."[23] He also claimed that he would be "Friendly to every party, trying to receive information from every side and meeting people as much as possible. I will lead a government based on justice."[11]
The policies and positions of several ministers in Surayud's Cabinet changed very frequently, sometimes on a daily basis. Notable flip-flops included Thailand's refusal to share avian flu samples with the WHO, capital controls against foreign investment, shareholding limits for foreign investors in telecommunications firms, the identity of bombers in the 2006 New Year's Eve bombings, and the role of the Malaysian government in mediating the South Thailand insurgency.
While he was Prime Minister, Surayud's wife, Colonel Khunying Chitrawadee, was awarded the Dame Grand Commander (Second Class) of the Most Illustrious Order of Chulachomklao feudal decoration, allowing her to use the prefix Than Phu Ying.[24]
[edit] Popularity
The Surayud government's initial nation-wide approval rating in October 2006 stood at 60%, with 8% disapproving. By early November, this fell to 55% approving and 15% disapproving.[25] For comparison, a nation-wide poll in July 2006 found that 49% of respondents would have voted for Thaksin Shinawatra in the cancelled October elections.[26]
The 2006 Bangkok New Year's Eve bombings caused Surayud's popularity to drop to 48.5% according to Assumption University's polling arm - and just 11% said they had "full confidence" the government can handle the crisis.[27]
The 2007 Chinese New Year Bombings, which saw 38 bombing attacks, 26 cases of arson, and seven ambushes within a single day, caused Surayud's popularity to drop even further. 53.7% of respondents living in Bangkok and other major cities in felt the government and the CNS could not put an end to problems in the country. Only 24.6% thought that the situation would improve in 6 months.[28]
By 24 February 2007, his popularity among Bangkokians had further dropped to 34.8%, although he was still more popular than Thaksin Shinawatra, whom 28.8% of Bangkokians favored.[29]
By 4 March 2007, only 31.3% of people in Bangkok supported the government's political stance. This fell dramatically to 12.5% by 26 March 2007.[30]
The US government decided to continue holding "Cobra Gold" joint military exercises with the Thai government. Immediately after the coup, Washington had halted all military cooperation with, and aid to, the junta. US law forbade assistance to governments of a country where an elected leader has been deposed in a coup.[31]
In response to the declining popularity of the junta, Surayud, reportedly a believer in feng shui, had Government House re-landscaped. He also removed all pictures of former Prime Ministers from the building.[32]
In early May 2007, activists from the Assembly of Isaan People met with junta chief Sonthi Boonyaratglin in order to appeal for him to remove Surayud Chulanont. Sonthi personally met the anti-Surayud activists within Army Headquarters and promised he would consider their request. This was the first time that Sonthi personally met people calling for the removal of Surayud.[33] Sonthi later claimed that he was "tricked" into meeting the activists.[34]
To counter growing criticisms, Surayud launched a weekly talk show called "Poed Baan Phitsanulok" ("Opening Up Baan Pitsanulok"; Baan Pitsanulok is the informal name for government house) to highlight his achievements. The show aired on state-run Channel 11 every Saturday between 8.30 am and 9.15 am. Calling the weekly radio show that was hosted by Thaksin Shinawatra when he was Premier "propaganda", he denied any similarity between the two shows.[35]
The military junta's popularity continued to decline. By late June 2007, an ABAC Poll found that only 13.6% supported the government, with 69.8 of respondents disappointed with the political situation.[36]
The government's popularity continued to decline into July, when survey respondants in Bangkok and outlying areas gave the government an average score of 4.32 out of 10. The average score had been 4.53 in March 2007 and 5.27 in January 2007. Fewer than 15% of respondents in the survey felt that the nation's overall situation had improved during the government's nine-month tenure, while 31.6% said the situation remained unchanged and the majority, 34.9% said it had worsened.[37]
[edit] Drafting of a permanent constitution and elections
The junta's 2006 Interim Constitution authorized the junta to appoint a 2,000 person National Assembly which would select members to become candidates for a Constitution Drafting Assembly. From the onset of his appointment as Premier, Surayud Chulanont was urged by academics to override the junta's control of the constitution drafting process. Somchai Siripreechakul, Dean of Law at Chiang Mai University, urged Surayud to call a general election as soon as possible and hand the task of drafting a charter to an elected parliament.[38] Banjerd Singkhaneti of Thammasat University noted of the constitution drafting process, "I think it will be a mess and the next constitution will be just that."[39]
After the coup, the military junta had originally promised to draft a permanent charter within eight months and to hold elections in October 2007. However, Prime Minister's Office Minister Thirapat Serirangsan later announced that elections might not occur until one year and five months.[40]
After a constitutional referendum on August 19, Surayud promised that elections would “definitely” be held in late December.[41]
[edit] Cabinet appointments
Prem Tinsulanonda, President of the King's Privy Council, played a significant role in picking the members of Surayud's Cabinet. General Boonrawd Somtas, a former CDRMA classmate and longtime friend of Surayud, was appointed Defense Minister.[42] former Interior Permanent Secretary Aree Wong-araya was appointed Interior Minister, former Energy Policy and Planning Office director Piyasvasti Amranand became Energy Minister, central bank governor Pridiyathorn Devakula became Finance Minister, and Bangkok Bank Chairman Kosit Panpiemras became Industry Minister. Michael Nelson of Chulalongkorn University noted that the Cabinet was dominated by bureaucrats and that "It's very strongly guided by military ideas combined with some technocrats, some people in economic areas and some former bureaucrats."[43]
Pridiyathorn later resigned on 28 February 2007. His resignation shocked the political world as well as the business community.[44] He cited reasons for resignation included,
Surayud's decision to appoint Pridiyathorn's rival, former Thaksin-government Finance Minister Somkid Jatusripitak, as a self-sufficiency economy special envoy. Somkid resigned from his position after less than a week.
Prime Minister's Office Minister Thirapat Serirangsan's alleged preference to certain private media interests.[45] Several analysts speculated that he was referring to the preferential treatment the junta gave to leading anti-Thaksin critic Sondhi Limthongkul, who was also a long-time critic of Pridiyathorn.[46][47]
Pridiyathorn was replaced by Chalongphob Sussangkarn, an academic who led the Thailand Development Research Institute. Chalongphob had previously criticized the junta's capital controls policy.[48]
[edit] Key policies
[edit] Telecommunications
The planned merger of state-telecom companies TOT and CAT.[49]
The cancellation of plans to list TOT, CAT, and Thai Post on the Stock Exchange of Thailand.[50]
The cancellation of the Thaksin government's telecom excise tax policy. The Thaksin government imposed an excise tax on privately offered fixed and cellular services, and then allowed telecom companies to deduct the amount they paid in excise tax from concession fees they had to pay to state concession owners TOT or CAT Telecom. The total amount paid by the private telecom firms did not change. The Surayud government's excise tax cancellation meant that TOT and CAT would receive their full concession payments. However, TOT and CAT were then forced to increase their dividends to the Ministry of Finance to account for their increased income.[51]
Changing the publicly-listed state-enterprise media company MCOT's policy from focusing on monetary benefits to social benefits. MCOT's stock prices dropped 5.13% to an 11-month low as a result.[52]
Surayud reversed policies many times regarding the fate of the iTV TV station. Surayud first announced that it intended to take over the station and promised that the station would not be taken off the air no matter what happened regarding its concession controversy. However, in early March 2007, PM's Office Minister Dhipawadee Meksawan announced that the station would be taken off the air on midnight on 6 March 2007, following the Cabinet's revocation of iTV's concession. Surayud apologized for not keeping his word.[53][54][55][56] Then on 7 March 2007, Surayud reversed his decision yet again and ordered that iTV continue broadcasting after the deadline had passed.[57]
[edit] Culture
The planned ban against all forms of advertising for alcoholic beverages.[58]
The banning of all "sexually-arousing dances" (locally called "coyote dances") during the Loy Kratong festival.[59]
From March 2007 onwards, encouraging that all Thai citizens dress in yellow every day until December 31, 2007, in order to display loyalty King Bhumibol and celebrate his 80th birthday.[60][61]
Urging Chulalongkorn University to take action against its fourth-year psychology student Pemmika Veerachatraksit, for having broken university discipline by having an affair with another person's husband. The Culture Ministry claimed that as a student, being accused of having an adulterous affair should be taken as guilt. The student was sued for 27 million baht by Alisa Thomthitchong for allegedly having an affair with her husband, Dr Prakitpao Thomthitchong.[62]
[edit] Public health
Making the 30-baht universal healthcare program completely free.[58] The Budget Bureau criticized the move.[63] The government later cut the universal healthcare program budget by over 3.8 billion baht, providing a subsidy of just 1,899 baht per head, compared to the previously proposed figure of 2,089 baht. The number of eligible people was cut from 48 million to 46 million people.[64] Funding for the program was diverted from the government's road-accident victims' protection fund.[65]
License the production and sale of patented HIV and heart disease drugs without the permission of the foreign patent owners. Lack of public health budget was cited as the reasons for breaking the patents. "It has stunned our industry," said the President of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association (PReMA). The Minister of Public Health claimed that pharmaceutical industry was reaping "colossal" profits. Under World Trade Organization rules, a government is allowed to break patents under after declaring a "national emergency."[66] Breaking the patents of Abbott's HIV treatment Kaletra and Sanofi-Aventis' blood clot drug Plavix was estimated to save Thailand US$24 million a year.[67] Abbott Laboratories said it would stop launching new medicines in Thailand in protest at the junta's move to override international drug patents. "Thailand has chosen to break patents on numerous medicines, ignoring the patent system. As such, we've elected not to introduce new medicines there," an Abbott spokesperson told reporters. The seven withdrawn drugs include the new version of Kaletra, an antibiotic, a painkiller and medicines to fight blood clots, arthritis, kidney disease and high blood pressure.[68]
The junta joined Indonesia in a boycott on sharing its H5N1 avian influenza virus samples with vaccine developers and the international health community. Surayud's Public Health Minister told reporters that "Drugmakers rarely help us. They only gave us a small amount of vaccine, just like a donation." Thailand had 25 H5N1 cases and 17 deaths since 2003, ranking it the fourth hardest hit country by the avian flu. Indonesia stopped sharing its H5N1 samples with the WHO at the end of 2006 since the strains were being used to develop vaccines that the country couldn't afford.[69][70]
Thailand's representative to the World Health Organisation (also special advisor to the public health minister), Dr Suwit Wibulpolprasert said that during an executive board meeting of the WHO in January, Dr Suwit, declared that if an influenza pandemic were to hit Thailand, he would advise the government to hold Western tourists hostage until those countries gave Thailand the necessary vaccines. The US government has lodged a formal protest letter and requested an apology. US Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt wrote that Dr Suwit's comments "appear to contravene the spirit and provisions of the revised International Health Regulations."[71]
Human Rights Watch and the Thai AIDS Treatment Action Group claimed that the Surayud junta failed to provide safe treatment for drug users infected with HIV, and did not effectively promote harm reduction techniques to stop the spread of the virus.[72]
[edit] Energy
The indefinite delayal of the previous government's policy of converting all octane 95 gasoline sales to gasohol.[73]
The cancellation of state electricity company EGAT's guaranteed 50% share in all new power plant construction.[74]
The prevention of EGAT from participating in bidding for new electricity plants under the Independent Power Producer (IPP) program.[75]
The cancellation of plans to import hydroelectric power and natural gas from Myanmar.[13]
The development of a US$6 billion nuclear power plant. The 4,000 megawatt plant would be Thailand's first.[76] The government announced that it would start a large public relations program, starting with kindergarten children, of "educating" the public about how nuclear power was unavoidable.[77]
[edit] Security and the southern insurrection
An increase in military spending by 35% in 2007, compared to 2006.[78] The budget for 2008 totalled 140 billion baht, 24% higher than 2007 and representing 8.6% of the total 2008 budget.[79][80] Since 1999, military spending had remained stagnant at approximately $2 billion in 2000 dollars.[81][82] In addition, Surayud received an extra request for an additional 17.6 billion baht to fund counter-insurgency efforts in the far South over the next four years on top of an additional 456-million-baht secret military budget.[83]
Issuing a formal apology regarding the Tak Bai incident.[84] The day after he issued his apology, 46 violent incidents were recorded, compared with a daily average of 9 in the previous month. Violence continued to escalate throughout 2006 and 2007.[85]
Revealing for the first time to the public that the insurgency was being finance by a network of restaurants and stalls selling Tom Yam Kung in Malaysia. Surayud claimed that the Tom Yam Kung network collected money from local businessmen through blackmail and demands for protection fees and channelled the sum to the separatists.[86] Malaysian Deputy Security Minister Fu Ah Kiow described the revelation as "absolutely baseless," and "very imaginative."[87]
Surayud's Cabinet gave the staff of the Internal Security Operations Command a 84.3 million baht "reward". The ISOC had originally requested the reward in 2003, but was turned down by the Thaksin government.[88]
Appointing Seripisut Temiyavet as Police Commissioner General, replacing Kowit Watana. Kowit was transferred to a civilian post soon after arresting several military personnel for alleged involvement in the 2006 Bangkok New Year's Eve bombings. Kowit protested his transfer, and the Central Administrative Court later an injunction to protect him from the transfer until it reached a final ruling on the matter.[89]
Allowing the Malaysian government to help mediate in the South Thailand insurgency, contradicting a statement by Foreign Minister Nitya Pibulsonggram made just 2 days before.[90]
[edit] Education
The cancellation of Thailand's participation in the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program.[91] The project has been criticized as unrealistic for an impoverished country like Thailand.[92]
The cancellation of plans to install personal computers and broadband internet connections in every public and secondary school in Thailand.[91]
Forcing 430 prestigious schools across the country to accept half of their students from the local neighborhood. All other schools would be required to accept all applicants; if applicants exceeded seats, a random draw would choose which applicants would be accepted.[93]
The continuation of the Thaksin Shinawatra government's "One District, One Scholarship" program under the name "Scholarships for Community Development". The maximum annual income for eligible recipients' families was rased from 100,000 baht to 150,000 baht.[94]
The proposed cancellation of the guarantee of 12 years of free education in the next constitution of Thailand.[95]
[edit] Economy and agriculture
Surayud Chulanont
A budget deficit of 147 billion Baht for fiscal year 2007. This was the first budget deficit since 2003.[96] Fiscal deficits were also expected for 2008.[97] The Deficit expanded to 168 billion baht in 2008. The junta-appointed National Legislative Assembly passed the budget unanimously. The deficit would be funded by domestic borrowing.[79][98]
Capital controls in an attempt to reverse a massive appreciation of the Thai Baht. The moves caused a crash in the Thai stock market, with a one-day loss of 820 billion baht (approx. US$22 billion) in market value. The move resulted in harsh criticism both within Thailand and abroad. "My definition of what's going on is 'Welcome to amateur hour,'" said Donald Gimbel, fund manager for Carret & Co. Korn Chatikavanij of the Democrat party noted a policy reversal, "That can't repair the damage that was caused in one historic day."[99] The Export-Import Bank of Thailand also criticized the capital controls.[100]
Elimination of subsidies for rice farmers. The price of rice, set at 30% above market prices during the deposed Thaksin Shinawatra government, was dramatically lowered. It was claimed that the high price of rice seriously affected farmers and caused social burdens.[101]
The cancellation of the Million Cows project. Under the project, the government lent five million cows to one million farming families. The families were allowed to sell milk and calves for profit. The program was highly popular among politicians.[102]
The rebranding of Thaksin Shinawatra's "SML" village development scheme as the "sufficiency village development scheme." Villagers wishing to draw down funds under the scheme were now required to draft projects based on the King's self-sufficient economy principles. The self-sufficiency scheme was given a budget of 10 billion baht.[103]
The cancellation of the Assets Capitalisation Bureau, the administrator of the Thaksin-government's asset capitalization program. The program allowed people owning assets not accepted by banks as collateral (e.g., machinery, intellectual property rights, or land rental rights) to capitalize those assets and get loans. According to the government, the abolition of the Assets Capitalisation Bureau was based on its policy not to encourage people to go into debt. Critics claimed the program was cancelled due to its association with the deposed premier.[104]
In order to punish Thaksin Shinawatra for his sale of Shin Corp to a Singaporean company, Surayud altered regulations concerning foreign ownership of companies.[105] This impacted the legality of thousands of local subsidiaries of foreign companies operating in Thailand.[106] However, Finance Minister Pridiyathorn noted that, "If they (foreign investors) had seen the details (of the foreign investment law), I am sure that they would be happy."[107][108] Brokers and analysts criticized the move as a political intervention that hurt the economy.[109] The governments of the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Japan, and European Union protested the move.[110]
Reversing the Thaksin government's "dual track" economic policy and relying too heavily on exports. Deputy Prime Minister Kosit Panpiemras admitted that the Surayud government was not doing enough to stimulate domestic consumption to drive economic growth.[111]
The approval of debt-relief measures for farmers. This prompted Northeastern farmer leaders from cancelling a planned protests in Bangkok.[112]
Surayud appointed Thaksin-government Finance Minister Somkid Jatusripitak to head of a government committee charged with promoting King Bhumibol's self-sufficient economy policy to a foreign audience. The appointment provoked great controversy, as critics claimed that the populist economics czar had no role promoting a key principle of the Surayud-government's economic policy.[113][114] Somkid appointment was supported by General Saprang Kalyanamitr, a powerful member of the junta, and Sondhi Limthongkul of the People's Alliance for Democracy, a long-time colleague of Somkid's. Somkid later decided to resign from the committee, which was then dissolved. Somkid's long-time rival, Finance Minister Pridiyathorn Devakula, denied any role in Somkid's resignation.[115]
The junta, blaming the Thaksin government's lending to the grassroots sector for creating off-balance sheet government debts, cut off rural lending. However, it soon faced an economic slowdown, and decided to increase rural lending in order to revive the economy.[116]
Surayud's Cabinet approved a draft bill that would ban the privatization of several state enterprises, including the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), the Metropolitan Water Works Authority (MWWA), the Thailand Tobacco Monopoly, and the Government Lottery Office.[117]
After the coup, Surayud announced that all free trade agreement negotiation and drafting be immediately stopped. However, in February 2007, it gave the go-ahead for the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement (JTEPA). The policy U-turn was criticized by many, including Saneh Chamarik of the National Human Rights Commission, Kraisak Choonhavan, Greenpeace Southeast Asia, FTA Watch.[118] The Surayud government was charged with policy corruption.[119] The JTEPA was finally signed on April 3, 2007 in Tokyo, Japan.[120][121] Protests against the FTA were held at the Japanese embassy in Bangkok.[122]
Surayud declared that all mobile phone contracts with the government were illegal. The concessions would be renegotiated within a few months, before the military junta was scheduled to hold elections.[123]
Surayud approved a draft retail business law which gave the Interior Ministry power to curb the expansion of large retailers through its city planning and building codes. The move is part of a set of measures proposed by the Commerce Ministry to halt the rapid expansion of giant retailers, which interest groups blamed for causing the demise of thousands of "mom and pop" stores. However, the president of Thai Retailers Association said that the new retail law would "damage the sentiment and confidence" in the Thai economy, which could cause a domino effect on employment, manufacturing and public spending. "The Cabinet has stepped back to allow 'old traders' in many areas to continue to monopolise the market instead of creating more choices for the consumer," he said.[124]
Surayud's economic policies failed to stem a slowdown of the economy. In the last quarter of 2006, the economy expanded 3.9%, a drop from the 4.7% recorded before the coup. Applications to build new factories and other facilities dropped 24% in 2006.[125] In February 2007, Thai consumer confidence fell to the lowest point in 5 years.[126] Consumer confidence continued its decline in March.[127] Private sector non-bank foreign debt rose for the first time in 6 years.[128] Thailand's competitiveness dropped to among the worst in the Asia-Pacific region, according to the Switzerland-based Institute for Management Development.[129]
[edit] Suvarnabhumi Airport
Surayud ordered the reopening Don Muang Airport for domestic and international flights. This decision came after allegations that the newly opened Suvarnabhumi Airport alone was incapable of handling future traffic volume and that the airport was unsafe. The decision met with strong opposition from Airports of Thailand, the Civil Aviation Department, the Board of Airline Representatives in Thailand (BAR), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the Thai Airways International labor union, and many domestic and international airlines, including Thai Airways and the Star Alliance.[130][131][132] 60 airlines threatened to halt flights to Thailand if they were forced to move back to Don Muang airport.[133][134]
A two-week investigation led by Tortrakul Yomnak, a chief engineer for Airports of Thailand and prominent supporter of the anti-Thaksin movement, found that the runway was safe, and that cracks could be repaired in as little as a few hours.[135] At the beginning of the investigation, Tortrakul had warned that the airport might need to be closed for three years.[136] However, Admiral Bannawit Keng-rien, chairman of the National Legislative Assembly's airport committee, urged Surayud to close down Suvarnabhumi. Surayud's decision to reopen Don Muang was based on his personal advisors, without waiting for the Ministry of Transport or Airports of Thailand to finish their studies.[137]
A completed study by the AoT showed that the cost of fixing 60 identified problems at the airport would be less than 1% of the total airline cost and the problems could be fixed in up to four to five years. Dr. Narupol Chaiyut, a member of a committee overseeing service problems at the new airport, estimated that 70% of the problems would be fixed within 2007.[138]
Surayud and AoT Chairman General Saprang Kalayanamitr refused to authorize urgent repairs on the airport tarmac, despite warnings from engineers. Karun Chandrarangsu, president of the Engineering Institute of Thailand (and a close relative to Srisuk Chandrarangsu, who was a former AOT board member, which was implicated in several corruption allegations, such as CTX and King Power scandals, and now being investigated[citation needed]) noted, "Suvarnabhumi is like a patient in a coma who continues to suffer from severe bleeding. Stopping the blood flow now is more urgent and important than debating what caused the injury."[139] The Engineering Institute of Thailand sent a formal warning to AoT in November 2006 about the urgent need to drain water from beneath the tarmac, and that immediate action should be taken. "The AOT did nothing about the problem," Suebsak Promboon of the EIT noted. "The situation might not have become this bad if the water had been drained then." Suebsak Promboon, a senior foundation engineer and a member of the Tortrakul Yomnak-led airport tarmac inspection panel, accused the AOT of refusing to take any actions to solve the problems at the airport.[140]
[edit] Human rights
Censorship of broadcast television. Troops were dispatched to all television stations on the night of the coup and remain there as of late December 2006. An interview with the late Nuamthong Phaiwan broadcast by television channel iTV came to an abrupt end after the Director of Army-owned Royal Thai Army Radio and Television called the station to warn them against the broadcast. Additional troops were dispatched to "keep order" at the station.[141] Broadcast media were to stop airing news about former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his associates.[142] Military control over broadcast television was tighter than at any time in the past 15 years.[143]
Censorship of community radio. Thousands of community radio stations were shut down after the coup. Community radio operators were only allowed to rebroadcast if they reported in the "spirit of national unity." The junta retained the authority to shut down any station at any time.[144]
Massive censorship of the internet. Pre-coup, the government blocked 2,475 websites, while as of January 2007, the government blocked 13,435 websites - an increase of a shade under 443%.[145] In addition, the popular Midnight University web board was shut down for what the government claimed were posts offensive to the monarchy.[146] Numerous anti-coup, anti-junta, and pro-Thaksin websites were blocked.[147]
Strict execution of the CNS's ban against all political activities.[148]
The establishment of a 14,000-strong special operations force with a mandate to control anti-junta protests. The 556 million baht fund allocation came from a request by the Council for National Security. The rapid deployment force began operations on 1 December 2006. Surayud refused to explain why his Cabinet approved funding of the force after it had already started, which was contrary to PM's Office directives. Government spokesman Yongyuth Mayalarp promised that the force would be dissolved in 30 September 2007, along with the CNS. The funds would be diverted from the Defense Ministry and Police Office, but if those two agencies lacked funding, they would be diverted from the government's reserve fund for emergency situations. Yongyuth revealed that no Cabinet members questioned the use of the fund. General Saprang Kallayanamit, assistant Secretary-General of the CNS, was appointed Commander of the force.[149][150]
Arresting and impeding anti-coup/anti-junta protestors. Several arrests occurred in the immediate aftermath of the coup. In 15 March 2007, five political activists were arrested in Sanam Luang and their stage demolished.[151] The government also violently cracked down on protestors at the house of Prem Tinsulanonda, and arrested several protestors, including an interim National Human Rights Commissioner and former chief justice of the Criminal Court.[152][153] Afterwards, Surayud, along with his entire Cabinet, went to Prem's house to apologize to him for "apologise for failing to take good care of him." Surayud accused the protestors of trying to "bring down the highest institution of the country."[154]
Surayud defended the detention of Chiang Mai protestor Sombat Boonngarm-anong (head of the Midnight University) after he criticized the junta and the Surayud government in public. Sombat was not allowed to make any phone calls during his detention and was only allowed to receive a phone call from former Chiang Rai Senator Tuanjai Deethet. He also said the military did not allow him to drink anything during his detention. Sombat claimed that the director of Phitsanulok Military Intelligence told him he had committed a crime against the state by disseminating one-sided information to the public and was liable for the death penalty under Article 116 of the Criminal Code.[155]
Censorship and manipulation of the media. The government cancelled the most popular program on state-owned broadcaster's MCOT's Modernine TV, Khui Khui Khao. The anti-Thaksin movement claimed the program's host, prominent political commentator Sorrayuth Suthassanachinda, was a supporter of the overthrown premier.[156][157] A daily slot was given for anti-Thaksin crusader Sondhi Limthongkul's "Yam Fao Paen Din", a show that media reformers called a junta "propaganda tool." Lese majeste charges against Sondhi filed prior to the coup were dropped, admittedly for no legal reason.[158][159] Seri Wongmontha and Boonyod Sukthintai, both prominent members of the anti-Thaksin People's Alliance for Democracy, were given program slots.[160]
Censoring nationalized television station TITV. TITV was ordered not to produce any news reports that ran counter to government policies. Government officials attended all news briefing to make sure no news content conflicted with the junta's interests.[161]
Forbidding motorcycle taxi drivers in Bangkok and adjacent provinces from participating in anti-coup/anti-junta rallies.[162] Thousands of members of the Assembly of the Poor (AOP) were also prevented by military and government officials from boarding buses from their home provinces to stage demonstrations in Bangkok. Authorities cited the lack of paper permit required under martial law (still in effect in more than 30 provinces at the time of the planned protests).[163]
Surayud's ICT Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom claimed that criticising the president of the Privy Council was a threat to national security, justifying the shutdown of any websites containing critical material.[164]
The Surayud government pushed through a cyber crime law that criminalized any attempt to get around government internet censors to access any of the tens of thousands of sites censored for supposedly moral or political purposes. The law also made it a serious crime for service providers to withhold IP addresses from government requets.[165]
The approval of a law that would imprison anyone found guilty of forwarding a pornographic e-mail for up to three years.[166]
The shutdown of a radio station that broadcast a call-in from deposed Premier Thaksin. Thaksin made what was his first post-coup statement on Thai broadcast media on 16 May 2007 when he called in to Bangkok's 87.75FM and 92.75FM community radio stations. The next day, officials from the junta, the government's Public Relations Department (PRD), and the Internal Security Operations Command inspected the community radio station. The station then went off the air.[167]
The arrest of anti-junta White Dove 2000 protestors in Chiang Mai in May 2007. The protestors claimed that they had sought permission from the Deputy Governor and the Third Army Region Commander to use the demonstration site. Military officials claimed that the protestors had documents and CDs with content that was deemed likely to instigate political conflict.[168]
The establishment of a 700,000 strong network of junta supporters to prevent anti-junta demonstrators from allegedly inciting violence. "The idea is to take out as many as possible prospective demonstrators. In a public rally with less than 50,000 participants, there will be no problem," said the head of the ISOC.[169]
The repeal of junta restrictions against organizing protests on 9 November 2006. However, martial law has been lifted in most of the country.[170]
Censorship of Somtow Sucharitkul's opera Ayodhya. It was thought that the on-stage death of the demon-king, Thotsakan, would constitute a bad omen. Somtow, a harsh critic of the deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, criticized the move but agreed to modify the scene.[171][172]
January 15, 2007: The military government has censored the interview of Thaksin Shinawatra on CNN in Thailand.[173]
[edit] Other
The granting of unprecedented salaries for the leaders of the military junta.[174][175]
Expanding Bangkok's mass transit rail network by 5 new routes, using the same amount as budgeted by the deposed Thaksin government.[176]
On Friday 18 May 2007, Surayud claimed that if the country were politically peaceful, generations elections under a new constitution could be held earlier than 16 or 23 December. On Saturday 19 May 2007, he claimed he had misspoken, and said it would be impossible to hold general elections before mid-December. He noted that he had just realized that earlier elections would conflict with preparations for King Bhumibol's 80th birthday celebrations in 5 December.[177]
Submitting draft legislation that would force children from age one to apply for and carry identification cards to the legislature. Failure to apply for the card would carry a 500 baht fine while not producing the card to officials would be punishable by a 200 baht fine.[178]
[edit] Thaksin Shinawatra
Surayud warned deposed Premier Thaksin Shinawatra several times against returning to Thailand, calling his return "a threat".[179] During a November 2006 trip to China for the ASEAN-China Summit, Surayud refused to meet Thaksin, who was also in China at the time.[180] Surayud later denied Thaksin the opportunity to return to Thailand to contest in eventual elections, and said that the appropriate time for him to return would be "after a year," when a newly elected government was already in place.[181]
Thaksin's diplomatic passport was revoked by the Foreign Ministry on 31 December 2006 after the government claimed he had engaged in political activities while in exile. Thai embassies were ordered not to facilitate his travels. Traditionally, all former prime ministers and foreign ministers of Thailand were permitted to hold on to their diplomatic passports for life.[182]
Thaksin later publicly announced that he was quitting politics. Surayud's Defense Minister later announced that the junta would refuse Thaksin's reconciliation offer, claiming that Thailand was being threatened by "ill-intentioned people" and capitalism.[183]
Surayud's government completely purged all senior military officers perceived as loyal to the Thaksin government, replacing them with officers trusted by the new regime.[184]
In April 2007, during an interview where reporters asked Surayud what he would say to Thaksin if he could meet him in person, Surayud responded, "I would say please don't ever come back."[185]
[edit] Council for National Security
The Surayud government allowed the Council for National Security to interfere with many government responsibilities, including the transfer of civil servants. The CNS was allowed to control a nation-wide reshuffle of the civil service in April 2007 in order to weed out officials "clinging" to the deposed "Thaksin-regime".[186]
Surayud also authorized the removal of police chief Kowit Wattana from his position in early February 2007. Kowit had also been police chief under the ousted government of Thaksin Shinawatra.
In March, junta leader Sonthi asked Surayud to declare emergency rule in Bangkok in response to the protests by the founders of People's Television. In an interview, Sonthi noted that the protests, attended by approximately 1,500-3,000 people, had so far been peaceful but that he was afraid the movement could lead to "mutiny and chaos in the country."[187] CNS Spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd asked, "What will we do if the numbers of protesters go beyond 100,000? It will greatly damage the country's image." Emergency powers allowed the government to ban public gatherings, impose curfews and censor local news reports.[188]
On 3 April 2007, Surayud approved a 15% pay rise (on top of an earlier 15% pay rise) for members of the CNS, as a "special reward" for their "honesty, tolerance and dedication on weekdays and weekends."[189]
Despite this, relations between Surayud and the CNS deteriorated. Rumours swirled in mid-April 2007 that the CNS would overthrow the government. However, in a meeting with the CNS President, Surayud declared, "Don't ever think of launching another coup. If you utter only one word, then I am ready to resign."[190]
[edit] Criticism
Besides being heavily criticized for gaining power through the 2006 coup and his subsequent actions as Premier, Surayud has been accused of forest encroachment and corruption.
[edit] Forest encroachment
Surayud was accused of breaching the Forestry Act and the National Forest Reserves Act by illegally owning forest reserve land in Yaithiang Mountain of Nakhon Ratchasima province. When Surayud was Commander of the 2nd Army Region, he was sold the plot of land for 50,000 baht, although the land had a market value of 700,000 baht. He later transferred ownership of the plot to his wife as a gift. Surayud vowed to resign and return the land (which he did not deny owning) if found guilty.[19] He was defended by Interior Minister Aree Wongarya, who claimed, "Gen Surayud purchased the land from someone else so the question has to be posed to the first owner whether the land is reserved."
National Human Rights Commissioner Jaran Ditthapichai noted, "I cannot agree to have someone call himself a man of morality and sufficiency if he built a fancy house in a forest reserve."[191]
However, the National Counter Corruption Commission (NCCC) refused to investigate the land encroachment charges, claiming that the statute of limitations on the case had run out. NCCC member Klanarong Chantik noted that Surayud retired from military service in 2003 whereas the charges were made 4 years after his retirement, and that the NCCC could not legally investigate an officer for alleged wrongdoing beyond two years after retirement.[192]
In February 2010 after demonstrations by the "Red Shirts" at Khao Yaithiang Mountain, Surayud finally had to return the land to the Royal Forestry Department when it was found that the land is actually and clearly located within forest reserve land [1]. The plot of land is now under the care of the Royal Forestry Department after Surayud moved out. However, up until now no legal action has been taken by Thai authorities against Surayud, and he has not yet resigned from his post as Privy Councillor. The reason given for the authorities' option not to press any charge is that Surayud "had no ill intention".
[edit] Corruption
Surayud, an avid collector of model trains, was accused of illegally acquiring four train compartments for his resort home in Kho Yaithiang mountain, Nakhon Ratchasima. Surayud claimed that he had more than 4 compartments, but they were all in Bangkok and were acquired legally.[193]
However, Thai-language newspaper Khaosod published a photo on the front page of its 26 December 2006 edition which showed a building resembling a railway carriage near Surayud's resort home. The National Counter Corruption Committee was petitioned to scrutinise the land at Surayud's retreat residence, but refused to take action (see above). However, Surayud was forced to move out from his resort home and return the land to the Royal Forestry Department in February 2010. [2]
While Surayud was frequently accused of corruption, many in the business community believed otherwise. A poll conducted in January 2007 found that 66% of business people thought that local corruption would increase, with only 10.5% thinking that it would decrease. However, only about 14% believed that leading figures in Surayud's administration were corrupt.[194]
[edit] Royal decorations
Surayud has received the following royal decorations in the Honours System of Thailand:
1974 - Freemen Safeguarding Medal (First Class)
1990 - Rama Medal of the Honourable Order of Rama
1992 - Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of The Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
1995 - Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant
1996 - Grand Companion (Third Class, higher grade) of the Most Illustrious Order of Chula Chom Klao
[edit] References
^ Transparency International, 2007 Corruption Perceptions Index
^ The Nation, Convicted deputy finance minister resigns, 13 December 2007
^ The Nation, Defamation law decried, 16 October 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Thailand's economic growth lowest in region, World Bank says
^ Xinhua, World Bank urges Thailand to enhance economy, 15 November 2007
^ (Chinese) 泰總理提人民幸福新標準 .劉振廷; 政治
^ The Nation, Comrades-In-Arms: Their war gone by, 12 January 2006
^ a b c d e Time Magazine, Surayud Chulanont: A soldier who answered to the people, 28 April 2003
^ (Thai) Matichon Weekly, "จาก 'ปู่พโยม' ถึง 'พ่ิอสุรยุทธ์' 'จุลานนท์' ในสายตา 'ร.อ.นนทร์' 'นายกฯสุรยุทธ์' และการปฏิวัติ ในสายตาลูกทหาร" ("From 'Grandfather Phayom' to 'Father Surayud', 'Chulanont' in the Eyes of 'Captain Non', 'Premier Surayud' and Rebellion in the Eyes of the Son of a Solder"), 15–21 December 2006
^ (Thai) Surayud Chulanont's official resume from the Royal Thai Army website
^ a b IHT, Thai junta shores up role in politics, 1 October 2006
^ The Nation, Editorial & Opinion: Surayuth guns for reforms, 18 February 1999
^ a b Asia Times, Unplugging Thailand, Myanmar energy deals, 14 November 2006
^ The Statesman, Sonthi: The man who made it happen, 20 September 2006
^ The Nation, Warning from Surayud: Thaksin's return 'a threat', 28 September 2006
^ The Nation, Media criticised over 'unhelpful news', 4 July 2005
^ DPA, New Prime Minister a respected former army commander, 1 October 2006
^ The Bangkok Post, New Highway Planned to Let Herds Mingle, 26 April 2004
^ a b The Nation, Activists call on Surayud to resign for alleged forest encroachment, 29 December 2006
^ The Nation, Sonthi to be granted an audience to nominate interim PM at 4 pm, 1 October 2006
^ The Nation, Sonthi: Surayud to be PM, 1 October 2006
^ The Bangkok Post, Surayud's military past posed worry, 2 October 2006
^ CNN, Former Thai army chief sworn in as interim PM, 1 October 2006
^ Bangkok Post, PM's wife elevated to 'thanpuying', 6 May 2007
^ The Nation, Thai public support for post-coup government falls: poll, 14 November 2006
^ "Embattled TRT Still Holds Edge Over Opposition: Poll". The Nation (Nation Multimedia Group). 2006-07-31. Retrieved 2006-09-20.
^ Bangkok Post, Poll: Public skeptical of govt claims, 5 January 2007
^ Poll: Thais lose trust in govt, CNS, 22 February 2007
^ The Nation, Surayud's popularity further drops, 25 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Protests did not enjoy wide support in Bangkok, 26 March 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Cobra Gold war games get green light, 19 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Surayud courts feng shui fortunes, 20 April 2007
^ The Nation, Activists plead for Sonthi to remove PM, 9 May 2007
^ The Nation, Gen Sonthi 'tricked' into meeting anti-PM group, 10 May 2007
^ The Nation, Surayud goes for talk-show format, 12 May 2007
^ The Nation, Voters want election as govt support drops, 25 June 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Thai government's popularity declines, 8 July 2007
^ The Nation, Poll should precede new charter: law experts, 2 October 2006
^ The Bangkok Post, Draft charter loopholes can 'resurrect Thaksin regime', 28 September 2006
^ The Nation, Drafting new charter 'may take 17 mths', 18 October 2006
^ The Economist, Not a Vote for the Generals, 23 Aug 2007
^ Associated Press, THAI KING TO SWEAR-IN CABINET, 9 October 2006
^ The Australian, Thailand's post-coup cabinet unveiled, 9 October 2006
^ The Nation, Concern over stability of govt, 1 March 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Pridiyathorn resigns as deputy prime minister and finance minister, 28 February 2007
^ IHT, Thai minister resigns amid cabinet disarray, 28 February 2007
^ The Nation, Pridiyathorn resigns as deputy PM, finance minister, 28 February 2007
^ The Nation, Chalongphob a pro-market academic for a reeling economy, 9 March 2007
^ The Nation, Call for end to policy corruption, 16 October 2006
^ The Nation, Sweeping changes in state telecom boards, 28 October 2006
^ The Nation, Telecom excise tax revoked, 24 January 2007
^ The Nation, MCOT plunges on policy reversal, 4 November 2006
^ The Nation, 'Sorry' sight as govt bungles again, 7 March 2007
^ "iTV's last hope hinges on court decision". The Nation (Thailand). 2007-03-07. Retrieved 2007-03-07.
^ "Government pulls plug on Thailand's only private television station". MCOT. 2007-03-07. Retrieved 2007-03-07.
^ "Gov't orders iTV off air". Bangkok Post LXI (66): pp. Section 1, Page 1. 2007-03-07 (print edition)
^ "Thailand Independent Television". Public Relations Department (Thailand). 2007-03-08. Retrieved 2007-03-09. [dead link]
^ a b The Nation, Bt30 health fee may be scrapped, 14 October 2006
^ The Nation, No 'coyote dances' for Loy Krathong: Culture Ministry, 3 November 2006
^ Matichon, 6 March 2007, page 11
^ Thai Government Public Relations Department News Headline, Culture Ministry campaigns for Thai people to wear Thai dresses once a week, 4 April 2007
^ The Nation, University must punish Pemmika says Culture Minister, 15 March 2007
^ The Nation, NHSO backs plan to ditch Bt30 fee, 31 October 2006
^ The Nation, Alarm overB3.8bn slash to healthcare, 20 December 2006
^ The Nation, Road accident fund to be shifted to universal health care fund, 22 March 2007
^ Scientific American, Thailand stuns drug firms with generic licenses, 25 January 2007
^ Motley Fool, You're Only Hurting Yourself, Thailand, 31 January 2007
^ Scientific American, Angered U.S. firm excludes Thailand from new drugs, 14 March 2007
^ CIDRAP News, Thailand joins Indonesia in withholding H5N1 strains, 22 March 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Govt backs Jakarta in bird flu row, 21 March 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Editorial: Bird flu distracts from real killers, 17 March 2007
^ IHT, Report: Thailand's status as pioneer in war on HIV imperiled by attitude toward drug users, 29 November 2007
^ The Nation, Energy minister says abolition of octane-95 oil sale to be indefinitely delayed, 20 October 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Ministry to cancel Egat's 50% promise, 9 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Egat will not be invited to IPP bids, 16 December 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Egat to build $6bn nuclear plant, 12 June 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Coal and nuclear PR could start in schools, 22 March 2007
^ Junta at risk of a backlash over lucrative benefits, 5 April 2007
^ a b Bangkok Post, New budget unveiled
^ The Nation, Military spending to soar a further 24%, 28 June 2007
^ The Nation, 'Under-strength' military expecting funds, 2 November 2006
^ Australia Defence Intelligence Organisation, Defense Economic Trends in Asia-Pacific 2004
^ Bangkok Post, Military puts in B18bn request, 28 June 2007
^ The Nation, Warrants soon in Somchai 'murder' case, 4 November 2006
^ IHT, Southern Thai towns increasingly rely on militias, 19 March 2007
^ The Nation, Tam Yam Kung networks in Malaysia finance insurgents: PM, 21 November 2006
^ The Nation, Not all Tom Yam Kung restaurants fund insurgency: Interior, 22 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Cabinet backs B84.3m in Isoc 'rewards' , 23 July 2007
^ The Nation, Court blocks Kowit move, 21 June 2007
^ AFP, Thailand's FM denies plan for Malaysia to mediate with insurgents, 14 February 2007
^ a b Bangkok Post, Education Ministry axes 3 schemes, 28 November 2006
^ Wikipedia, One Laptop Per Child#Good use of money, OLPD Criticism
^ The Nation, Famous schools ordered to take in half of new students from neighbourhood, 14 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Scholarship scheme to continue, 5 January 2007
^ The Nation, No promise of free basic education in charter: Education Ministry, 1 March 2007
^ The Nation, Massive loss from Thaksin projects, 16 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Deficit to continue into fiscal 2008, 17 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Govt takes flak for its '08 budget, 5 July 2007
^ Bloomberg, Thailand's Rules Retreat Won't Halt Investor Backlash, 20 December 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Exim Bank raps central bank policy, 28 March 2007
^ The Nation, Pridiyathorn explains sufficiency economy concept to investors, 10 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Ministry scraps one-million-cows project, 29 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Cabinet replaces Thaksin's SML policy, 13 February 2007
^ The Nation, Small business backs scheme, 12 February 2007
^ Times Online, [Thai anxiety], 21 January 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Foreign businesses await law change, 7 January 2007
^ The Nation, Thailand to limit foreign stake in firms to 50 per cent, 9 January 2007
^ Bloomberg, Thailand Tightens Overseas Investment Rules, Caps, 9 January 2007
^ Asia Sentinel, Thailand Moves Against Foreign Firms, 10 January 2007
^ The Nation, Reconsider amendment, envoys urge, 10 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Kosit says domestic consumption overlooked, 30 April 2007
^ The Nation, Cabinet approves debt-relief measures for farmers, 17 January 2007
^ The Nation, More flak over role for Somkid, 18 February 2007
^ The Nation, Banharn criticises Surayud for appointing Somkid as economic envoy, 18 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Pridiyathorn: No need to replace Somkid, 21 February 2007
^ The Nation, Lotteries move lacks understanding, 3 May 2007
^ Bangkok Post, The end of privatisation?, 19 June 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Analysis: Seeking Japan's approval via rushed trade pact, 23 February 2007
^ The Nation, Signing of FTA is like policy corruption, NGOs tell govt, 2 April 2007
^ The Star, Malaysia, Japan, Thailand sign free trade agreement, 4 April 2007
^ The Bangkok Post, Japan FTA will liberalise 90 pct of bilateral trade, 4 April 2007
^ IHT, Japanese cabinet approves free trade pact with Thailand, 3 April 2007
^ Bangkok Post, All mobile phone concessions ruled illegal, 21 May 2007
^ The Nation, Retail law wins backing from Cabinet, 9 May 2007
^ The Japan Times, Thailand's troubles continue, 7 March 2007
^ The Nation, Thai consumer confidence plunges to five-year low, 8 March 2007
^ The Nation, Consumer confidence at lowest level for five years, 13 April 2007
^ The Nation, First rise in foreign debt for six years, 9 April 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Thai competitiveness ranking falls yet again, 10 May 2007
^ The Nation, THAI union opposes shift to Don Muang, 10 February 2007
^ The Nation, Stick to one airport, govt told, 10 February 2007
^ The Nation, Making the best out of airport debacle, 8 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, PM: I'll sort out new airport myself, 16 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Airlines adamant about staying at Suvarnabhumi, 17 February 2007
^ The Nation, Competent pilot wanted, 15 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Suvarnabhumi runway declared safe, 12 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, And then there were two airports, 7 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, B1bn needed to fix terminal problems over four to five years, 16 February 2007
^ The Nation, 'Can we get to work please?', 17 February 2007
^ The Nation, AOT staff stalling urgent repairs: engineer, 23 February 2007
^ The Nation, Taxi driver 'sacrificed himself for democracy', 2 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, CNS to get tough with broadcast media, 10 January 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Virtue never can be bought, 16 April 2007
^ The Nation, Broadcasters may be manipulated, experts warn, 20 December 2006
^ RSF: Thailand - Annual report 2007
^ Bangkok Post, The Role of the Monarchy in Censorship, 28 July 2006
^ The Nation, Pro-Thaksin websites to remain, 2 June 2007
^ The Nation, Politicking:Ban must be 'strictly followed', 3 March 2007
^ The Nation, Secret military division deployed, 27 December 2006
^ Bangkok Post, CNS to have own B500m peace-keeping force, 27 December 2006
^ The Nation, Anti-coup activists arrested at Sanam Luang, 15 March 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Six protesters held, 23 July 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Protests flare as UDD leaders are locked up, 27 July 2007
^ The Nation, PM says sorry to Prem over mob violence, July 2007
^ The Nation, Chiang Mai academics slam junta over activist's arrest, 9 July 2007
^ The Nation, Weera calls for probe into MCOT and TV host, 21 November 2006
^ The Nation, Exit of popular shows to hurt MCOT, 9 December 2006
^ The Nation, Junta accused of exploiting news media, 19 February 2007
^ The Nation, Charge against Sonthi dropped, 19 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Goings on at Channel 9, 8 March 2007
^ The Nation, 'Govt gag' provokes workers at TITV, 23 June 2007
^ Bangkok Post, City police chief bans motorcycle taxi drivers from anti-CNS rally, 23 June 2007
^ The Nation, Some 1,000 villagers prevented from catching buses to Bangkok
^ The Nation, Sitthichai gets no kick from the Net, 15 April 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Thailand gets new cyber crime law, 10 May 2007
^ Bangkok Post, 3 Years in Jail for a Porn Email, 16 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, After Thaksin calls, officials drop by, May 2007
^ The Nation, White Dove members held ahead of Chiang Mai rally, 19 May 2007
^ The Nation, Govt in move to head off violence, 21 May 2007
^ The Nation, NLA revokes ban on demonstrations, 12 November 2006
^ International Herald Tribune, Governed by Omens, 18 November 2006
^ The Nation, Why artistic freedom matters, 17 November 2006
^ Thai generals pull plug on Thaksin CNN interview « FACT - Freedom Against Censorship Thailand
^ The Nation, Junta gets fat-cat allowances, 8 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Minister testy over 'coup rewards' crack, 8 November 2006
^ The Nation, Govt set to unveil 5 rapid rail lines, 6 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, PM reverses; polls will not be early, 19 May 2007
^ The Nation, ID plan for one-year-olds, 25 June 2007
^ The Nation, Thaksin's return 'a threat', 28 September 2006
^ The Nation, Deposed PM's in China to meet Surayud: Gen Sonthi, 2 November 2006
^ The Nation, PM quashes Thaksin return, 13 November 2006
^ The Nation, FM cancel ousted premier and wife's diplomatic passports, 10 January 2007
^ Bangkok Post, General scorns Thaksin reconciliation, 3 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Sonthi loyalists put in key military positions, 22 March 2007
^ The Nation, I want to tell Thaksin "don't ever come back," : PM, 26 April 2007
^ The Nation, Non-cooperative civil servants face axe by CNS, 9 January 2007
^ The Nation, Thai junta chief calls for emergency rule in Bangkok, 28 March 2007
^ IHT, Thai coup leaders urge government to impose emergency rule, 28 March 2007
^ The Nation, Junta at risk of a backlash over lucrative benefits, 5 April 2007
^ The Nation, Surayud survives barrage and hangs onto job by a thread, 13 April 2007
^ The Nation, Thumbs down for the next charter, 15 January 2007
^ The Nation, NCCC rules against probe into Surayud's land, 22 June 2007
^ The Nation, Surayud denies train carriages allegation, 28 December 2006
^ The Nation, Business leaders see corruption increasing, 29 January 2007
[edit] External links
(English) News articles related to Thai Coup 2006
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Surayud Chulanontสุรยุทธ์ จุลานนท์ TCW MPCh MWM PC
24th Prime Minister of Thailand
In office1 October 2006 – 29 January 2008
Rama IX
Preceded by
Sonthi Boonyaratglin(As Chairman of the Council for National Security)
Succeeded by
Samak Sundaravej
28 August 1943 (age 66)Phetchaburi, Thailand
Chitravadee Chulanont
General (ret.) Surayud Chulanont (Thai: สุรยุทธ์ จุลานนท์, RTGS: Surayut Chulanon)(born 28 August 1943) is a Thai political figure. He was the Prime Minister of Thailand and head of Thailand's Interim Government between 2006 and 2008. He was a former Thai military officer, Army Commander, Supreme Commander, and currently Privy Councilor to King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
Surayud came from a military family, but Surayud's father defected from the Royal Thai Army to the Communist Party of Thailand when Surayud was a young boy. Surayud joined the Thai Army and rose to power as a close aide to General Prem Tinsulanonda. He commanded troops during Bloody May, the violent 1992 crackdown on anti-government protestors, but he denied giving his men the order to shoot protesters. He was promoted to Army Commander during the government of Chuan Leekpai and was promoted to Supreme Commander in 2003, under the government of Thaksin Shinawatra. Upon retirement from the Army, King Bhumibol Adulyadej appointed Surayud to his Privy Council of personal advisors. Surayud and Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda played a key role in the promotion of General Sonthi Boonratklin to the position of Army Commander.
General Sonthi overthrew the government of Thaksin Shinawatra in a coup on 19 September 2006 and soon afterwards appointed Surayud as Prime Minister. Surayud's government was a controversial one. There was a significant worsening in perceived levels of corruption during his government.[1] Surayud's Deputy Finance Minister, Sommai Pasee, was sentenced to jail for abuse of power.[2] Surayud raised the military budget by 35% and was accused of economic mismanagement, rampant human rights abuses, and flip-flopping on numerous policies. Article 19 ranked Thailand as falling behind Cambodia and Indonesia in terms of freedom of expression.[3] Thailand's economic growth rate slowed to the lowest level in five years and was ranked the lowest in the region.[4][5] However, Surayud was praised for apologizing for atrocities committed by the Thai military fighting the South Thailand insurgency, although the apology was accompanied by a sharp escalation in violence. He has been accused of forest reserve encroachment (a charge that was not investigated since the statute of limitations had run out by 2 years) and illegally acquiring train carriages for display in his forest home. He is married to Chitravadi Santhadwet Chulanont (Thai: จิตรวดี สันทัดเวช) and has three sons, Nam, Khao and Captain Non.
1 Family and education
2 Military career
3 Privy Councilor
4 Environmentalist
5 Prime Minister of Thailand
5.1 Popularity
5.2 Drafting of a permanent constitution and elections
5.3 Cabinet appointments
5.4 Key policies
5.4.1 Telecommunications
5.4.2 Culture
5.4.3 Public health
5.4.4 Energy
5.4.5 Security and the southern insurrection
5.4.6 Education
5.4.7 Economy and agriculture
5.4.8 Suvarnabhumi Airport
5.4.9 Human rights
5.4.10 Other
5.5 Thaksin Shinawatra
5.6 Council for National Security
6 Criticism
6.1 Forest encroachment
6.2 Corruption
7 Royal decorations
8 References
9 External links
10 Further reading
[edit] Family and education
General Surayud Chulanont
Surayud came from a long line of military leaders, and was reported to have some Chinese ancestry.[6] His maternal grandfather was Phraya Sri Sitthi Songkhram (Din Tharab), a royalist leader during the failed Boworadej Rebellion. Surayud's father was Lt. Colonel Phayom Chulanont, a Royal Thai Army military officer who, as "Comrade Too Khamtan" (Thai: สหายตู้คำตัน, RTGS: sahai tu khamtan), became a member of the Central Committee Communist Party of Thailand and Chief of Staff of the People's Liberation Army of Thailand.[7]
Surayud completed his early education at Saint Gabriel's College and Suankularb Wittayalai School in Bangkok. He graduated from the inaugural class of Armed Forces Preparatory Academy.
As a boy, Surayud's father left his family to go underground to join the Communists. Phayom explained his defection by citing corruption in the army and its inability to defend the powerless.[8] His father's defection to the Communists had a large impact on Surayud. Surayud's son, Non, noted that, "My father always told me that we must help each other redeem the tarnished family name of Chulanont so that Thais can look up to it."[9]
Surayud entered the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy (CRMA) and graduated from Class 12.
Surayud was conferred an honorary doctorate degree in engineering, 4 April 2007, by Tokai University, Japan, which has had a close association with King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL), Thailand where Surayud has been chancellor of the council.
[edit] Military career
Early in his army career, Surayud served in several Army divisions including a light artillery unit and a paratrooper unit. He conducted operations against the Communist Party of Thailand (CPT) while his father was a leader of the CPT. From 1972 to 1978, he was an instructor at the Special Warfare School. He was a close aide to General Prem Tinsulanonda when Prem was appointed Army Commander and later Prime Minister of Thailand. Surayud was appointed Commander of the Special Warfare Command in 1992, where he was the commanding officer of Sonthi Boonratklin.[10]
General Surayud wearing the black beret of the Cavalry Corps
During Bloody May, the violent crackdown 1992 on anti-government protestors, Surayud's men were seen shooting protesters and dragging them through the bloody lobby of the Royal Hotel. He later claimed that he never gave orders for his soldiers to shoot.[11] According to a later interview, "It convinced me that the army should never be involved in politics."[8] Days later he told a national television audience that he deplored the loss of life and that he had not given any orders to shoot.[8] In 1994, he was appointed Commander of the 2nd Army Region.
Surayud was promoted to Army Commander in late 1998. At the time, his promotion was controversial, as Surayud had been promoted above the heads of several officers more senior to him. Surayud appointed several of his classmates from Class 12 of the CRMA to key lucrative positions. Among these were Lt Gen Sompong Maivichit, who he made head of Army controlled Channel 5 television station, replacing Gen Pang Malakul na Ayudhya, and Lt Gen Boonrod Somtap, who he promoted to a key subordinate position to replace Gen Charn Boonprasert.[12] He also ended a policy of deporting Burmese refugees, especially ethnic Karens, back to Burma. "He's been a friend to us," said Pastor Robert Htway of the Karen Refugee Committee.[8] Under his term, Thai soldiers took part in the United Nations Peace Keeping Force, assisting UN-PKF efforts in East Timor.
In March 2002, Surayud ordered one of Thailand's largest military operations in recent times, when Thai troops moved deep into Myanmar territory to destroy drug labs and military bases controlled by the United Wa State Army.[13]
In 2003, after over 4 years as Army Commander, Surayud was promoted to the position of Supreme Commander, a loftier but less influential post, during the government of Thaksin Shinawatra. He was replaced as Army Commander by Somthad Attanan. His promotion was rumored to be the result of a conflict with the Prime Minister.[8]
[edit] Privy Councilor
Upon his retirement from the Army, Surayud briefly joined the Buddhist monkhood. On 14 November 2003, King Bhumibol Adulyadej appointed Surayud to his Privy Council of personal advisors. From retirement, Surayud and Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda played a key role in the promotion of General Sonthi Boonratklin to the position of Army Commander.[14][15]
Facing an escalating insurgency in the south of Thailand, Surayud urged the media to paint a more positive picture of the violence. "Truthful words that may not be beneficial should be avoided," noted Surayud to the Press Council of Thailand. He was contradicted by Deputy Prime Minister Chaturon Chaisang, who noted that he couldn't think of any news about the conflict in the South that could or should not be reported by the media.[16]
In response to numerous claims made by anti-Thaksin activist Sondhi Limthongkul that his People's Alliance for Democracy was "fighting for the King", Surayud resonded by saying that "Recent references to the monarchy were inappropriate. The institution should not be involved in politics. Political disputes should be solved in a political way."[17]
In January 2008, not long after Surayud ended his term as Prime Minister, he was again reappointed to King Bhumibol Adulyadej's Privy Council.
[edit] Environmentalist
Surayud was chairman of the Khao Yai National Park Protection Foundation.[18]
However, after becoming Premier in 2006, he was accused of breaching the Forestry Act and the National Forest Reserves Act by illegally owning forest land in Yaithiang Mountain of Nakhon Ratchasima province. He vowed to resign and return the land (which he did not deny owning) if found guilty.[19]
In February 2010 after demonstrations by the "Red Shirts" at Khao Yaithiang Mountain, Surayud, who by then had alreasdy left politics, finally had to return the land to the Royal Forestry Department when it was found that the land is indeed located within forest reserve land. The plot of land is now under Royal Forestry Department's care. However, up until now no legal action has been taken by Thai authorities against him, and he has not yet resigned from his post as Privy Councillor. The reason given for the authorities' option not to press any charge is that Surayud "had no ill intention".
[edit] Prime Minister of Thailand
Main article: Thailand 2006 interim civilian government
See also: Policies of the Surayud government
Surayud was already considered a strong candidate for appointment as civilian prime minister premiership immediately after General Sonthi overthrew the government of Thaksin Shinawatra. Indeed Surayud's appointment to the Premiership was confirmed by junta leader Sonthi Boonyaratkalin on the morning of Sunday 1 October 2006. Sonthi had a formal audience with King Bhumibol Adulyadej at 4 pm that day to nominate Surayud's name to the monarch.[20][21] "Security and social unity" were cited by Sonthi as the key reasons for appointing Surayud.[22]
Surayud announced that as Premier, he would "Focus on self-sufficiency, more than focusing on the GDP numbers. I will focus on the happiness of the people, more than the GDP."[23] He also claimed that he would be "Friendly to every party, trying to receive information from every side and meeting people as much as possible. I will lead a government based on justice."[11]
The policies and positions of several ministers in Surayud's Cabinet changed very frequently, sometimes on a daily basis. Notable flip-flops included Thailand's refusal to share avian flu samples with the WHO, capital controls against foreign investment, shareholding limits for foreign investors in telecommunications firms, the identity of bombers in the 2006 New Year's Eve bombings, and the role of the Malaysian government in mediating the South Thailand insurgency.
While he was Prime Minister, Surayud's wife, Colonel Khunying Chitrawadee, was awarded the Dame Grand Commander (Second Class) of the Most Illustrious Order of Chulachomklao feudal decoration, allowing her to use the prefix Than Phu Ying.[24]
[edit] Popularity
The Surayud government's initial nation-wide approval rating in October 2006 stood at 60%, with 8% disapproving. By early November, this fell to 55% approving and 15% disapproving.[25] For comparison, a nation-wide poll in July 2006 found that 49% of respondents would have voted for Thaksin Shinawatra in the cancelled October elections.[26]
The 2006 Bangkok New Year's Eve bombings caused Surayud's popularity to drop to 48.5% according to Assumption University's polling arm - and just 11% said they had "full confidence" the government can handle the crisis.[27]
The 2007 Chinese New Year Bombings, which saw 38 bombing attacks, 26 cases of arson, and seven ambushes within a single day, caused Surayud's popularity to drop even further. 53.7% of respondents living in Bangkok and other major cities in felt the government and the CNS could not put an end to problems in the country. Only 24.6% thought that the situation would improve in 6 months.[28]
By 24 February 2007, his popularity among Bangkokians had further dropped to 34.8%, although he was still more popular than Thaksin Shinawatra, whom 28.8% of Bangkokians favored.[29]
By 4 March 2007, only 31.3% of people in Bangkok supported the government's political stance. This fell dramatically to 12.5% by 26 March 2007.[30]
The US government decided to continue holding "Cobra Gold" joint military exercises with the Thai government. Immediately after the coup, Washington had halted all military cooperation with, and aid to, the junta. US law forbade assistance to governments of a country where an elected leader has been deposed in a coup.[31]
In response to the declining popularity of the junta, Surayud, reportedly a believer in feng shui, had Government House re-landscaped. He also removed all pictures of former Prime Ministers from the building.[32]
In early May 2007, activists from the Assembly of Isaan People met with junta chief Sonthi Boonyaratglin in order to appeal for him to remove Surayud Chulanont. Sonthi personally met the anti-Surayud activists within Army Headquarters and promised he would consider their request. This was the first time that Sonthi personally met people calling for the removal of Surayud.[33] Sonthi later claimed that he was "tricked" into meeting the activists.[34]
To counter growing criticisms, Surayud launched a weekly talk show called "Poed Baan Phitsanulok" ("Opening Up Baan Pitsanulok"; Baan Pitsanulok is the informal name for government house) to highlight his achievements. The show aired on state-run Channel 11 every Saturday between 8.30 am and 9.15 am. Calling the weekly radio show that was hosted by Thaksin Shinawatra when he was Premier "propaganda", he denied any similarity between the two shows.[35]
The military junta's popularity continued to decline. By late June 2007, an ABAC Poll found that only 13.6% supported the government, with 69.8 of respondents disappointed with the political situation.[36]
The government's popularity continued to decline into July, when survey respondants in Bangkok and outlying areas gave the government an average score of 4.32 out of 10. The average score had been 4.53 in March 2007 and 5.27 in January 2007. Fewer than 15% of respondents in the survey felt that the nation's overall situation had improved during the government's nine-month tenure, while 31.6% said the situation remained unchanged and the majority, 34.9% said it had worsened.[37]
[edit] Drafting of a permanent constitution and elections
The junta's 2006 Interim Constitution authorized the junta to appoint a 2,000 person National Assembly which would select members to become candidates for a Constitution Drafting Assembly. From the onset of his appointment as Premier, Surayud Chulanont was urged by academics to override the junta's control of the constitution drafting process. Somchai Siripreechakul, Dean of Law at Chiang Mai University, urged Surayud to call a general election as soon as possible and hand the task of drafting a charter to an elected parliament.[38] Banjerd Singkhaneti of Thammasat University noted of the constitution drafting process, "I think it will be a mess and the next constitution will be just that."[39]
After the coup, the military junta had originally promised to draft a permanent charter within eight months and to hold elections in October 2007. However, Prime Minister's Office Minister Thirapat Serirangsan later announced that elections might not occur until one year and five months.[40]
After a constitutional referendum on August 19, Surayud promised that elections would “definitely” be held in late December.[41]
[edit] Cabinet appointments
Prem Tinsulanonda, President of the King's Privy Council, played a significant role in picking the members of Surayud's Cabinet. General Boonrawd Somtas, a former CDRMA classmate and longtime friend of Surayud, was appointed Defense Minister.[42] former Interior Permanent Secretary Aree Wong-araya was appointed Interior Minister, former Energy Policy and Planning Office director Piyasvasti Amranand became Energy Minister, central bank governor Pridiyathorn Devakula became Finance Minister, and Bangkok Bank Chairman Kosit Panpiemras became Industry Minister. Michael Nelson of Chulalongkorn University noted that the Cabinet was dominated by bureaucrats and that "It's very strongly guided by military ideas combined with some technocrats, some people in economic areas and some former bureaucrats."[43]
Pridiyathorn later resigned on 28 February 2007. His resignation shocked the political world as well as the business community.[44] He cited reasons for resignation included,
Surayud's decision to appoint Pridiyathorn's rival, former Thaksin-government Finance Minister Somkid Jatusripitak, as a self-sufficiency economy special envoy. Somkid resigned from his position after less than a week.
Prime Minister's Office Minister Thirapat Serirangsan's alleged preference to certain private media interests.[45] Several analysts speculated that he was referring to the preferential treatment the junta gave to leading anti-Thaksin critic Sondhi Limthongkul, who was also a long-time critic of Pridiyathorn.[46][47]
Pridiyathorn was replaced by Chalongphob Sussangkarn, an academic who led the Thailand Development Research Institute. Chalongphob had previously criticized the junta's capital controls policy.[48]
[edit] Key policies
[edit] Telecommunications
The planned merger of state-telecom companies TOT and CAT.[49]
The cancellation of plans to list TOT, CAT, and Thai Post on the Stock Exchange of Thailand.[50]
The cancellation of the Thaksin government's telecom excise tax policy. The Thaksin government imposed an excise tax on privately offered fixed and cellular services, and then allowed telecom companies to deduct the amount they paid in excise tax from concession fees they had to pay to state concession owners TOT or CAT Telecom. The total amount paid by the private telecom firms did not change. The Surayud government's excise tax cancellation meant that TOT and CAT would receive their full concession payments. However, TOT and CAT were then forced to increase their dividends to the Ministry of Finance to account for their increased income.[51]
Changing the publicly-listed state-enterprise media company MCOT's policy from focusing on monetary benefits to social benefits. MCOT's stock prices dropped 5.13% to an 11-month low as a result.[52]
Surayud reversed policies many times regarding the fate of the iTV TV station. Surayud first announced that it intended to take over the station and promised that the station would not be taken off the air no matter what happened regarding its concession controversy. However, in early March 2007, PM's Office Minister Dhipawadee Meksawan announced that the station would be taken off the air on midnight on 6 March 2007, following the Cabinet's revocation of iTV's concession. Surayud apologized for not keeping his word.[53][54][55][56] Then on 7 March 2007, Surayud reversed his decision yet again and ordered that iTV continue broadcasting after the deadline had passed.[57]
[edit] Culture
The planned ban against all forms of advertising for alcoholic beverages.[58]
The banning of all "sexually-arousing dances" (locally called "coyote dances") during the Loy Kratong festival.[59]
From March 2007 onwards, encouraging that all Thai citizens dress in yellow every day until December 31, 2007, in order to display loyalty King Bhumibol and celebrate his 80th birthday.[60][61]
Urging Chulalongkorn University to take action against its fourth-year psychology student Pemmika Veerachatraksit, for having broken university discipline by having an affair with another person's husband. The Culture Ministry claimed that as a student, being accused of having an adulterous affair should be taken as guilt. The student was sued for 27 million baht by Alisa Thomthitchong for allegedly having an affair with her husband, Dr Prakitpao Thomthitchong.[62]
[edit] Public health
Making the 30-baht universal healthcare program completely free.[58] The Budget Bureau criticized the move.[63] The government later cut the universal healthcare program budget by over 3.8 billion baht, providing a subsidy of just 1,899 baht per head, compared to the previously proposed figure of 2,089 baht. The number of eligible people was cut from 48 million to 46 million people.[64] Funding for the program was diverted from the government's road-accident victims' protection fund.[65]
License the production and sale of patented HIV and heart disease drugs without the permission of the foreign patent owners. Lack of public health budget was cited as the reasons for breaking the patents. "It has stunned our industry," said the President of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association (PReMA). The Minister of Public Health claimed that pharmaceutical industry was reaping "colossal" profits. Under World Trade Organization rules, a government is allowed to break patents under after declaring a "national emergency."[66] Breaking the patents of Abbott's HIV treatment Kaletra and Sanofi-Aventis' blood clot drug Plavix was estimated to save Thailand US$24 million a year.[67] Abbott Laboratories said it would stop launching new medicines in Thailand in protest at the junta's move to override international drug patents. "Thailand has chosen to break patents on numerous medicines, ignoring the patent system. As such, we've elected not to introduce new medicines there," an Abbott spokesperson told reporters. The seven withdrawn drugs include the new version of Kaletra, an antibiotic, a painkiller and medicines to fight blood clots, arthritis, kidney disease and high blood pressure.[68]
The junta joined Indonesia in a boycott on sharing its H5N1 avian influenza virus samples with vaccine developers and the international health community. Surayud's Public Health Minister told reporters that "Drugmakers rarely help us. They only gave us a small amount of vaccine, just like a donation." Thailand had 25 H5N1 cases and 17 deaths since 2003, ranking it the fourth hardest hit country by the avian flu. Indonesia stopped sharing its H5N1 samples with the WHO at the end of 2006 since the strains were being used to develop vaccines that the country couldn't afford.[69][70]
Thailand's representative to the World Health Organisation (also special advisor to the public health minister), Dr Suwit Wibulpolprasert said that during an executive board meeting of the WHO in January, Dr Suwit, declared that if an influenza pandemic were to hit Thailand, he would advise the government to hold Western tourists hostage until those countries gave Thailand the necessary vaccines. The US government has lodged a formal protest letter and requested an apology. US Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt wrote that Dr Suwit's comments "appear to contravene the spirit and provisions of the revised International Health Regulations."[71]
Human Rights Watch and the Thai AIDS Treatment Action Group claimed that the Surayud junta failed to provide safe treatment for drug users infected with HIV, and did not effectively promote harm reduction techniques to stop the spread of the virus.[72]
[edit] Energy
The indefinite delayal of the previous government's policy of converting all octane 95 gasoline sales to gasohol.[73]
The cancellation of state electricity company EGAT's guaranteed 50% share in all new power plant construction.[74]
The prevention of EGAT from participating in bidding for new electricity plants under the Independent Power Producer (IPP) program.[75]
The cancellation of plans to import hydroelectric power and natural gas from Myanmar.[13]
The development of a US$6 billion nuclear power plant. The 4,000 megawatt plant would be Thailand's first.[76] The government announced that it would start a large public relations program, starting with kindergarten children, of "educating" the public about how nuclear power was unavoidable.[77]
[edit] Security and the southern insurrection
An increase in military spending by 35% in 2007, compared to 2006.[78] The budget for 2008 totalled 140 billion baht, 24% higher than 2007 and representing 8.6% of the total 2008 budget.[79][80] Since 1999, military spending had remained stagnant at approximately $2 billion in 2000 dollars.[81][82] In addition, Surayud received an extra request for an additional 17.6 billion baht to fund counter-insurgency efforts in the far South over the next four years on top of an additional 456-million-baht secret military budget.[83]
Issuing a formal apology regarding the Tak Bai incident.[84] The day after he issued his apology, 46 violent incidents were recorded, compared with a daily average of 9 in the previous month. Violence continued to escalate throughout 2006 and 2007.[85]
Revealing for the first time to the public that the insurgency was being finance by a network of restaurants and stalls selling Tom Yam Kung in Malaysia. Surayud claimed that the Tom Yam Kung network collected money from local businessmen through blackmail and demands for protection fees and channelled the sum to the separatists.[86] Malaysian Deputy Security Minister Fu Ah Kiow described the revelation as "absolutely baseless," and "very imaginative."[87]
Surayud's Cabinet gave the staff of the Internal Security Operations Command a 84.3 million baht "reward". The ISOC had originally requested the reward in 2003, but was turned down by the Thaksin government.[88]
Appointing Seripisut Temiyavet as Police Commissioner General, replacing Kowit Watana. Kowit was transferred to a civilian post soon after arresting several military personnel for alleged involvement in the 2006 Bangkok New Year's Eve bombings. Kowit protested his transfer, and the Central Administrative Court later an injunction to protect him from the transfer until it reached a final ruling on the matter.[89]
Allowing the Malaysian government to help mediate in the South Thailand insurgency, contradicting a statement by Foreign Minister Nitya Pibulsonggram made just 2 days before.[90]
[edit] Education
The cancellation of Thailand's participation in the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program.[91] The project has been criticized as unrealistic for an impoverished country like Thailand.[92]
The cancellation of plans to install personal computers and broadband internet connections in every public and secondary school in Thailand.[91]
Forcing 430 prestigious schools across the country to accept half of their students from the local neighborhood. All other schools would be required to accept all applicants; if applicants exceeded seats, a random draw would choose which applicants would be accepted.[93]
The continuation of the Thaksin Shinawatra government's "One District, One Scholarship" program under the name "Scholarships for Community Development". The maximum annual income for eligible recipients' families was rased from 100,000 baht to 150,000 baht.[94]
The proposed cancellation of the guarantee of 12 years of free education in the next constitution of Thailand.[95]
[edit] Economy and agriculture
Surayud Chulanont
A budget deficit of 147 billion Baht for fiscal year 2007. This was the first budget deficit since 2003.[96] Fiscal deficits were also expected for 2008.[97] The Deficit expanded to 168 billion baht in 2008. The junta-appointed National Legislative Assembly passed the budget unanimously. The deficit would be funded by domestic borrowing.[79][98]
Capital controls in an attempt to reverse a massive appreciation of the Thai Baht. The moves caused a crash in the Thai stock market, with a one-day loss of 820 billion baht (approx. US$22 billion) in market value. The move resulted in harsh criticism both within Thailand and abroad. "My definition of what's going on is 'Welcome to amateur hour,'" said Donald Gimbel, fund manager for Carret & Co. Korn Chatikavanij of the Democrat party noted a policy reversal, "That can't repair the damage that was caused in one historic day."[99] The Export-Import Bank of Thailand also criticized the capital controls.[100]
Elimination of subsidies for rice farmers. The price of rice, set at 30% above market prices during the deposed Thaksin Shinawatra government, was dramatically lowered. It was claimed that the high price of rice seriously affected farmers and caused social burdens.[101]
The cancellation of the Million Cows project. Under the project, the government lent five million cows to one million farming families. The families were allowed to sell milk and calves for profit. The program was highly popular among politicians.[102]
The rebranding of Thaksin Shinawatra's "SML" village development scheme as the "sufficiency village development scheme." Villagers wishing to draw down funds under the scheme were now required to draft projects based on the King's self-sufficient economy principles. The self-sufficiency scheme was given a budget of 10 billion baht.[103]
The cancellation of the Assets Capitalisation Bureau, the administrator of the Thaksin-government's asset capitalization program. The program allowed people owning assets not accepted by banks as collateral (e.g., machinery, intellectual property rights, or land rental rights) to capitalize those assets and get loans. According to the government, the abolition of the Assets Capitalisation Bureau was based on its policy not to encourage people to go into debt. Critics claimed the program was cancelled due to its association with the deposed premier.[104]
In order to punish Thaksin Shinawatra for his sale of Shin Corp to a Singaporean company, Surayud altered regulations concerning foreign ownership of companies.[105] This impacted the legality of thousands of local subsidiaries of foreign companies operating in Thailand.[106] However, Finance Minister Pridiyathorn noted that, "If they (foreign investors) had seen the details (of the foreign investment law), I am sure that they would be happy."[107][108] Brokers and analysts criticized the move as a political intervention that hurt the economy.[109] The governments of the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Japan, and European Union protested the move.[110]
Reversing the Thaksin government's "dual track" economic policy and relying too heavily on exports. Deputy Prime Minister Kosit Panpiemras admitted that the Surayud government was not doing enough to stimulate domestic consumption to drive economic growth.[111]
The approval of debt-relief measures for farmers. This prompted Northeastern farmer leaders from cancelling a planned protests in Bangkok.[112]
Surayud appointed Thaksin-government Finance Minister Somkid Jatusripitak to head of a government committee charged with promoting King Bhumibol's self-sufficient economy policy to a foreign audience. The appointment provoked great controversy, as critics claimed that the populist economics czar had no role promoting a key principle of the Surayud-government's economic policy.[113][114] Somkid appointment was supported by General Saprang Kalyanamitr, a powerful member of the junta, and Sondhi Limthongkul of the People's Alliance for Democracy, a long-time colleague of Somkid's. Somkid later decided to resign from the committee, which was then dissolved. Somkid's long-time rival, Finance Minister Pridiyathorn Devakula, denied any role in Somkid's resignation.[115]
The junta, blaming the Thaksin government's lending to the grassroots sector for creating off-balance sheet government debts, cut off rural lending. However, it soon faced an economic slowdown, and decided to increase rural lending in order to revive the economy.[116]
Surayud's Cabinet approved a draft bill that would ban the privatization of several state enterprises, including the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), the Metropolitan Water Works Authority (MWWA), the Thailand Tobacco Monopoly, and the Government Lottery Office.[117]
After the coup, Surayud announced that all free trade agreement negotiation and drafting be immediately stopped. However, in February 2007, it gave the go-ahead for the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement (JTEPA). The policy U-turn was criticized by many, including Saneh Chamarik of the National Human Rights Commission, Kraisak Choonhavan, Greenpeace Southeast Asia, FTA Watch.[118] The Surayud government was charged with policy corruption.[119] The JTEPA was finally signed on April 3, 2007 in Tokyo, Japan.[120][121] Protests against the FTA were held at the Japanese embassy in Bangkok.[122]
Surayud declared that all mobile phone contracts with the government were illegal. The concessions would be renegotiated within a few months, before the military junta was scheduled to hold elections.[123]
Surayud approved a draft retail business law which gave the Interior Ministry power to curb the expansion of large retailers through its city planning and building codes. The move is part of a set of measures proposed by the Commerce Ministry to halt the rapid expansion of giant retailers, which interest groups blamed for causing the demise of thousands of "mom and pop" stores. However, the president of Thai Retailers Association said that the new retail law would "damage the sentiment and confidence" in the Thai economy, which could cause a domino effect on employment, manufacturing and public spending. "The Cabinet has stepped back to allow 'old traders' in many areas to continue to monopolise the market instead of creating more choices for the consumer," he said.[124]
Surayud's economic policies failed to stem a slowdown of the economy. In the last quarter of 2006, the economy expanded 3.9%, a drop from the 4.7% recorded before the coup. Applications to build new factories and other facilities dropped 24% in 2006.[125] In February 2007, Thai consumer confidence fell to the lowest point in 5 years.[126] Consumer confidence continued its decline in March.[127] Private sector non-bank foreign debt rose for the first time in 6 years.[128] Thailand's competitiveness dropped to among the worst in the Asia-Pacific region, according to the Switzerland-based Institute for Management Development.[129]
[edit] Suvarnabhumi Airport
Surayud ordered the reopening Don Muang Airport for domestic and international flights. This decision came after allegations that the newly opened Suvarnabhumi Airport alone was incapable of handling future traffic volume and that the airport was unsafe. The decision met with strong opposition from Airports of Thailand, the Civil Aviation Department, the Board of Airline Representatives in Thailand (BAR), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the Thai Airways International labor union, and many domestic and international airlines, including Thai Airways and the Star Alliance.[130][131][132] 60 airlines threatened to halt flights to Thailand if they were forced to move back to Don Muang airport.[133][134]
A two-week investigation led by Tortrakul Yomnak, a chief engineer for Airports of Thailand and prominent supporter of the anti-Thaksin movement, found that the runway was safe, and that cracks could be repaired in as little as a few hours.[135] At the beginning of the investigation, Tortrakul had warned that the airport might need to be closed for three years.[136] However, Admiral Bannawit Keng-rien, chairman of the National Legislative Assembly's airport committee, urged Surayud to close down Suvarnabhumi. Surayud's decision to reopen Don Muang was based on his personal advisors, without waiting for the Ministry of Transport or Airports of Thailand to finish their studies.[137]
A completed study by the AoT showed that the cost of fixing 60 identified problems at the airport would be less than 1% of the total airline cost and the problems could be fixed in up to four to five years. Dr. Narupol Chaiyut, a member of a committee overseeing service problems at the new airport, estimated that 70% of the problems would be fixed within 2007.[138]
Surayud and AoT Chairman General Saprang Kalayanamitr refused to authorize urgent repairs on the airport tarmac, despite warnings from engineers. Karun Chandrarangsu, president of the Engineering Institute of Thailand (and a close relative to Srisuk Chandrarangsu, who was a former AOT board member, which was implicated in several corruption allegations, such as CTX and King Power scandals, and now being investigated[citation needed]) noted, "Suvarnabhumi is like a patient in a coma who continues to suffer from severe bleeding. Stopping the blood flow now is more urgent and important than debating what caused the injury."[139] The Engineering Institute of Thailand sent a formal warning to AoT in November 2006 about the urgent need to drain water from beneath the tarmac, and that immediate action should be taken. "The AOT did nothing about the problem," Suebsak Promboon of the EIT noted. "The situation might not have become this bad if the water had been drained then." Suebsak Promboon, a senior foundation engineer and a member of the Tortrakul Yomnak-led airport tarmac inspection panel, accused the AOT of refusing to take any actions to solve the problems at the airport.[140]
[edit] Human rights
Censorship of broadcast television. Troops were dispatched to all television stations on the night of the coup and remain there as of late December 2006. An interview with the late Nuamthong Phaiwan broadcast by television channel iTV came to an abrupt end after the Director of Army-owned Royal Thai Army Radio and Television called the station to warn them against the broadcast. Additional troops were dispatched to "keep order" at the station.[141] Broadcast media were to stop airing news about former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his associates.[142] Military control over broadcast television was tighter than at any time in the past 15 years.[143]
Censorship of community radio. Thousands of community radio stations were shut down after the coup. Community radio operators were only allowed to rebroadcast if they reported in the "spirit of national unity." The junta retained the authority to shut down any station at any time.[144]
Massive censorship of the internet. Pre-coup, the government blocked 2,475 websites, while as of January 2007, the government blocked 13,435 websites - an increase of a shade under 443%.[145] In addition, the popular Midnight University web board was shut down for what the government claimed were posts offensive to the monarchy.[146] Numerous anti-coup, anti-junta, and pro-Thaksin websites were blocked.[147]
Strict execution of the CNS's ban against all political activities.[148]
The establishment of a 14,000-strong special operations force with a mandate to control anti-junta protests. The 556 million baht fund allocation came from a request by the Council for National Security. The rapid deployment force began operations on 1 December 2006. Surayud refused to explain why his Cabinet approved funding of the force after it had already started, which was contrary to PM's Office directives. Government spokesman Yongyuth Mayalarp promised that the force would be dissolved in 30 September 2007, along with the CNS. The funds would be diverted from the Defense Ministry and Police Office, but if those two agencies lacked funding, they would be diverted from the government's reserve fund for emergency situations. Yongyuth revealed that no Cabinet members questioned the use of the fund. General Saprang Kallayanamit, assistant Secretary-General of the CNS, was appointed Commander of the force.[149][150]
Arresting and impeding anti-coup/anti-junta protestors. Several arrests occurred in the immediate aftermath of the coup. In 15 March 2007, five political activists were arrested in Sanam Luang and their stage demolished.[151] The government also violently cracked down on protestors at the house of Prem Tinsulanonda, and arrested several protestors, including an interim National Human Rights Commissioner and former chief justice of the Criminal Court.[152][153] Afterwards, Surayud, along with his entire Cabinet, went to Prem's house to apologize to him for "apologise for failing to take good care of him." Surayud accused the protestors of trying to "bring down the highest institution of the country."[154]
Surayud defended the detention of Chiang Mai protestor Sombat Boonngarm-anong (head of the Midnight University) after he criticized the junta and the Surayud government in public. Sombat was not allowed to make any phone calls during his detention and was only allowed to receive a phone call from former Chiang Rai Senator Tuanjai Deethet. He also said the military did not allow him to drink anything during his detention. Sombat claimed that the director of Phitsanulok Military Intelligence told him he had committed a crime against the state by disseminating one-sided information to the public and was liable for the death penalty under Article 116 of the Criminal Code.[155]
Censorship and manipulation of the media. The government cancelled the most popular program on state-owned broadcaster's MCOT's Modernine TV, Khui Khui Khao. The anti-Thaksin movement claimed the program's host, prominent political commentator Sorrayuth Suthassanachinda, was a supporter of the overthrown premier.[156][157] A daily slot was given for anti-Thaksin crusader Sondhi Limthongkul's "Yam Fao Paen Din", a show that media reformers called a junta "propaganda tool." Lese majeste charges against Sondhi filed prior to the coup were dropped, admittedly for no legal reason.[158][159] Seri Wongmontha and Boonyod Sukthintai, both prominent members of the anti-Thaksin People's Alliance for Democracy, were given program slots.[160]
Censoring nationalized television station TITV. TITV was ordered not to produce any news reports that ran counter to government policies. Government officials attended all news briefing to make sure no news content conflicted with the junta's interests.[161]
Forbidding motorcycle taxi drivers in Bangkok and adjacent provinces from participating in anti-coup/anti-junta rallies.[162] Thousands of members of the Assembly of the Poor (AOP) were also prevented by military and government officials from boarding buses from their home provinces to stage demonstrations in Bangkok. Authorities cited the lack of paper permit required under martial law (still in effect in more than 30 provinces at the time of the planned protests).[163]
Surayud's ICT Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom claimed that criticising the president of the Privy Council was a threat to national security, justifying the shutdown of any websites containing critical material.[164]
The Surayud government pushed through a cyber crime law that criminalized any attempt to get around government internet censors to access any of the tens of thousands of sites censored for supposedly moral or political purposes. The law also made it a serious crime for service providers to withhold IP addresses from government requets.[165]
The approval of a law that would imprison anyone found guilty of forwarding a pornographic e-mail for up to three years.[166]
The shutdown of a radio station that broadcast a call-in from deposed Premier Thaksin. Thaksin made what was his first post-coup statement on Thai broadcast media on 16 May 2007 when he called in to Bangkok's 87.75FM and 92.75FM community radio stations. The next day, officials from the junta, the government's Public Relations Department (PRD), and the Internal Security Operations Command inspected the community radio station. The station then went off the air.[167]
The arrest of anti-junta White Dove 2000 protestors in Chiang Mai in May 2007. The protestors claimed that they had sought permission from the Deputy Governor and the Third Army Region Commander to use the demonstration site. Military officials claimed that the protestors had documents and CDs with content that was deemed likely to instigate political conflict.[168]
The establishment of a 700,000 strong network of junta supporters to prevent anti-junta demonstrators from allegedly inciting violence. "The idea is to take out as many as possible prospective demonstrators. In a public rally with less than 50,000 participants, there will be no problem," said the head of the ISOC.[169]
The repeal of junta restrictions against organizing protests on 9 November 2006. However, martial law has been lifted in most of the country.[170]
Censorship of Somtow Sucharitkul's opera Ayodhya. It was thought that the on-stage death of the demon-king, Thotsakan, would constitute a bad omen. Somtow, a harsh critic of the deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, criticized the move but agreed to modify the scene.[171][172]
January 15, 2007: The military government has censored the interview of Thaksin Shinawatra on CNN in Thailand.[173]
[edit] Other
The granting of unprecedented salaries for the leaders of the military junta.[174][175]
Expanding Bangkok's mass transit rail network by 5 new routes, using the same amount as budgeted by the deposed Thaksin government.[176]
On Friday 18 May 2007, Surayud claimed that if the country were politically peaceful, generations elections under a new constitution could be held earlier than 16 or 23 December. On Saturday 19 May 2007, he claimed he had misspoken, and said it would be impossible to hold general elections before mid-December. He noted that he had just realized that earlier elections would conflict with preparations for King Bhumibol's 80th birthday celebrations in 5 December.[177]
Submitting draft legislation that would force children from age one to apply for and carry identification cards to the legislature. Failure to apply for the card would carry a 500 baht fine while not producing the card to officials would be punishable by a 200 baht fine.[178]
[edit] Thaksin Shinawatra
Surayud warned deposed Premier Thaksin Shinawatra several times against returning to Thailand, calling his return "a threat".[179] During a November 2006 trip to China for the ASEAN-China Summit, Surayud refused to meet Thaksin, who was also in China at the time.[180] Surayud later denied Thaksin the opportunity to return to Thailand to contest in eventual elections, and said that the appropriate time for him to return would be "after a year," when a newly elected government was already in place.[181]
Thaksin's diplomatic passport was revoked by the Foreign Ministry on 31 December 2006 after the government claimed he had engaged in political activities while in exile. Thai embassies were ordered not to facilitate his travels. Traditionally, all former prime ministers and foreign ministers of Thailand were permitted to hold on to their diplomatic passports for life.[182]
Thaksin later publicly announced that he was quitting politics. Surayud's Defense Minister later announced that the junta would refuse Thaksin's reconciliation offer, claiming that Thailand was being threatened by "ill-intentioned people" and capitalism.[183]
Surayud's government completely purged all senior military officers perceived as loyal to the Thaksin government, replacing them with officers trusted by the new regime.[184]
In April 2007, during an interview where reporters asked Surayud what he would say to Thaksin if he could meet him in person, Surayud responded, "I would say please don't ever come back."[185]
[edit] Council for National Security
The Surayud government allowed the Council for National Security to interfere with many government responsibilities, including the transfer of civil servants. The CNS was allowed to control a nation-wide reshuffle of the civil service in April 2007 in order to weed out officials "clinging" to the deposed "Thaksin-regime".[186]
Surayud also authorized the removal of police chief Kowit Wattana from his position in early February 2007. Kowit had also been police chief under the ousted government of Thaksin Shinawatra.
In March, junta leader Sonthi asked Surayud to declare emergency rule in Bangkok in response to the protests by the founders of People's Television. In an interview, Sonthi noted that the protests, attended by approximately 1,500-3,000 people, had so far been peaceful but that he was afraid the movement could lead to "mutiny and chaos in the country."[187] CNS Spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd asked, "What will we do if the numbers of protesters go beyond 100,000? It will greatly damage the country's image." Emergency powers allowed the government to ban public gatherings, impose curfews and censor local news reports.[188]
On 3 April 2007, Surayud approved a 15% pay rise (on top of an earlier 15% pay rise) for members of the CNS, as a "special reward" for their "honesty, tolerance and dedication on weekdays and weekends."[189]
Despite this, relations between Surayud and the CNS deteriorated. Rumours swirled in mid-April 2007 that the CNS would overthrow the government. However, in a meeting with the CNS President, Surayud declared, "Don't ever think of launching another coup. If you utter only one word, then I am ready to resign."[190]
[edit] Criticism
Besides being heavily criticized for gaining power through the 2006 coup and his subsequent actions as Premier, Surayud has been accused of forest encroachment and corruption.
[edit] Forest encroachment
Surayud was accused of breaching the Forestry Act and the National Forest Reserves Act by illegally owning forest reserve land in Yaithiang Mountain of Nakhon Ratchasima province. When Surayud was Commander of the 2nd Army Region, he was sold the plot of land for 50,000 baht, although the land had a market value of 700,000 baht. He later transferred ownership of the plot to his wife as a gift. Surayud vowed to resign and return the land (which he did not deny owning) if found guilty.[19] He was defended by Interior Minister Aree Wongarya, who claimed, "Gen Surayud purchased the land from someone else so the question has to be posed to the first owner whether the land is reserved."
National Human Rights Commissioner Jaran Ditthapichai noted, "I cannot agree to have someone call himself a man of morality and sufficiency if he built a fancy house in a forest reserve."[191]
However, the National Counter Corruption Commission (NCCC) refused to investigate the land encroachment charges, claiming that the statute of limitations on the case had run out. NCCC member Klanarong Chantik noted that Surayud retired from military service in 2003 whereas the charges were made 4 years after his retirement, and that the NCCC could not legally investigate an officer for alleged wrongdoing beyond two years after retirement.[192]
In February 2010 after demonstrations by the "Red Shirts" at Khao Yaithiang Mountain, Surayud finally had to return the land to the Royal Forestry Department when it was found that the land is actually and clearly located within forest reserve land [1]. The plot of land is now under the care of the Royal Forestry Department after Surayud moved out. However, up until now no legal action has been taken by Thai authorities against Surayud, and he has not yet resigned from his post as Privy Councillor. The reason given for the authorities' option not to press any charge is that Surayud "had no ill intention".
[edit] Corruption
Surayud, an avid collector of model trains, was accused of illegally acquiring four train compartments for his resort home in Kho Yaithiang mountain, Nakhon Ratchasima. Surayud claimed that he had more than 4 compartments, but they were all in Bangkok and were acquired legally.[193]
However, Thai-language newspaper Khaosod published a photo on the front page of its 26 December 2006 edition which showed a building resembling a railway carriage near Surayud's resort home. The National Counter Corruption Committee was petitioned to scrutinise the land at Surayud's retreat residence, but refused to take action (see above). However, Surayud was forced to move out from his resort home and return the land to the Royal Forestry Department in February 2010. [2]
While Surayud was frequently accused of corruption, many in the business community believed otherwise. A poll conducted in January 2007 found that 66% of business people thought that local corruption would increase, with only 10.5% thinking that it would decrease. However, only about 14% believed that leading figures in Surayud's administration were corrupt.[194]
[edit] Royal decorations
Surayud has received the following royal decorations in the Honours System of Thailand:
1974 - Freemen Safeguarding Medal (First Class)
1990 - Rama Medal of the Honourable Order of Rama
1992 - Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of The Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
1995 - Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant
1996 - Grand Companion (Third Class, higher grade) of the Most Illustrious Order of Chula Chom Klao
[edit] References
^ Transparency International, 2007 Corruption Perceptions Index
^ The Nation, Convicted deputy finance minister resigns, 13 December 2007
^ The Nation, Defamation law decried, 16 October 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Thailand's economic growth lowest in region, World Bank says
^ Xinhua, World Bank urges Thailand to enhance economy, 15 November 2007
^ (Chinese) 泰總理提人民幸福新標準 .劉振廷; 政治
^ The Nation, Comrades-In-Arms: Their war gone by, 12 January 2006
^ a b c d e Time Magazine, Surayud Chulanont: A soldier who answered to the people, 28 April 2003
^ (Thai) Matichon Weekly, "จาก 'ปู่พโยม' ถึง 'พ่ิอสุรยุทธ์' 'จุลานนท์' ในสายตา 'ร.อ.นนทร์' 'นายกฯสุรยุทธ์' และการปฏิวัติ ในสายตาลูกทหาร" ("From 'Grandfather Phayom' to 'Father Surayud', 'Chulanont' in the Eyes of 'Captain Non', 'Premier Surayud' and Rebellion in the Eyes of the Son of a Solder"), 15–21 December 2006
^ (Thai) Surayud Chulanont's official resume from the Royal Thai Army website
^ a b IHT, Thai junta shores up role in politics, 1 October 2006
^ The Nation, Editorial & Opinion: Surayuth guns for reforms, 18 February 1999
^ a b Asia Times, Unplugging Thailand, Myanmar energy deals, 14 November 2006
^ The Statesman, Sonthi: The man who made it happen, 20 September 2006
^ The Nation, Warning from Surayud: Thaksin's return 'a threat', 28 September 2006
^ The Nation, Media criticised over 'unhelpful news', 4 July 2005
^ DPA, New Prime Minister a respected former army commander, 1 October 2006
^ The Bangkok Post, New Highway Planned to Let Herds Mingle, 26 April 2004
^ a b The Nation, Activists call on Surayud to resign for alleged forest encroachment, 29 December 2006
^ The Nation, Sonthi to be granted an audience to nominate interim PM at 4 pm, 1 October 2006
^ The Nation, Sonthi: Surayud to be PM, 1 October 2006
^ The Bangkok Post, Surayud's military past posed worry, 2 October 2006
^ CNN, Former Thai army chief sworn in as interim PM, 1 October 2006
^ Bangkok Post, PM's wife elevated to 'thanpuying', 6 May 2007
^ The Nation, Thai public support for post-coup government falls: poll, 14 November 2006
^ "Embattled TRT Still Holds Edge Over Opposition: Poll". The Nation (Nation Multimedia Group). 2006-07-31. Retrieved 2006-09-20.
^ Bangkok Post, Poll: Public skeptical of govt claims, 5 January 2007
^ Poll: Thais lose trust in govt, CNS, 22 February 2007
^ The Nation, Surayud's popularity further drops, 25 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Protests did not enjoy wide support in Bangkok, 26 March 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Cobra Gold war games get green light, 19 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Surayud courts feng shui fortunes, 20 April 2007
^ The Nation, Activists plead for Sonthi to remove PM, 9 May 2007
^ The Nation, Gen Sonthi 'tricked' into meeting anti-PM group, 10 May 2007
^ The Nation, Surayud goes for talk-show format, 12 May 2007
^ The Nation, Voters want election as govt support drops, 25 June 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Thai government's popularity declines, 8 July 2007
^ The Nation, Poll should precede new charter: law experts, 2 October 2006
^ The Bangkok Post, Draft charter loopholes can 'resurrect Thaksin regime', 28 September 2006
^ The Nation, Drafting new charter 'may take 17 mths', 18 October 2006
^ The Economist, Not a Vote for the Generals, 23 Aug 2007
^ Associated Press, THAI KING TO SWEAR-IN CABINET, 9 October 2006
^ The Australian, Thailand's post-coup cabinet unveiled, 9 October 2006
^ The Nation, Concern over stability of govt, 1 March 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Pridiyathorn resigns as deputy prime minister and finance minister, 28 February 2007
^ IHT, Thai minister resigns amid cabinet disarray, 28 February 2007
^ The Nation, Pridiyathorn resigns as deputy PM, finance minister, 28 February 2007
^ The Nation, Chalongphob a pro-market academic for a reeling economy, 9 March 2007
^ The Nation, Call for end to policy corruption, 16 October 2006
^ The Nation, Sweeping changes in state telecom boards, 28 October 2006
^ The Nation, Telecom excise tax revoked, 24 January 2007
^ The Nation, MCOT plunges on policy reversal, 4 November 2006
^ The Nation, 'Sorry' sight as govt bungles again, 7 March 2007
^ "iTV's last hope hinges on court decision". The Nation (Thailand). 2007-03-07. Retrieved 2007-03-07.
^ "Government pulls plug on Thailand's only private television station". MCOT. 2007-03-07. Retrieved 2007-03-07.
^ "Gov't orders iTV off air". Bangkok Post LXI (66): pp. Section 1, Page 1. 2007-03-07 (print edition)
^ "Thailand Independent Television". Public Relations Department (Thailand). 2007-03-08. Retrieved 2007-03-09. [dead link]
^ a b The Nation, Bt30 health fee may be scrapped, 14 October 2006
^ The Nation, No 'coyote dances' for Loy Krathong: Culture Ministry, 3 November 2006
^ Matichon, 6 March 2007, page 11
^ Thai Government Public Relations Department News Headline, Culture Ministry campaigns for Thai people to wear Thai dresses once a week, 4 April 2007
^ The Nation, University must punish Pemmika says Culture Minister, 15 March 2007
^ The Nation, NHSO backs plan to ditch Bt30 fee, 31 October 2006
^ The Nation, Alarm overB3.8bn slash to healthcare, 20 December 2006
^ The Nation, Road accident fund to be shifted to universal health care fund, 22 March 2007
^ Scientific American, Thailand stuns drug firms with generic licenses, 25 January 2007
^ Motley Fool, You're Only Hurting Yourself, Thailand, 31 January 2007
^ Scientific American, Angered U.S. firm excludes Thailand from new drugs, 14 March 2007
^ CIDRAP News, Thailand joins Indonesia in withholding H5N1 strains, 22 March 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Govt backs Jakarta in bird flu row, 21 March 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Editorial: Bird flu distracts from real killers, 17 March 2007
^ IHT, Report: Thailand's status as pioneer in war on HIV imperiled by attitude toward drug users, 29 November 2007
^ The Nation, Energy minister says abolition of octane-95 oil sale to be indefinitely delayed, 20 October 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Ministry to cancel Egat's 50% promise, 9 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Egat will not be invited to IPP bids, 16 December 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Egat to build $6bn nuclear plant, 12 June 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Coal and nuclear PR could start in schools, 22 March 2007
^ Junta at risk of a backlash over lucrative benefits, 5 April 2007
^ a b Bangkok Post, New budget unveiled
^ The Nation, Military spending to soar a further 24%, 28 June 2007
^ The Nation, 'Under-strength' military expecting funds, 2 November 2006
^ Australia Defence Intelligence Organisation, Defense Economic Trends in Asia-Pacific 2004
^ Bangkok Post, Military puts in B18bn request, 28 June 2007
^ The Nation, Warrants soon in Somchai 'murder' case, 4 November 2006
^ IHT, Southern Thai towns increasingly rely on militias, 19 March 2007
^ The Nation, Tam Yam Kung networks in Malaysia finance insurgents: PM, 21 November 2006
^ The Nation, Not all Tom Yam Kung restaurants fund insurgency: Interior, 22 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Cabinet backs B84.3m in Isoc 'rewards' , 23 July 2007
^ The Nation, Court blocks Kowit move, 21 June 2007
^ AFP, Thailand's FM denies plan for Malaysia to mediate with insurgents, 14 February 2007
^ a b Bangkok Post, Education Ministry axes 3 schemes, 28 November 2006
^ Wikipedia, One Laptop Per Child#Good use of money, OLPD Criticism
^ The Nation, Famous schools ordered to take in half of new students from neighbourhood, 14 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Scholarship scheme to continue, 5 January 2007
^ The Nation, No promise of free basic education in charter: Education Ministry, 1 March 2007
^ The Nation, Massive loss from Thaksin projects, 16 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Deficit to continue into fiscal 2008, 17 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Govt takes flak for its '08 budget, 5 July 2007
^ Bloomberg, Thailand's Rules Retreat Won't Halt Investor Backlash, 20 December 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Exim Bank raps central bank policy, 28 March 2007
^ The Nation, Pridiyathorn explains sufficiency economy concept to investors, 10 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Ministry scraps one-million-cows project, 29 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Cabinet replaces Thaksin's SML policy, 13 February 2007
^ The Nation, Small business backs scheme, 12 February 2007
^ Times Online, [Thai anxiety], 21 January 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Foreign businesses await law change, 7 January 2007
^ The Nation, Thailand to limit foreign stake in firms to 50 per cent, 9 January 2007
^ Bloomberg, Thailand Tightens Overseas Investment Rules, Caps, 9 January 2007
^ Asia Sentinel, Thailand Moves Against Foreign Firms, 10 January 2007
^ The Nation, Reconsider amendment, envoys urge, 10 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Kosit says domestic consumption overlooked, 30 April 2007
^ The Nation, Cabinet approves debt-relief measures for farmers, 17 January 2007
^ The Nation, More flak over role for Somkid, 18 February 2007
^ The Nation, Banharn criticises Surayud for appointing Somkid as economic envoy, 18 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Pridiyathorn: No need to replace Somkid, 21 February 2007
^ The Nation, Lotteries move lacks understanding, 3 May 2007
^ Bangkok Post, The end of privatisation?, 19 June 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Analysis: Seeking Japan's approval via rushed trade pact, 23 February 2007
^ The Nation, Signing of FTA is like policy corruption, NGOs tell govt, 2 April 2007
^ The Star, Malaysia, Japan, Thailand sign free trade agreement, 4 April 2007
^ The Bangkok Post, Japan FTA will liberalise 90 pct of bilateral trade, 4 April 2007
^ IHT, Japanese cabinet approves free trade pact with Thailand, 3 April 2007
^ Bangkok Post, All mobile phone concessions ruled illegal, 21 May 2007
^ The Nation, Retail law wins backing from Cabinet, 9 May 2007
^ The Japan Times, Thailand's troubles continue, 7 March 2007
^ The Nation, Thai consumer confidence plunges to five-year low, 8 March 2007
^ The Nation, Consumer confidence at lowest level for five years, 13 April 2007
^ The Nation, First rise in foreign debt for six years, 9 April 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Thai competitiveness ranking falls yet again, 10 May 2007
^ The Nation, THAI union opposes shift to Don Muang, 10 February 2007
^ The Nation, Stick to one airport, govt told, 10 February 2007
^ The Nation, Making the best out of airport debacle, 8 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, PM: I'll sort out new airport myself, 16 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Airlines adamant about staying at Suvarnabhumi, 17 February 2007
^ The Nation, Competent pilot wanted, 15 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Suvarnabhumi runway declared safe, 12 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, And then there were two airports, 7 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, B1bn needed to fix terminal problems over four to five years, 16 February 2007
^ The Nation, 'Can we get to work please?', 17 February 2007
^ The Nation, AOT staff stalling urgent repairs: engineer, 23 February 2007
^ The Nation, Taxi driver 'sacrificed himself for democracy', 2 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, CNS to get tough with broadcast media, 10 January 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Virtue never can be bought, 16 April 2007
^ The Nation, Broadcasters may be manipulated, experts warn, 20 December 2006
^ RSF: Thailand - Annual report 2007
^ Bangkok Post, The Role of the Monarchy in Censorship, 28 July 2006
^ The Nation, Pro-Thaksin websites to remain, 2 June 2007
^ The Nation, Politicking:Ban must be 'strictly followed', 3 March 2007
^ The Nation, Secret military division deployed, 27 December 2006
^ Bangkok Post, CNS to have own B500m peace-keeping force, 27 December 2006
^ The Nation, Anti-coup activists arrested at Sanam Luang, 15 March 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Six protesters held, 23 July 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Protests flare as UDD leaders are locked up, 27 July 2007
^ The Nation, PM says sorry to Prem over mob violence, July 2007
^ The Nation, Chiang Mai academics slam junta over activist's arrest, 9 July 2007
^ The Nation, Weera calls for probe into MCOT and TV host, 21 November 2006
^ The Nation, Exit of popular shows to hurt MCOT, 9 December 2006
^ The Nation, Junta accused of exploiting news media, 19 February 2007
^ The Nation, Charge against Sonthi dropped, 19 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Goings on at Channel 9, 8 March 2007
^ The Nation, 'Govt gag' provokes workers at TITV, 23 June 2007
^ Bangkok Post, City police chief bans motorcycle taxi drivers from anti-CNS rally, 23 June 2007
^ The Nation, Some 1,000 villagers prevented from catching buses to Bangkok
^ The Nation, Sitthichai gets no kick from the Net, 15 April 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Thailand gets new cyber crime law, 10 May 2007
^ Bangkok Post, 3 Years in Jail for a Porn Email, 16 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, After Thaksin calls, officials drop by, May 2007
^ The Nation, White Dove members held ahead of Chiang Mai rally, 19 May 2007
^ The Nation, Govt in move to head off violence, 21 May 2007
^ The Nation, NLA revokes ban on demonstrations, 12 November 2006
^ International Herald Tribune, Governed by Omens, 18 November 2006
^ The Nation, Why artistic freedom matters, 17 November 2006
^ Thai generals pull plug on Thaksin CNN interview « FACT - Freedom Against Censorship Thailand
^ The Nation, Junta gets fat-cat allowances, 8 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, Minister testy over 'coup rewards' crack, 8 November 2006
^ The Nation, Govt set to unveil 5 rapid rail lines, 6 November 2006
^ Bangkok Post, PM reverses; polls will not be early, 19 May 2007
^ The Nation, ID plan for one-year-olds, 25 June 2007
^ The Nation, Thaksin's return 'a threat', 28 September 2006
^ The Nation, Deposed PM's in China to meet Surayud: Gen Sonthi, 2 November 2006
^ The Nation, PM quashes Thaksin return, 13 November 2006
^ The Nation, FM cancel ousted premier and wife's diplomatic passports, 10 January 2007
^ Bangkok Post, General scorns Thaksin reconciliation, 3 February 2007
^ Bangkok Post, Sonthi loyalists put in key military positions, 22 March 2007
^ The Nation, I want to tell Thaksin "don't ever come back," : PM, 26 April 2007
^ The Nation, Non-cooperative civil servants face axe by CNS, 9 January 2007
^ The Nation, Thai junta chief calls for emergency rule in Bangkok, 28 March 2007
^ IHT, Thai coup leaders urge government to impose emergency rule, 28 March 2007
^ The Nation, Junta at risk of a backlash over lucrative benefits, 5 April 2007
^ The Nation, Surayud survives barrage and hangs onto job by a thread, 13 April 2007
^ The Nation, Thumbs down for the next charter, 15 January 2007
^ The Nation, NCCC rules against probe into Surayud's land, 22 June 2007
^ The Nation, Surayud denies train carriages allegation, 28 December 2006
^ The Nation, Business leaders see corruption increasing, 29 January 2007
[edit] External links
(English) News articles related to Thai Coup 2006
Catatan (Atom)

Walaupun saya sebagai rakyat malaysia yang berketurunan siam malaysia,saya tetap bangga saya adalah thai malaysia.Pada setiap tahun saya akan sambut perayaan di thailand iaitu hari kebesaraan raja thai serta saya memasang bendera kebangsaan gajah putih.