Selasa, 27 Julai 2010


King Athittayawong (full Thai title: สมเด็จพระอาทิตยวงศ์; RTGS: Somdet Phra Athittayawong) (born 1618) was the 23rd monarch of Ayuthia (or 24th if including Khun Worawongsathirat) who reigned for a period of 38 days in the year 1629. He was the second son of King Droṇdharm and the younger brother of King Chetthathirat and so was of the House of Sukhothai. When the previous ruler King Chetthathirat died, Minister for Defence Suriyawong (สุริยวงศ์) installed Athittayawong on the throne despite his being only ten years of age, with Suriyawong seeing to the king's affairs in his stead. However in less than a month court nobles and officials found the king too young to oversee the affairs of state and removed him from the throne, thereby declaring Suriyawong take his place as reigning monarch as King Prasat Thong.

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Walaupun saya sebagai rakyat malaysia yang berketurunan siam malaysia,saya tetap bangga saya adalah thai malaysia.Pada setiap tahun saya akan sambut perayaan di thailand iaitu hari kebesaraan raja thai serta saya memasang bendera kebangsaan gajah putih.
